Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 257: loyalty

I have seen the leader’s speech on TV before, but the first one-to-one call is indeed the first time. The other party is different from the bigwigs in different worlds. It’s difficult for Yue Zhong to face it with disapproval. On the contrary, Yue Zhong was very uneasy when he heard the other party's voice.

"Good head." Yue Zhong felt that he was a little inferior when he finished this sentence. He quickly added, "There are lunar invaders occupying a frontier position in Penglai City, Shandong Province. So far it is not known what the other party's purpose is, but yes My country is definitely not good-willed."

  After a while of silence on the other end of the phone, he said in a majestic voice: "Are you confident to deal with it?"

   "You can only say your best..." Yue Zhong never asserted anything that he could not be sure about, regardless of his ambiguous attitude, he would naturally not be pleased.

"Comrade Yue Zhong, I have included you in the military status last night. Now you are the commander of the newly established Glow Special Forces in the Imperial Capital Military Command, a rank of colonel. The military command is already selecting members for the emergency. As a soldier, You should speak neatly."

   is really not to be bargained. The commander of the special forces seems to intend to tie me and the country together: "Guarantee the completion of the mission!"

   "Report to the military area immediately after the mission is completed. It is not appropriate for you to hand over the supervision of Lan Xiang Heavy Industries to the International Criminal Police. The country needs you and needs development. I hope you can be loyal to the country and the people."

Yue Zhong had been mentally prepared for this forcible recruitment, but some things must be made clear before this: "Report the head, I will report to you about the monsters in detail later, they are definitely not as simple as they seem now. It will even be a major event that is critical to human life and death, so..."

"So you think human beings are more critical, right. I will listen carefully to your report on monsters by that time. But you must know that these monsters that suddenly appeared all over the world half a year ago have already attracted enough attention from all countries. The restructuring of the criminal police can do the relevant response work without causing panic among the people of the world. I have no intention of restraining you in the country, but before doing things, I should try to get benefits for the country as much as possible. This is about the life and death of human beings. , Which side can represent humanity?"

In the previous two worlds, Yue Zhong always regarded himself as a bystander to use all kinds of relationships of people in that world without hesitation. He could act arbitrarily for one person. When he returned to his own world, he was at one and a half times. Wouldn’t it change this increasingly entrenched concept, and this is his own world, even if this land doesn’t like it very much, he still raised him for 22 years: "Hua Xia."

  Maybe this is my rare positive character, but the existence of mankind always has class and order, which cannot be concealed by the ideal of the ideal world.

The head was quite satisfied with Yue Zhong’s answer. In his brief conversation, with his rich experience, Yue Zhong was quite slippery and ambitious. The three views are somewhat biased, but the most important thing is he. Have a clear position, not the kind of people who forget their ancestors.

  Li Mofeng handed over the other party's military uniform and epaulettes to Yue Zhong and paid respect to the military salute after Yue Zhong ended the call with the head. From this moment on, his military rank was higher than himself and he became a leader.

   Yue returned to a military salute that was not very standard. He understood why Lingmeng was so uncomfortable with the return of salute, because it represented a kind of responsibility and restraint, which was undoubtedly uncomfortable for those who prefer freedom.

   "Major, I need to rush to Penglai to expel infiltrating lunar men. What kind of support can the military district provide?"

"Reporter, the regular army is not a major event and must not be mobilized. After the commander received the order, let me convey the meaning to try to solve it with special forces." Li Mofeng was afraid that Yue Zhong explained the situation in Jinan Military Region in detail: "My military region Commanding the armed forces of Henan and Shandong provinces. The operational mission is to provide strategic cover for the Imperial Capital Military Region and use it as a reserve army. It has three army groups and one armed police mobile division. Although the number of small troops in the jurisdiction is also small, it has two. Special forces, who are often involved in combating terrorists and smuggling gangs, have rich combat experience, and I think that only their dispatch is enough for this task."

Yue focused on nodding, he still has a good impression on these soldiers who maintain national security and stability. Because of the existence of these people, his previous life will be stable and stable. Don’t worry about the day when a shell falls to his home: "It's really not time to dispatch conventional troops, did the commander of your military district agree to give these two special forces to me to command?"

"Report to the sir, the commander has agreed to hand them over to you for command. Since our country does not have the power like the sergeant, the battle against monsters and other creatures has been a bit weaker than other big powers in the past six months. The commander hopes you will bring Some new tactical ideas for them. "How do ordinary people fight non-human beings... It's really an interesting reincarnation."

