Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2228: Battle front

The execution of the Anglos Adventure Group is very strong. After the commander ordered, even the battle array that had never been combated stood still at a very fast speed. The familiar array fell in Meihong's eyes and made her heart. Jump: "Stab Armor?"

The stabbing formation is a camp used by Yue Zhong to cooperate with firearms. The first time Meihong saw it was in the late Ming Dynasty, with the intention of defending the Tibetan attack, although the formation of the Anglos Adventure Group was different, There is an eight-point similarity, but how can they use Yue Zhong's battle formation?

Mei Hong Jing couldn't help wondering whether Angelus had a connection with Yue Zhong, but even when Yue Zhong was in contact with it, he should not have had so much knowledge of the formation.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence."

At the time of Meihong's doubts, the boundless darkness that has flowed from all directions has approached the battle formation of the Anglos Adventure Group. The roar of monsters and monsters hidden in the darkness is close at hand, but Ange Ruth never gave orders to attack.

Rows of organs assembled telescopic iron plates rose under the control of engineers, and immediately revealed numerous spikes to protect the Angelus adventure group.

After the machine gun group quickly changed the ammunition, the muzzle was raised to the midair, and the blank firepower was completed by other firearms. Warriors with sword shields guarded the surroundings, and several spiritual abilities also took out their weapons and waited for them.

The Anglos Adventure Group did not blindly attack the darkness, and the monsters hidden in the darkness did not protrude, until the darkness oppressed the extreme and completely consumed the Anglos Adventure Group. Meihong can't see the situation inside.

This intensity of darkness has exceeded the scope of nature. It used to appear in the surroundings of Rumiya, but that little guy is absolutely unable to cover the darkness so widely.

Countless monsters and monsters waited until the best time and did not hesitate, then launched an offensive towards the Anglos Adventure Group, and they seemed to be able to identify dangers in other ways in the dark. The iron thorn shield built by the engineer did not Can cause any damage, just let the monsters jump into the air and burst into the formation.

At this moment, the two priests of the Sacred Plume Suddenly sang the last character, and the light that was not strong but clear enough to explode in the air, and the people of the Anglos Adventure Group also restored their vision at this moment.

"Fight!" Special exorcism bullets poured out from each machine gun group, and formed a long line of fire in the air with other auxiliary firearms. Countless monsters that vacated and failed to respond were instantly smashed into holes, a little in the gun forest. The monsters that survived have not yet landed, and countless enchanted swords have been handed in. They all have the ability to show their abilities in the future, and they are cut off their tendons.

The people of the Anglos Adventure Group obviously know that the monsters are very powerful, even if they pierce their new dirt, they will not die for a while, and the dying struggle will only cause casualties to the team.

The light that burst into the sky also suppressed the power of the monsters to a certain extent. When all the monsters that attacked died, it could no longer sustain and went out.

"Change." Anglos, who had returned to the darkness, issued an order. With all his familiarity with the battle formation, everyone pulled a dense alloy wire from the iron thorn shield to form a celestial net, and the net was tight. The others standing are those of the Anglos Adventure Group.

The thin alloy wire with psionic recall can accurately convey the sound of being touched. Once the dark monsters strike again, their attacks will pour out in that direction.

In order to fight against the dark monsters in the lightless forest, Angelus is fully prepared.

Angelus, whose sword is standing in it, also can't see anything around him. Everyone can only judge each other's existence by the sound of each other's breath. At this moment, only the weapons in their hands can rely on.

Under the darkness, the enchanted weapon that had radiated light also lost its luster, only listening to the sound of a fast shuttle wind, and presumably the dark monster finally couldn't help it.

It never imagined that this time the human adventurer would be so tricky. The trial and error had already explored the opponent's offensive means, but he didn't want to hide his hand but caught himself caught off guard.

The monster of the Wuguang Forest suffered heavy losses in the wave of offensive of Fangcai, and it could not summon more monsters to come to support in a short time, and could only rush up with its powerful combat power.

The thin alloy wire broke immediately after being touched, and the dark monster’s powerful impact force made it unbearable, but the buzzing sound caused the direction pointed by the Anglos Adventure Group, and there were countless fires thrown in a flash Out.

Angelus did not hear the sound of bullets breaking into the flesh or breaking the demon. It seems that the dark monster is more powerful than he thought: "Transition."

His instructions were delivered quickly, but it was still one step late. An adventurer could not retreat and was ripped open by sharp claws and flew directly into the air. The smelly blood spattered on people's faces like half-pointed, half-empty. There were screams of companions.

However, the result of the dark monster is nothing more than that. Other members of the adventure group also reacted at the same time, and after an instant opened a road, Angelus and the core psionicists of the adventure group were killed together.

"Holy feather!" Another burst of light, but it was not as durable as before, it just turned into countless light-woven feathers, and then attached to the dark monster to become dark. The most conspicuous existence.

"Oh, good means." The dark monster stopped attacking at this point, and she also understood that her greatest ability had lost its use, and dispersed the darkness in a wave of her hand.

Appearing in front of the Angels adventure team is a blonde girl with a black dress and white lining and a red bow tie on her chest. Her sharp nails are still ticking with blood, and the mouth with long fangs is holding it. With a heart still beating.

After the two bite the heart and swallow it, the dark monster did not talk nonsense with those of the Angelus adventure team, and once again turned into a group of shadows and rushed into the crowd.

Her hands exude the ultimate the white plume is difficult to disperse, it is difficult to discern the location and the way of attack when it is enveloped in it. The subconscious Hengjian was blocked, and the huge impact came immediately and slammed his figure against the tree.

During the time when Angelus lost his balance, the dark monster defeated other spiritual abilities one after another with unimaginable power. Then she rushed into the general members of the adventure group without hindrance. Passing by is a must-have.

The Anglos Adventure Group, which had always behaved calmly, finally collapsed under the one-sided killing. The screams kept coming, and the limbs and arms were flying all over the sky.

Meihong rushed out at the moment when Angelus and several spiritual abilities were repelled. Her speed was very fast, but the speed of the dark monster was also not slow. When she was in front of the opponent More than twenty people were killed.

"Lucia, is it really you?"

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