Spare Tire Major League

Vol 2 Chapter 2207: New guest

The Moldovan incident has caused a lot of trauma to Xiao Meiqing's psychology. His brother-in-law who has always worshipped and attached to him has murdered so many people for no reason. In the end, he almost killed the friend he just met, because of the disappearance of Yue Zhong. Xiao Meiqing, who had lost her soul, was unhappy.

Countless times I told myself that it wasn’t the brother-in-law, but when I saw what the brother-in-law’s body did, Xiao Meiqing couldn’t accept it, and sometimes I couldn’t help imagining it. Maybe that was also a potential morbid personality. It doesn't matter at all.

Xiao Meiqing always assisted him in handling Xiaomei's affairs with pleasure while Yue Zhong was still on. Even after Yue Zhong left, Xiao Meiqing would help when her brother was too busy, but since she returned from Moldova Until now, he has not had a long-term view with Xiaomei.

Krad didn't hurt after being treated by Xiao Mei's family doctor team. The fatal injury caused by Yue Zhong was only a lot of blood loss after Xiao Meiqing repaired. The doctor told Xiao Meiqing that he could heal in two or three days. .

In the room where Zhang Xun lived, Klad woke up in the eyes of his accompany watching the elegantly furnished room fall into the same confusion as Yue Zhong woke up every day.

These are two completely different worlds in which he lives. The big bed that has never been slept in, light but nothing but warm quilts, and everywhere reveals luxurious furnishings and beautiful **** girls.

"What is this place?" Clad remembered that he seemed to have been stabbed to death by the mentally retarded tramp he had rescued. Why did he suddenly wake up in this strange place and instinctively said in official language I repeated it in English, fearing that the nurse in front of me would not understand.

"This is Xiaomei Manor. Is there anything uncomfortable for your husband?" The accompanying nurse said softly in the most authentic Romanian language. She was specifically ordered by Xiao Meiqing to visit and care for Klader. Naturally, the language aspect was also taken into account. problem.

Clade's eyes squinted and looked quite surprised: "Do you speak my language?"

"Of course, I'm a doctor who can speak eight languages." The accompanying nurse was a little proud, but didn't feel self-confident.

"It's amazing," Krad said incredulously. "A person like you must have been recruited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in our country. Why do you do **** work here?"

"Because the salary here is high," the accompanying nurse said for granted, seeing Klad's face showing confusion, and then said with a chuckle, "Don't tease you, because my major is clinical medicine, and learning multiple languages ​​is just me 'S personal hobby can be learned with many seniors here, but the high salary is also true."

Krad failed to figure out the situation. It seems that he is able to read a Ph.D. and can rely on self-study to learn multiple foreign languages. It is quite remarkable. Unlike he graduated from a technical school, he can only work as a worker. If you are lucky, you may get a promotion, but I'm afraid that you will not be able to reach the starting line of your life.

The little face accompanying the nurse looked a little helpless, and she didn't know why Miss Qing would bring such a guy with a very ordinary look to his house. He was a little far worse than Zhang Xun in previous years. .

"Okay, if there is nothing uncomfortable, get up and go to the back garden. Miss Qing has told you to go there to find her if you are fine. I will go first. Bye." The condition observation book was gone, and she was arranged to look after Klad. She was not happy. At this time, she should work with other world-renowned doctors at Xiaomei’s medical research institute. Xiaomei’s family keeps such a group of people. I don’t know how to use them, but since it’s Miss Qing’s instructions, I don’t dare to neglect the research institute. Don’t say that Klad is losing too much blood. Even if I was bitten by a mosquito, I had to send someone. .

Klad can feel that the accompanying nurse is not malicious to himself, nor discriminated because of her origin and status, but it is because she is very self-cultivated, but makes Klad more incompatible with this place.

The luxury here, the talent here, and all have nothing to do with his poor boy. The only thing that connects them is the lady Qing who appears like a fairy in front of her eyes.

At the peak of Xiaomei's home, Clad was still young. After he started to remember, Xiaomei's family was very low-key, so he just heard that there is a family named Xiaomei in the world, and many products in his life are related to this The family is related, but more things are not known to Clad.

"Miss Qing." Krad had many questions in his heart that he wanted to know from the beautiful girl, but now he didn't get up from the bed, but he was a little uneasy.

It would be unconvincing for Zhang Xun to suffer the invisible indifference, but Klad doesn’t think so. He is just nervous now. It’s okay not to know the origin of Miss Qing before. Now she knows and experiences her experience. The living environment, the inferiority and embarrassment caused by the huge gap made Krad not know how to speak to her.

But some things can't be avoided. Since he has come here and will face Xiaomeiqing sooner or later, Klad hesitated for a moment and finally got out of bed, took off his sick suit and put on the suit already prepared next to him After walking to the mirror and looking at himself, Krad felt a lot stranger.

His hair was repaired and he looked very spirited. The freckles on his face were gone and very clean. He looked handsome and handsome in tailored clothes. Looking at himself in the mirror, Klader could not help but straighten his waist.

Why did you get favored by Miss walking with his head high in the courtyard knew that he was just pretending to be in a pose, and I might be beaten back when he saw Miss Qing's face Prototype.

Every maid who saw Krad didn't need him to step forward and asked him to take the initiative to point out the way to the back garden. After more than ten minutes, Krad couldn't even remember how to go back. Under the plum tree, I saw the legendary Miss Qing.

Winter snow has not yet melted, but the snow-covered plum branches have bloomed pink petals. Xiao Meiqing in a pink dress with a white scarf stands under the tree and stroked the soft petals with her fingertips.

There was no one else around her, like the plum blossoms in the cold wind, no one was at peace, the sad purple eyes looked at the distance from time to time, and then the handrail took two steps leisurely.

Krad's voice of stepping on the dead branches caught her attention. When Xiao Meiqing turned to look at Krad, she hadn't spoken yet, but watching Krad's eyes made him shocked like an electric shock.

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