   Two special forces combatants and Yue Zhong arrived at the outskirts of Penglai City almost at the same time. The special forces were all hidden in a thickly-packed personnel carrier, which carried a full set of non-heavy combat equipment.

After the meeting, Yue Zhong summoned the main leaders of the two troops to carry out a pre-war deployment: "This time our operation target is the moon rabbit soldiers from the moon. Although they will have some abilities that are not possessed by ordinary people, such as manipulation illusions, because of individual differences. Abilities like this, but like us, we use hot weapons to fight. This is a good actual combat. Let me briefly explain the weaknesses of these enemies that are similar to monsters. The rest of you will experience each other in actual combat. Summing up experience, the record of this battle will become an important reference for the whole army to fight against monsters in the future."

This time Yue Zhong had enough power in his hands. He didn’t need to play any conspiracy or trick with Okazaki Mengmei. Instead, he adopted the Dafa method of overwhelming people: "Humans are more or less because they are unknown because they are unknown. There are some fears, but you are all elites in humans, so I don’t worry that you will lose your resistance because of fear. As long as you look at this kind of non-human intelligent creatures with a calm mind, they also exist in various forms. The problem."

"First, discipline. Non-human intelligent creatures often fight each other in battle because of their strong individual abilities. This time, the moon rabbit soldiers we face will be relatively better, but they will react after a long battle. Slowness, all troops must maintain close contact to break each of them when fighting."

"Second, attack methods. There are many types of non-human intelligent creatures, each individual has your unexpected abilities. The most common is the manipulation of demon power to form barrage attacks. These demon power barrage attacks are higher than bullets, not human body. It can resist hard, but there is a very obvious weakness that the speed of the barrage is usually not as fast as bullets. Although it is not the degree that ordinary people can avoid, the visible firepower is the least deadly. We can It’s easy to see where they’re attacking and appropriate roundabouts. It’s worth noting that the barrage usually has the effect of destroying the bunker, and it must be moved when it is avoided. In addition to the barrage, the physical strength of non-human intelligent creatures is generally very strong. Try not to get close to them. Everyone should play games like young people flying kites, spreading the distance apart, so that they can’t cause large-scale injuries.”

"Third, defense ability. Their surface skin is usually immune to the damage of ordinary bullets. When attacking, it focuses on the eyes and ear sockets. If it is a high-power weapon such as armor-piercing bullets, it can try to attack joints and tendons. Most non-human intelligent creatures It’s humanoid, and they have the weaknesses that humans have."

"Fourth, and the most important point." Yue Zhong said with a smile and pointed his head here: "Intelligence, except for a few old guys who have lived for a long time, the vast majority of non-human intelligent creatures are not as good as humans. Yes, make full use of your brain to fight, terrain, weather and even action language can be the weapon of victory."

  A lieutenant colonel officer saw Yue Zhong’s explanation and asked, “As far as I know, there are some powerful monsters. How should we deal with them when facing them?”

"In the face of the big monsters, the main task is to find out the type and ability of the other party. They are not easy to overcome, so they must not have the idea of ​​obtaining the results in the first battle, and it is most critical to understand their intelligence. When we thoroughly understand each other's ability performance and attack mode, we can definitely find a way to restrain. The self-awareness of the big monsters is also the strongest, they usually do not act in so we will have enough 'S chance to break each other."

After a long breath, Yue Zhongzheng said: "Of course, the above is just my personal opinion and theoretical model. The casualties of the battle are inevitable but it should be minimized. Our army will carry out equipment in the near future. Large-scale renewal, there will definitely be weapons that are more threatening to non-human intelligent creatures, and there will also be protective gear that can better protect the lives of soldiers. This battle is relatively simple, and we have a huge number of people Advantages, I hope you all sum up your views in the battle."

   "The following is a detailed combat plan..."

On the way, Yue Zhong harassed Hui Ye again. Zhou Jin might have some exciting ideas. So he promised to go to Germany to meet with Hui Ye. After telling the news to each other, Hui Ye generously sent Penglai Mountain’s The situation all told Yue Zhong and gave some good suggestions.

   "I think you can come here, I believe that under your command Okazaki Mengmei is nothing more than a chicken and a dog."

   "Well, the concubine also wanted to avenge her, but the plan here has already been carried out and can't go away."

After recalling what Hui Ye said on the side of his mind, Yue Zhong pointed to a precise map of Penglai Mountain, which had been filled with various arrows and circles: "This time we will fight with the Interpol, I Will go there to cooperate with the main attack, the command of the two special forces will be handed over to you, and the others can be changed temporarily, but this place should be won at all costs!"

After speaking, Yue Zhong tapped his finger on a red circle on the the readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~. ;

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