Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 237: Healing

   "I understand." Perseverance for hatred may be more tiring, but it is undeniable that this is also a kind of belief and pursuit. Compared with the vast majority of life without meaning, it will be more exciting.

Even though he experienced the same events as Lingmeng, because Yue Zhong is a person who can control his emotions more, even if he has a corresponding hatred, he will think more about the pros and cons and the possibility of success when acting. One point of saying is to be cautious and far-sighted, which increases his probability of survival while also causing him to be unable to do miracles beyond his plan. Thankfully, there is no lack of such courageous people around him, and Lingmeng is also This kind of people.

   No one is perfect, and possessing a trait also necessitates abandoning some abilities. Those who seem to be perfect are simply exerting their advantages to the extreme and covering up the deficiencies.

   Lingmeng heard Yue Zhongzhong's meaning and frowned, "Do you think that our organization's approach is also correct?"

"It's not important. Since I decided to confuse you, I will dominate you, but I will ask you to help me later." Yue Zhong didn't repeat the story once told Meihong to Lingmeng, because two people Differently, compared to Sister Red, who has no intentions, Lingmeng not only has the limitation of the status of Interpol, but also has a firm goal and a clear stand. The former can pretend to be pitiful and sympathetic, but you must show enough for the latter. value.

As soon as he entered the hospital, Yue Zhong contacted all the wounds on his body. He didn’t want to be discovered by the hospital and caused some unnecessary troubles. Ling Meng reluctantly helped him directly to the front desk nurse to show the Interpol Required the hospital to treat Yue Zhong’s wound immediately.

The surgeon who hurried over saw Yue Zhong, who was covered with injuries, hurriedly called to move the bed and pushed him into the operating room. It took him a long time to deal with Yue Zhong’s injury, and this process involved surgery And anesthesia.

"It's unbelievable that a person who has suffered so many injuries has long been comatose and even died directly because of excessive blood loss. Why do you now look good and the wounds are scarred." The surgeon saw that Yue Zhong had no posture to die seriously. He talked to him lying on the operating table.

The anesthesia is local, Yue Zhong’s thinking is still sober, although he was not sent to the slaughter table but lay on the operating table again, the fate of the knife cannot be avoided anyway: "The organization has discipline and means. Not something you should know."

Thinking that he had met an old-fashioned secret police, the surgeon closed his mouth honestly, but soon he realized that he had misunderstood. Yue Zhong looked at him with interest in dealing with the wound on his chest: "Martial arts novel Is it true that the locked pipa bones can't work hard?"

"That's a punishment method. The collarbone will be more fragile after being drilled through, but it won't make it completely unencumbered. It just needs to be careful and overstretched at any time to break himself." The surgeon carefully looked at Yue Zhong's collarbone The injury on the road comforted, "Your condition is not so serious, and our hospital can treat it well."

   "Do I need to be hospitalized? I have other tasks to perform." Yue Zhong asked worriedly.

  I really don’t know if the people in the Interpol are workaholics or whatever, and they are all so injured. If the general work department has already taken sick leave to rest in the hospital. The surgeon whispered a few words in his heart: "If so, I suggest you use the newly introduced nano-repair technology of bone injury in our hospital, but the cost is very high."

"Money is not a problem, I hope to be discharged at least tomorrow afternoon." There is still a lot of money to cheat Ling Xian. Yue Zhong did not feel very distressed. Since he decided to take the golden thigh of Lingmeng, he said later that he must not continue and forever. The people in the kiosk have dealt with it, and it will be blackmailed by then.

But what Yue Zhong didn’t know was that his hospitalization expenses were paid by Lingmeng with action funds. After that, he would have to be abused by Lingmeng. He must know that the name of the 100,000 witches in Hongbai was not in vain. She will definitely be angry at the big money.

   "You are a robbery!"

   As expected, Ling Meng, who saw a string of numbers in the toll window, jumped up, and was so excited that he almost pulled out a gun and threatened medical staff.

"...This police officer, the operation used C86 bone repair, the cost is indeed this figure, and you don't need to care about it for public expenditure?" The big jumpy bow is very happy, but the toll staff feels The strong hostility is still carefully explained and exhorted.

   Lingmeng continued without a stop posture: "What do you know, the funds are limited, you can run out of money."

   "This, I have no way."

"I'll pay." The slender hand has been holding a legendary gold card from behind Lingmeng to the toll window. The strong local flavor revealed from the tone indicates that his owner is also legendary. The wealthy children have long legs Ouba.

  Lingmeng looked back at this little white face who seemed to have a pit in his head to pay for it, and immediately said with a weird face: "Who are you?"

