Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2243: Rule of supremacy

The existence of the material plane group still has many secrets for humans who have stepped into the void. Like the early earth civilization in the space age, although they have flown into space, they still don’t know whether there are thousands of meters of deep sea or rock layers. What, maybe there are many species that have never been discovered by humans, or even another form of intelligent life.

The exploration of breadth and depth is far from end. The ubiquitous plane has indeed mastered the power of various rule levels. Classes such as time, life and death and superpower have been systematically studied in the ubiquitous plane. However, whenever the ubiquitous plane When breaking a new peak, you can always encounter a higher bottleneck quickly.

The rules can be used, but they are difficult to control. There are many people who are proficient in time in the general plane, but no one dares to say that time really belongs to them.

They have not been favored by time, they did not have this qualification when they first came into contact with this field, and in-depth study is often after being recruited by the general plane, just as Qiubi had an attempt to Xiao Meiyan. It has a more important mission to complete. If there is no temptation like Lumu Yuanxiang, the relationship between Qiubi and Xiaomeiyan may not reach the point of your life.

The concept of time of the material plane group is ubiquitous, it has no provenance itself, and it is even difficult to imagine how it would exist if it were born with the material plane group.

Therefore, time has naturally become one of the top rules. It may have its own consciousness, knowing that a group of intelligent life in the material plane group is desperately trying to control it, just as they control energy and control matter.

Therefore, time will never be concerned with people who have ulterior motives for themselves. Xiao Meiyan, who is outside the pan-plane, has become its best candidate.

Only by truly integrating into a human time can we fully understand this group of intelligent life that dares to fight his own ideas. When Xiao Meiyan grew up under his care, she should reciprocate the power she once earned without working.

Xiao Meiyan does not know whether Yue Zhong is facing a situation similar to herself. The care from time has never been noticed for a long period of time at the beginning. When she realized that it was there, it was already difficult for herself. Xiao Meiyan resisted this kind of fusion to the extent of her separation, so she has not made much progress for a long time.

But Yue Zhong is different, Xiao Meiyan has experienced so many reincarnations and so long escapes, and Tian Yan has emerged from the prototype to the extent that it can cross hundreds of planes and affect hundreds of plane wars. No one knows Yue Zhong After a long period of precipitation, Xiao Meiyan even suspected that he did not want to worry too much, so he forcibly showed a relaxed posture, and in the angle that his own void eye could not observe, Yue Zhong took the initiative In order to gain more strength, Tianyan's origins are exchanged for.

In order to catch up with his own footsteps, he has always been extremely versatile, although he usually has one or two grasps to do it.

It is not that Xiao Meiyan has not tried to get rid of the constraints of time on herself, and has worked hard to get out the Eye of the Void, but still can't find where it is. However, the rule level of Tianyan should be lower than that of time. It is not as ubiquitous as time, but it is more useful for human beings in the population.

"Yue Zhong's appearance this time should not only be as simple as helping Fujiwara Meihong, he must have revealed some very important information, but it needs me to interpret it in my own way." Xiao Meiyan has no time to restrain herself. Any grasp, but she is willing to try to challenge the strength of Tianyan.

"As long as it jumps out of the range of human activities, the influence of that performance is the same as no more. My presence must be beyond the control of the performance. After all, there are giants behind it that cannot be shaken."

"Maybe, it's time to put the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment on the agenda. I don't know when that turning point will appear."

After being alone for a while, Xiao Meiyan got up and left the No. 2 laboratory. She is no longer an obscure researcher in the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment. Xiao Meiyan has already received extensive attention as soon as the eyes of the void first emerged.

After a momentary war in the control area of ​​the Valkyrie Rangers and the pan-plane, although the benefits were absorbed by the Valkyrie Rangers and other forces even in the pan-plane, Xiao Meiyan, the initiator, failed to Getting any tangible benefits actually put Yue Zhong into a dilemma, but Xiao Meiyan's reputation was completely resounded, almost as much as the big head of the first female goddess of war.

She disappeared for a while and then reappeared. Not only did she attach great importance to the general plane, but other forces who had participated in the war of the moment also sent the top scientists to the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment to try to contact Xiao Meiyan.

Just after the war ended, Xiao Meiyan disappeared, and now they have a whole bunch of questions to get answers from Xiao Meiyan's mouth, of course, this will not be free.

The Valkyrie Rangers Regiment has already arranged the preparations for this scientist’s seminar, and Xiao Meiyan has not expressed any opposition to it. Since she has fought here, even if there is no friendship but it is still a cause and effect, the previous one can say In order to welcome Yue Zhong, Xiao Meiyan must at least ensure that there are no more enemies.

She intends to do a few more things for the Valkyrie Rangers before she leaves. After that, no matter how she leaves, she will not make them feel that they have betrayed?

I was invited by Panplanet to participate in the research summit held by Meiyan still has a fresh memory of the experience of that year and felt deeply benefited. If it was not the last Fan Hanshi's crazy dog It is even a good experience to leave yourself.

This time, many forces came here to be famous as a scientific research summit outside the pan-plane. Every force that can occupy a large plane outside the pan-plane has its own unique features. Xiao Meiyan also wants to see. Their technology tree.

The headquarters area of ​​the Valkyrie Rangers had long been razed to the ground during the war of war, and its plane coordinates were controlled by the pan-plane, and now the rebuilt headquarters has naturally moved to another plane, that is, coming The scientists participating in the scientific research summit can only advance to the secondary plane, and then the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment will arrange the spaceship and send it to the headquarters area.

The head of a group that has been baptized in a war still maintains the aesthetics of the past, and the entire headquarters area is still a solemn tone.

Walking alone on the solemn streets, Xiao Meiyan didn't like someone who followed her all day long and did not travel, and strode the meteor to the meeting place, but she was highly noticed but no one dared to step forward, but Xiao Meiyan herself She stopped halfway because she saw someone who shouldn't be here.

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