Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2223: Accelerated civilization

Three people stood in front of a stone-built hotel. Early seedlings recognized the brand of the hotel. The quality of service and hardware facilities are also among the best in the city of the world. I did not expect there to be a chain in this place.

"Just rest here tonight. I need something to buy tomorrow morning." Zao Miao said, "I have a membership card for my store, and I can still discount it when I live here."

Meihong inexplicably asked: "Was you not a place to live in a city in the world, why do you have a hotel membership card?"

"What do you want!" Meihong obviously didn't mean that, but it was inevitable that Zao Miao would have to think about that. "It was given to me by their boss at a commercial reception, and I was embarrassed to refuse to bring it."

"Isn't that a normal membership card?" Mei Hong didn't know why Zao Miao suddenly blushed, but she didn't care too much, "Then go in and see."

The three of them walked into the hotel. The lighting in the lobby was very soft. I thought that the light difference between the night and the outside should not be too large to avoid dazzling. When Miao Miao went to the front desk to ask for three rooms, she was told that there were only luxury suites left.

"Why do you need a luxury suite in this place, can those adventurers afford it?" Zaomiao asked strangely.

The receptionist at the reception explained politely: "Miss Zao Miao, since the store opened, no one has lived in the deluxe suite. Everything is brand new."

"Why do you have to do this?" Zao Miao didn't expect to really let himself say it.

"Because the pioneering outpost is not prosperous today, it will always develop in the future." The receptionist's tone of the receptionist seemed very confident. "So according to the requirements of the head office, our store should provide guests with the most comprehensive Service, Miss Miao Miao is the distinguished guest of the chairman. It is free for any branch for the first time. If you can stay in a luxury suite for one night and feel satisfied, then the reputation of our store will be established."

Zao Miao heard that he knew why he had Li Xiaobei's pre-disclosure, and then he received funding but could only be a rich lady in the new world. His business vision is really much worse than those of business elites: "Well, are there enough people in it?"

"Of course there is no problem, Miss Zao Miao, please come with me." The receptionist did not give Zao Miao the possibility of refusal, and led the three people upstairs directly.

When the three people left the lobby, the lobby manager immediately sent a report to the headquarters. They finally ushered in an important guest. They would be very happy if they wanted to come to the chairman.

As expected by the lobby manager, it was learned that Zao Miao suddenly appeared at the most remote pioneering post and lived in his hotel. Their chairman jumped out of bed happily: "Seal everything that Ms. Zao Miao used , See which one is interested."

Although the chairman’s order was a bit tedious, the lobby manager was very pleased to make money in order to make money.

Zao Miao may not even know that she has such a great influence in the upper floors of the city of the world. This is not only because of her beauty, just like the wealthy riches of the magical girl world have tried their best to do magic. Girls are closer to the relationship, no matter how civilized society is, there is always a strong force to ensure that there is no mistake.

It can be said that if anyone marries Zao Miao, then his company will certainly be among the top level of human civilization. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some young masters are more interested in Zao Miao himself. After all, she also has a transcendent status in addition to being beautiful, male The instinct is that they are eager to pursue such women, and there are many people who are curious.

For more than three years, under the support of special world rules, the human population has grown from tens of thousands of people to millions at the beginning, and this value will continue to grow in a blowout, until one day the world can no longer bear it. Or maybe its creator changed this rule.

In the early stage, you can have an advantage, then in the later stage, you can become a real giant.

The luxury suite is similar to Meihong's impression, but the hardware facilities inside it are more advanced.

Taking advantage of Zao Miao's effort to take a bath, Meihong asked Huiyin, "Huiyin, did you find anything?"

Huiyin was somewhat confused but nodded again: "Mankind is now creating an unprecedented history. Under special world rules, all previous experiences may not be applicable."

Later, Huiyin told Meihong the report of the lobby manager and what happened in a mansion in the city of the world.

"Is it possible for Zao Miao to have the right to speak in humans?" Mei Hong is more concerned about this. If Zao Miao can affect the top human level, then they can also have a potential ally.

"I'm afraid it's difficult. It would have been better if Zao Miao consciously seized the dominance of human civilization three years ago." Huiyin shook his head. "Now the human class is solidifying at a very fast rate, and even they themselves have not been able to Realizing this, Zaomiao still has a certain influence now, but it is difficult to say what will happen in a few years."

Meihong was a little disappointed but quickly relieved. After all, if Zaomiao really did, she would not travel with herself now, and she might even become a strong enemy she had to face in the future.

"Don't mention today's affairs with Zao Miao, lest she feel guilty in the future." Mei Hong asked Huiyin and said, "It's not useless to know that Zao Miao has such influence. I hope one day it will come in handy."

None of the three had the habit of eating supper, and each fell asleep after taking a shower.

The twenty-nine-hour cycle makes the night of the world longer. After getting a good rest, the three of them wake up one after another when the sun shines the next day.

Unexpectedly, the hotel specially sent someone to bring breakfast, and asked Zao Miao what other needs.

They are not familiar with the environment of pioneering Even Huiyin's historical search is more convenient than the people living here. After breakfast, they took the guide assigned by the hotel, and the three embarked The streets of the pioneering outposts in daylight.

It’s not so much a sentry post, but it’s more accurate to describe it as a small market town. The decision-making and naming of high-level humans in an era that has never been experienced has also made mistakes. rapid.

Many closed public places and shops were opened last night to start business. The streets became bustling. A large truck filled with rare materials collected by adventurers headed towards the city of the earth. The adventurer who accepted the commission of the adventure union escort.

Some people hold alloy swords and short swords, some wear different colors of robes and hold different types of staffs, some hold guns with grenades around their waists, and even heavily armed with flamethrowers and heavy acid sprays Adventurers, aiming at strange monsters, human adventurers also have a variety of coping professions.

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