Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 298: Iberian battle (7)

The ancient civilization of mankind has always been in awe of black. Because of this, brainwashing based on conjectures and religions of different cultures in different regions, the monsters and ghosts that did not exist in this world were born from the mind and spread to other people through language and text. In human consciousness.

The use of fire by humans not only made them eat cooked food, but also grasped the power to expel darkness for the first time. With the development of civilization, human conquest of the dark realm expanded step by step, hiding in the shelter from nightfall From the sleep to the prosperity of nightlife, to the modern society, the terrible night has been weakened a lot, but the fear that flows in human blood and genes still exists, and those ridiculous legends still exist, which supports the common sense of the great enchantment. It became stable and provided a lot of material for the appearance of monsters.

The arrival of Fantasy Township, except for a small number of creatures from Fantasy Township, in the end, humans are actually fighting against their own fantasy. In this fantasy, the monster will naturally become stronger in the night, and the moon in the sky will become. The source of monster power.

   Tonight's moon is particularly round, hanging in the endless starry sky, like a route to another world, but out of reach, high above.

Admiral Haus still adhered to his tactical intentions. The black dragons formed by tens of thousands of armored forces spread on the road to Madrid. The bad roads and underground monster creatures attacked from time to time, making their actions not smooth. But even so, this human expeditionary force is still marching tenaciously.

The air force carried out a second wave of attacks after the supply was completed, but this time their size was much smaller, on the one hand, in order to cooperate with the remaining troops to guard Zaragoza and ensure the safety of the retreat, on the one hand, they also existed as a reserve team , To ensure that the frontline always has air force firepower support.

The attacking air force patrols around the human army to ensure that once an anomaly occurs within a hundred miles, but the first time to convey the information and carry out preemptive attacks, but a special spaceship did not participate in the patrol, but it does not matter Keep moving at the same speed as the Army.

This spaceship is naturally a possible spaceship after Xiaomeiyan's transformation. On this spaceship, she is not alone. The central area of ​​the spaceship is an enclosed space with a huge cultivation tank in which can flow all the demon power. Special liquids that can't be activated, there are all kinds of monsters in this cultivation tank, and they have inserted different tubes with different functions, maintaining a half-dream state.

Standing in front of this training tank is a purple-haired girl with glasses. Although she is also a magical envoy, she is also a scientist who is keen on scientific research. Xiao Meiyan came to this world for the first time. The aborigines of the fantasy township they visited were not Fengcong ear gods or Bollyman's dreams, but the young girl in white overalls wrapped in ribbons in her hair.

  Through the communication device, Xiao Meiyan's voice passed to her ears: "Rikako, are the monsters stable?"

   "Everything is normal, but Senior Yuming, can't we really let Wen Wen attack this time, I'm looking forward to her performance." Asakura Rikako said earnestly.

   "Her information collection device has not been debugged. If you can do the debugging work before the battle starts, let her attack, but don't expect too much, don't forget that she is also a monster."

Asakura Rikako nodded quickly, threw the record book in his hand on the table next to it, and trot to the ball-shaped mechanical equipment behind the giant cultivation tank. In front of her was the restless shooting fate, Xiao Meiyan and She didn't faint her like other captives.

After seeing the excitement on Asakura Rikako's face, Sheming Maru went up with goose bumps and shook his head in panic: "Hey, I heard all the conversations you just made. I am a reporter, not a soldier. You can’t let me go to war, which is different from what you say!"

   "Wen Wen is good, otherwise I will have to inject you with an active agent again." Ryoko Asakura smiled, but what he said made his scalp numb.

For this mania of science and magic that seems to have never left the spaceship in one step, Shemaru Maru has learned this week. The so-called active agent does not know what it is. Anyway, the other party pierces his buttocks. After the injection, you will become like an ADHD patient and you can't stop. Shuming Maru, who didn't want to suffer any more from her ass, closed her mouth decisively, but looked at Ryoko Asakura with a disgruntled look hoping to impress her empathy.

Asakura Rikako really ignored Shemeng’s gimmicks and crouched under her feet to touch her like a gentleman. While debugging the small parts on Shemingmaru’s body, he said, “These things are all mine. It’s hard work, don’t break them when you go out, or else..."

In the cab, Xiao Meiyan sitting on the command chair quickly browsed the data from the monitoring stations all over the world, and soon she determined one thing: "The rays contained in the refracted light of the moon Has the composition changed, is Bayunzi going to shoot?"

