Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 270: Ready for action

Iceland is located at the confluence of the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean, and it is separated from Western Europe and Northern Europe by the endless sea. No matter what method is used in Yue Zhong, it is very likely to be discovered by Yakumo Zi, especially under the eyes of the Great Boundary. The possibility of escape.

Yue Zhong’s cognition of the Great Enchantment is still in the exploratory stage. Naturally, he will not know that the surveillance scope of Yakumo Zi is all over the world, but he remembered that Zao Miao said that Lingmeng is the first expert in the enchantment of the International Criminal Police. Asked about its related content.

"The Great Enchantment is very complicated. I can't understand its essence without contact as the core, and I vaguely feel that it has a subtle rejection of me. Although the impact is not great, it still exists. But there is a little bit of me It can be confirmed that the great enchantment will never be biased towards humans, and even tilt the monster, as if its essence is like this." Lingmeng explained in the car, "The controller of the enchantment usually will enchant the enchantment. The internal situation is well-known. Although the Great Enchantment is a little too big, it is not impossible that it does not exist."

   The headquarters of Interpol is not very far from the airport. After more than 20 minutes of driving, Yue Zhong finally saw what his new organization's headquarters looks like.

The two emblems with black wings and white double ears each have a sculpture placed in front of the main entrance. The 22-storey modern office building covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters. Around this headquarters building is also a parking lot and a helipad. It is said that Underground is a huge refuge, where all weapons and equipment are usually stacked.

  The summits of various countries may discuss the results at any time. Before they can cede Iceland in exchange for benefits, Yue Zhong must capture and control Iceland, in the name of Interpol. If this strategic goal can be achieved and the International Criminal Police Headquarters moved here to confront the underworld of Greenland, human seniors are not stupid, and naturally they will not give up their greatest reliance on the opportunity of longevity. In the end, only the International Criminal Police can defeat Monsters are already common sense that they dreamed of. If they become slaves, their long life will be meaningless. Yue Zhong is to help the Interpol who cooks the raw rice, otherwise he can’t even threaten the world with himself. He can’t drop the table and say that you and the monster compromised all the Interpol and committed suicide.

   Action is more important because in the case where Greenland has no way to retake it, Iceland is the first step in the expansion of the monster. If you let it develop, the monster's momentum will rise.

Huiye seemed to be planning to sell Bell Immortals from the beginning. They didn’t take long before Yue Zhong and the big rabbit appeared at the door with a soft look. She seemed to be still escaping the wanted criminal. NEET Ji Zhen was not afraid of the Interpol’s side Grab it?

   "Mr. Yue Zhong, hello." Ling Xian was startled by Ling Meng's poor eyes, and her ears began to tremble while she greeted Yue Zhong who seemed not so dangerous.

   Yue Zhong extended his hand friendly and grabbed Ling Xian's trembling right hand and shook it twice: "Long time no see, Ling Xian, I heard that you ran away and I am worried that I won't see you again in the future."

   "Oh, Mr. Yue Zhong, you are so humorous, am I not coming?" Ling Xian smiled stiffly.

  Yue Chongzheng said: "It's great that you can surrender yourself, so that you should not be sentenced to death, and you should be able to accept it for up to 20 years in prison."

   "...Master Princess, save your life!"

   Successfully frightened the bell fairy Hou Yuezhong felt a lot easier. Sure enough, there was such a mascot around him to be physically and mentally happy. After that, he and Ling Xian, who had lingering fears, came to the office of the first team of black wings that belonged to Lingmeng. In addition to the field staff who had been cleaning up the mess behind Lingmeng's ass, the first team was mostly stationed at the headquarters and various Liaison and logistics staff of the branch.

   "Introduce, this is your deputy group leader Yue Zhong. In the future, you will execute your orders as my orders, do you understand?" Ling Meng announced coldly with a pretty face to the people in the house.

Yue Zhong looked around. There were about thirty people in the office. Looking at his unfamiliar strangeness and vigilance, he was very kind. It seems that the field staff who had returned before had already promoted themselves. .

   Listening to greetings in various languages ​​that are completely incomprehensible, Yue Zhong quickly pressed his hands to stop this meaningless noise: "Xiaohe, translate what I said."

   "Good head." He Yongping stood up and took a step forward. Yue Zhong always felt that he was like a rooster showing his majesty, as if it had happened after Ling Xian appeared.

"My colleagues, my name is Yue Zhong, maybe this name is a bit sloppy for you, but it is not important. Although it is a bit inappropriate to assign tasks to you as soon as I come, but there is no time for the situation to be wasted." Yue Zhong's He speaks quickly, like deliberately teasing and playing with Yong Ping, but what makes him dumbfounded is that the explosive guard actually translated the words he said originally clearly from the expression of the person sitting , Seems to understand.

