Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2155: Zhang Mengqi

In a sense, Xu Xin is a good person, even if he can face some unknown risks even if he can bear it himself, he wants to let himself take on the embarrassment of others, especially the girl who has a very good feeling in his heart.

Andrea Doria's aggressive attitude did not displease Xu Xin. It was precisely this kind of firm attachment that showed the strength of an independent young girl, compared to some who would only hide under a weak appearance. The ambition of the city, such a majestic atmosphere is a more charming feature.

Because her demands are not excessive in reason and reason, it is not wrong to protect her homeland anywhere, and Chongyan Federation has not made a hasty conclusion and given herself the last chance because of her hesitation. Xu Xin no longer thinks about it.

Even if they couldn't continue to be friends, they wouldn't have killed themselves at Panplane Headquarters, so Xu Xin ate Vientiane's dream medicine in the face of Andrea Doria.

The natural medicine produced by Li Xiaobei has an excellent natural effect. Xu Xin fell asleep on the ground in front of Andrea Doria, and then Andrea Doria was relieved, after all, she said She didn't quite understand the meaning of it, Xu Xin didn't need to continue pretending to sleep.

Xu Xin, because he can’t afford to rent a room, can’t afford a parlor room. The place where he meets Andrea Doria is in the Precious Wood Species Conservation Park near the MTB, which is also the place to stay at the Panplane Headquarters The place where the members of the Fetal League are gathered. Originally, the Pan-Plane Headquarters did not allow the appearance of homeless people, but they were also members of the Spare Tire Major League, and the Spare Tire Major League rented the right to use the park for convenience. It is said that it was to appease them. It was unwilling to pay the money. Yue Zhong didn't have such treatment when he came, so when the gang didn't have a task, it became a temporary resident here.

In order to meet Andrea Doria, Xu Xin deliberately picked a time when no one else was there, but when he fell into the dream of Vientiane, he couldn't control so many.

Other companions also from the spare tire major league do not have Veneto’s well-informed, they do not know that Xu Xin has been in contact with Fan Hanshi so they are still performing the tasks arranged by Veneto, but recently Fan Hanshi has increased his vigilance so they basically have No valuable information can only be returned without success.

When they saw Andrea Doria here, they were very curious, and there was a Xu Xin lying and sleeping next to him.

"Doria, how did you come to this place? Are you here to find Xu Xin, just wake him up." A man in the spare tire major league said half-jokingly.

Andrea Doria quickly jumped in front of Xu Xin and spread his hands and said, "No, no, I gave him medicine."

"Oh..." Everyone smiled meaningfully. "We don't need to take medicine, just find us."

"Hey, I'm angry again when I talk nonsense!" Andrea Doria swelled her cheeks in exhalation, and everyone stopped when they saw it. After all, they weren't sloppy, just because they liked this straight-hearted girl in their hearts. She would make some harmless jokes, but she didn't really want to make her angry.

After such an episode, these people seem to forget to ask why Andrea Doria made Xu Xin fall asleep, and just because Andrea Doria was here, they talked about the recent situation.

"In addition to the brothers who just returned from the mission plane can bring back some local intelligence, it seems that we have been monitored by the Pan-plane Headquarters. The other party is far more professional than us. We have not got any here. Valuable information."

Andrea Doria didn't even think about it and said directly: "This question has been taken into consideration by the eldest sister. We have obtained accurate information from other places. Fan Hanshi has colluded with the Joint Intelligence Office. I also came over to tell you everything. The actions against Fan Hanshi have temporarily stopped, and the Joint Intelligence Service is not a good organization. If they catch your handle, it is not good for you to do it."

"Then don't we do nothing?" the people asked in a low mood. Veneto was able to think from their point of view, which really made them grateful, but it made them feel useless. Lost heart.

"Relax, Chongyan Federation will still try your best to meet your needs. At this stage, all you have to do is save your strength and don't be caught by Fan Hanshi." Andrea Doria tried to calm down like a wind and rain.

She doesn't think that these people can play a big role. The only positive sense will be to get along with this group of people, but since it is the decision made by her own sister, Andrea Doria can't see that far. Don't think too much, as long as you fully support the big sister's head.

Just when Andrea Doria talked to the members of the spare tire major league, a woman with a good appearance and a hot body suddenly appeared at the entrance of the precious wood species protection park. Her appearance and style did indeed make the opposite **** heartbeat accelerate. Charming, Andrea Doria’s reconnaissance radar soon locked on her, and she was the woman Xu Xin liked by comparing the characteristics.

"How did she appear here?" Andrea Doria wondered, because this woman is not qualified to enter the pan-plane headquarters area, but it is not difficult to find the answer seriously. Fan Hanshi will definitely be the first Time to know the news of her appearance. If it was not the elder sister who told her to force Xu Xin to take Vientiane's dream medicine on the spot, it would be hard to say until the woman appeared.

"Excuse me, where is Xu Xin?" The woman who appeared in the park found a member of the spare tire major league. She should be the kind of girl who knows how to show the feminine side of It can give people a feeling of protection and care.

Unidentified members of the spare tire major leagues showed her the way subconsciously. The woman soon came to the place where people gathered. Andrea Doria was not seen because of her shortness. She only saw To Xu Xin who fell to the ground.

The woman screamed and ran over to hug Xu Xin. The anxiety in her expression did not seem to pretend: "Xu Xin, how are you?"

"He just fell asleep, you are Zhang Mengqi?" Andrea Doria heard Xu Xin talking about the name many times, but it was the first time he met.

"Why would he sleep here?" The woman named Zhang Mengqi turned her head and finally saw Andrea Doria in the crowd with blonde hair and double ponytails. There was a little nervousness in her eyes. "Who are you? How do I? Didn’t Xu Xin mention that there was a little girl among his friends?"

"Me?" Andrea Doria rolled her eyes, shouting ghostly, "I am his girlfriend!"

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