   "Notify the command, please prepare for battle!"

This time General House can no longer ignore Xiao Meiyan's opinion. Although he doesn't like this mysterious woman, it is undeniable that Xiao Meiyan's technical strength is far beyond the level of this world, and her information is basically not It may be wrong. If technology is also a religion, it is okay to worship her as a god.

A thick gray metal antenna in an unobtrusive infantry fighting vehicle hidden in the armored army extends out of it, and there are interlocking circles around it. The whole looks like a positive sky The radar is the same, but the ring of new material equipment is flowing with dim electromagnetic light. The energy fluctuation contained in it is not strong, and it is difficult to be noticed by monsters hidden in the army.

Admiral Haus attacked Madrid is fake, deliberately choose the time of the afternoon to launch the attack is also to allow the monsters to have enough time to drag the fighter to the night, when the monsters have a great opportunity, they have a great possibility Launch a large-scale offensive, so that you can just reach the plan of Admiral House, and then use the long-term overclocking shock tank to lay the victory for this battle. Even if Yakumo didn’t accept the move, she had to passively defend despite the army pushing it all the way out of Madrid. Unless she decisively abandoned the Iberian Peninsula and returned to the seaside, no matter how you choose, the human army has reached its strategic intent. The next time It's not so easy for a monster to start a lightning strike.

  With the support of Xiao Meiyan, the feasibility of this strategy has been improved to the greatest extent. Let's see how Yakuchi will choose to deal with it.

Two hours have passed since the sunset, except for the Air Force’s elimination of sporadic monster positions, the human forces only engaged in a battle with the monsters in the ground that they could not see each other during the march. In addition, the monsters all over the Iberian Peninsula disappeared like nothing.

The unknown panic did not affect the judgment of Admiral Haus in Zaragoza. He still firmly believed that his strategic deployment was no problem, and he lacked enough knowledge of the monsters to deal with the special circumstances. Interpol is on.

Finally, with the moonlight becoming bright red, the entire Iberian Peninsula was plunged into a **** and dim environment. The first roar of the monster sounded, and countless monster troops around the human army came out of the cover of night. In all directions, they attacked the army surrounded by humans.

The patrol fighter's enchantment detection system failed, and they failed to find that the monster had touched the alert area, but this did not exceed Xiao Meiyan's expectations, not because of her technical problems, but this time The opponent she faced directly was Ya Yunzi. In the face of the power of that particularly mysterious state, scientific demon power detection methods were not enough to bring advantages to mankind.

   "There is a special ray in the bright red moonlight that stimulates the outburst of demon power. Zao Miao told me who this is. Although you have helped Yue Zhong once, if you are against me, don't expect to forgive."

It should be proved that Xiao Meiyan’s guess is general. The monster’s ambush approached the position of the human army in an instant. A red mist like the fog of war rose to the human armored forces that had adjusted the formation and prepared for the battle. It's no small They are difficult to target and launch attacks.

   Not only that, the appearance of the red mist spread with demon power, directly depriving the air force of the ability to accurately strike, they could not risk bombing and missiles at will.

"The time is ripe, the maximum power output of the overclocking shock tanks!" In the case of Admiral Haus without the offensive, the top commander on the front line quickly issued the order. This was the decisive battle they had been waiting for, even if it appeared in the process. Some strange forces have been added, but this does not affect the performance of human forces.

In order to cooperate with the ambush of the monster army, the bright red moon has become an indissoluble blood bead, dark and deep and mysterious, and the back of the moon ring in the air, a petite voice appeared, she was holding The unscathed sharp gun directly aimed at the overclocking tank in the armored army and issued a decisive blow: "Gangnier, shoot the vehicle."

The moonlight gives the monster a powerful power. The moonlight that became bright red under the influence of the Missy has increased the upper limit of the increase. It makes the monster more powerful and crazy at the same time, facing the fire with fearless life and death Launch a deadly attack with the extremely painful overclocking sound waves.

"The moon is located at a perigee, so there is no problem with the timing of the decisive battle at this time, but have you forgotten that Yunyun Zi just sent me a good experiment material some time ago?" Xiao Meiyan opened unhurriedly. The liaison device said to Rikako Asakura: "Start the No.2 demon device."

   The moon type flips into a line, and the power that urges the power of the demon to instantly turn around, and the power from ghosts and evils begins to affect the battlefield.

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