"This operation is very dangerous. I will not take you to death for non-combatants, but you have more important work to do." Yue Zhong et al. and Yongping finished, and walked to a huge map of the world in the office There was a finger pointing at the coastline of Norway, "This time the opponent we are facing is very cunning. She will not necessarily be stuck in Iceland waiting for our attack. The entire Atlantic and Arctic Ocean transition area may be deployed to ambush against us. If I were She, when mankind is still convening the summit meeting urgently, when the arms are slack and illusory, it will be an excellent opportunity to attack Norway and the local underground monsters to form a large-scale landing in Eurasia to establish a monster base!"

"As we all know, Norway belongs to the Nordic countries. Nearly half of the land is in the Arctic Circle, and then the warm and humid airflow from the North Atlantic to the southwest and the warm current from the North Atlantic at low latitudes. The local climate is not the kind of ice and snow country. The monsters occupy here and go from the ground to the ground. They will form an excellent defense system and get a good living environment to thrive. Iceland is an island country. The monsters that are expelled are not easy to reach, but this mainland country is easy to reach. If the monsters are brought together, with the help of the rugged mountains and the harsh environment at high altitudes, human's current attack methods will have many failures. If they fall into the situation where infantry and monsters are close to combat, it is undoubtedly a very bad thing for humans. news."

  A beautiful Eastern European police officer with glasses raised her hand and asked: "Deputy leader, if you can gather all the monsters in one area, can you solve the problem once and for all with a nuclear bomb?"

   The people with black wings are really dangerous. Just wipe out a fairly large country in order to eliminate the monsters.

Yue Zhonghong nodded to the beautiful police officer: "This opinion is very good. However, no matter what harm the subsequent impact of the nuclear bomb will cause to the world, there is a problem that cannot be ignored. That is the great enchantment above our heads. Talk about it."

Yakumo’s plan won’t reach the last minute. No one can really guess. However, from its strong occupation of Iceland and disrupting the international situation with longevity, Yue Zhong vaguely felt that it was not so simple. From Lingmeng, I heard that the existence of the underground in Norway is countless. He thought of the Earth Spirit Palace when he was among the monsters. Now, the attitude of Gu Ming Di Jue and Xing Xiong Yong Yi is unknown, but the possibility of cooperating with Ya Yun Zi is not ruled out.

   Lingmeng stayed here for half a year. In a good language environment, he was already able to communicate fluently with his colleagues. Naturally, he did not need to translate with Yongping. On the way, Yue Zhong told her about this guess. I came to my desk and knocked on the globe on the table and said: "Ouya, I am very interested in your proposal, but this is unrealistic. First, regardless of whether the big enchantment that affects the world may be extremely harmful Nuclear bombs can launch energy sniping but they must be able to detect the launch of nuclear bombs. If the monsters hide in the ground and their strong constitution, nuclear radiation may not cause them much, so this can be rejected."

   "Understood the leader!" The policeman named Ou Ya sat down after saluting, and Lingmeng reluctantly returned the salute.

   Yue Zhong took the lead and said: "We have no ability to influence countries to prevent possible invasions, but there is one thing you can do."

Attracting everyone's attention to his own hands, Yue Zhong took out the long axis of history, and some yellow papers fell between the ancient yellow gloss Yue Zhong picked them up one by one Zheng Sedao said: "This is part of my ability. There are a total of 29 pieces of debris. The specific coordinates of the projected coordinate system are recorded above. Each of you takes a copy to the place specified by Norway. If the monster launches an attack there I can cover up and replace the local history with the chaotic Viking era. In this way, everything on the ground will disappear, but you will not, you will be in that chaotic era, living together with monsters and pirates, you Everyone must find a way to live. Once someone dies, the replacement of history will be broken."

"This will be a very dangerous task. I will give 10 million euros to everyone who is willing to participate in this operation. You can choose to use it to set up your family, or you can use it to customize the currency in circulation at that time. , But it’s important to remember that once the action begins, don’t die."

  Ouya's character is very active. After seeing Yue Zhong's words, he eagerly stood up and took a piece of debris from Yue Zhong: "Vice leader, why is it 29?"

   "Well in the countryside, there are 29 popular constellations in the West, so I set up the coordinates for the corresponding constellation. It would be easier for me to replace history with the concept of constellation." Yue Zhong explained.

   "Hmm...I'm Andromeda. Can I use the Nebula Chain with it? I wanted to be a Saint Seiya when I was a kid." Ouya said curiously.

"Now, Norway is the Nordic region, so Greek mythology can't be eaten over there. However, historical fragments will more or less give you some abilities that are suitable for the historical environment according to your nature. This is up to you to experience it yourself. ."

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