What came was Zhou Jin who had received the news. After he learned that the person he sent to track Yue Zhong was lost, he couldn't sit still and sent people everywhere to find him. Vaguely heard the news that Yue Zhong was taken away by the monster He almost went to pay homage to the bronze statue of the master, hoping that the monkey could send rescuers to rescue Yue Zhong, and finally learned that Yue Zhong appeared and was about to undergo surgery. Here I saw Lingmeng arguing with the toll collector.

Although Lingmeng does not have the fascination of Hui Ye, which affects the man's heart in every move, but a handsome and handsome police uniform adds a different flavor to it, Zhou Jin was originally a man, and he can't control it now. Pretend B in front of Lingmeng.

In the face of the legendary beautiful policewoman or an international dream, Zhou Jin put on an extraordinary gesture with a magnetic voice and said: "This police officer is Zhou Jin, a friend of Yue Zhong. ."

   "Yue Zhong's poor guy can still have you as a friend?" Ling Meng expressed deep doubts about Zhou Jin's statement.

I couldn’t hear whether it was compliment or irony, but Zhou Jin didn’t care about it. What he cared more about was who Yue Zhong’s guy was. How was it related to so many unprecedented beautiful girls: “It’s true Yes, haven’t asked the officer’s name yet?"

  Cultural dreams with little culture can't hear the word "consult". Scanning Zhou Jin again and again and found that he can't find any trace of demon power before saying: "My name is Boli Lingmeng."

"Miss Lingmeng, now that we know each other, can Yue Zhong's medical expenses let me pay?" Zhou Jin, who climbed up the pole, gave the identity of police officer to God, and the meaning of the speech was also Something is unclear. What does it mean to know? These methods of picking girls are really skillful.

   "Okay, you pay you." Someone is willing to pay for Lingmeng. Naturally, it is undesirable. After watching Zhou Jin's card being swiped by the toll collector, she rested her mind and said, "You can go after paying."

Zhou Jin almost spit out a bit of old blood, which is not the same as the expected development. It should not be that the other party talks with himself out of curiosity after paying for it, so that he can find an opportunity to have a meal and develop it. Feelings or something?

  Seeing Zhou Jin's unwillingness to walk, Lingmeng said unhappy: "Why do you want to wait for Yue Zhong to see him after the operation?"

   "Ah, yes." Taking the steps down, Zhou Jin found the reason to stay.

   "I have no sincerity to see the patient empty-handed. You go to buy some fruit or something. By the way, help me take a supper. I am a little hungry." Lingmeng also politely instructed Zhou Jin to come.

  Want to eat supper, Zhou Jin has found a way to please, take out the phone and instruct the follower to get it.

Lingmeng said for a long time that Zhou Jin was a bit dissatisfied. This is the irreconcilable class conflict between the poor and the local tyrants. Seeing Zhou Jin is not happy with herself, she could not help but criticize: "Why are you so lazy, buy something? Instruct others."

I don’t know what to say at all. Zhou Jin laughed and walked out of the hospital honestly. To say that for a police officer belonging to the Tianchao, he can directly find the leader of the other party to accompany him and make him understand his strength, but the Interpol is basically He did not belong to any senior management of the Ministry of Public Security he knew, so that the advantages of his identity became less obvious.

The particularity of Lingmeng seems to have allowed Zhou Jin to find some kind of pursuit. Even if he was called to drink, he would not be tired. Before long, he reappeared in the hospital carrying a large and delicate food box. Respectfully, It is dedicated to a boring dream sitting at the door of the operating room.

The hospital cannot eat anything casually, but in view of their special identities, no one dares to care about Lingmeng doesn't know what Gongdexin's heart is. The rich food inside started.

"What is this?"

  Zhou Jin looked at it strangely and said, "This is an abalone, a three-headed abalone, but I took some effort to find it."

   "But you haven't left long." Ling Meng didn't feel embarrassed that he didn't even know what abalone looked like, but politely poke Zhou Jin's short.

Maybe change the world background. This is a rather old-fashioned scene of the encounter between the rich second generation and the poor girl. Yue Zhong should be Lingmeng’s elder brother or younger brother, and then they will unfold together and vigorously surpass the material but on the basis of the material. For the love of gimmicks, it will involve a mean mother and a ruthless father, there will be another Bai Fumei come out and be blackened by all kinds of face-slaps. Brothers and sisters...

It is a pity that the world between the two is too far apart, and there is no possibility without one party's special attachment and the real abandonment of everything. No matter whether Yue Zhong or Lingmeng, when looking at Zhou Jin, he is nothing more than thinking of him as a person. That's a good guy.

Touching his pocket, Zhou Jin remembered the purpose of the trip and said: "Oh, I was originally looking for Yue Zhong to send him tickets for the BadApple concert. Are you interested, Miss Lingmeng, can I help you To one."

   "Well, the concert?" Ling Meng's eyes suddenly became a little dangerous. She thought of Zhou Jin as the **** of the monster force. This misunderstanding at this time was also a coincidence.

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