Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2137: Reversal

The two brothers and sisters have different concepts of life. In Xiao Meiyuan’s opinion, any enemy who hurt themselves or their loved ones, even if they can’t beat them, must make them pay a price. For this reason, he even thought of looking for a deer. Mita is also in trouble with Takihara's parents. The prison life from the youth management office to the prison has taught him the principle of weak meat and strong food, even if he can't beat it, he must not be weak.

Such an idea can be as an unruly young master, but it is obviously still lacking some enthusiasm to become the helm of Xiaomei's family at one time, and Xiao Meiqing can temporarily endure grievances, because goodness does not want to anger others.

When everyone left, Xiao Meiyuan asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Xiaoyuan, we are too weak now. If there is no care of our brother-in-law, there will be many people who want to bully us. For those people, I will not stop you from taking revenge, but Lumuda will forget it." Xiao Mei Qing's eyes turned red, "It's not our turn to take care of this matter, let the elder sister and the little round sister make a break."

Wen Yan Xiao Meiyuan realized that he had overlooked a very important issue. After all, he knew that Xiao Meiyan, the older sister, was far better than Xiao Meiqing, who had entered the initial place of time reincarnation. Except for some rumours and rumors I don't understand at all. When faced with changes, it's hard to think of this powerful big sister for the first time.

"Well, I listen to the second sister." If Xiao Meiyuan is willing now, he can completely **** the power of Xiao Mei's family from Xiao Meiqing. The previous experience of studying with Li Xiaobei is enough to support him to maintain Xiao. The operation of Meijia is backed up by the detailed plan left by Yue Zhong, so it is not difficult for Xiaomeijia to return to its heyday.

But at this time, Xiaomei's family can't mess up first, which will not only hurt the heart of the sister she loves, but also give people outside who see the brother-in-law fall and then get upset. The unity of the younger brother is the most important.

Xiao Meiqing nodded gently: "Don't provoke Lu Muda and his family. As for other things, you can do what you think."

There are always some things that Xiao Meiqing does hard to do, but if you don’t treat the enemy hard, your own loved ones will be hurt again. Xiao Meiqing, who has always known that Yue Zhong and Lu Muda are not the same, also actively seeks help in addition to Lu Muda. When she dared to stand up and face, other times she did not take precautions.

"If he could be more ruthless and directly use Lumu Tatsuya's parents as a threat, wouldn't he dare to break into the old house today?"

I still can’t do things that I can’t do, but I can only leave them to others. Fortunately, I’m still not a lonely person, and I still have a younger brother who can depend on each other. Although there is a suspicion of self-deception in doing this, there are some differences between knowing this and doing it yourself.

Xiaomei Yuan knew that Yue Zhong’s situation was not optimistic before Xiao Meiqing. Even if it would not be life-threatening, it would be very hopeless to let Yue Zhong return to a state that could be relied upon by others. Xiao Meiqing came before Xiao Meiqing came Yuan thought about many things to be done, and no one could stop him without Xiao Meiqing's objection.

The development of social resources to the present level of the world, any rise must inevitably be stepped on the corpses of other people, the tit-for-tat on the bright side and the intrigue in the dark are inevitable, Yue Zhong left one of their sisters and brothers A good foundation and detailed plans are actually better for them to complete than Yue Zhong himself.

Because fighting often kills people, the name Xiaomei's family is enough to kill many people.

Xiao Meiqing, who chose to stay alone with Yue Zhong, just looked at him silently, and everyone left. If the brother-in-law intentionally pretended to be like this, there was no need to hide himself.

Brother-in-law, he really had a problem, and his eyes were beyond the curiosity of a child. There was no more spoiling in the past, and he could not even recognize who he was.

Yue Zhong looked at the motionless Xiao Meiqing and soon lost interest, but he didn't have the courage to leave the quilt that he could hide and go to the ground to play. After feeling bored, he slowly fell asleep.

Xiao Meiqing slowly leaned over to look at Yue Zhong’s old and haggard face. When he was a little girl twenty years ago, whenever he had a nightmare at night, his brother-in-law would want to stay beside him and watch himself fall asleep. Nowadays, times have changed, and everything is completely reversed.

For a long time, Xiao Meiqing woke up in the ward with the breeze moving the curtain and unknowingly fell asleep. She found that her body was as weak as life, and she was unwilling to fall ill at this time. Xiao Meiqing cheered. Standing up, he fell directly to the ground because of his lack of strength.

"How could it be at this time..." When she struggled to stand up, Yue Zhong, who was awakened by Xiao Meiqing's falling, sat on the bed and looked at Xiao Meiqing with strange eyes.

He seems to be different from yesterday's situation, not like a child but like a ruthless killer, even in the face of Xiao Meiqing also revealed the meaning of caution and even a killing.

Tian Yan's independent interpretation has been completely out of control. Yue Zhong, who is an incarnation, can't control the image he will face in the world. His own side has long been lost in the endless plane because of the intrusion of Lumu Tatsuya. Somewhere, except for one body, there are only a few drops left.

Because of this trace, Yue Zhong must promptly find an opportunity to leave Xiaomei Manor, and they must also be far away from Xiaomeiqing in the future.

"Sister-in-law, good morning." Xiao Meiqing smiled reluctantly and greeted Yue Zhong. She didn't want regular greetings between them because her brother-in-law broke it.

Xu Shi felt the goodwill in Xiao Meiqing, Yue Zhong's hostility towards her also decreased a little, and then sitting on the bed there was no other movement.

Xiao Meiqing stood up against the wall with difficulty, and Yue Zhong didn’t come over to help her. She completely regarded herself as a stranger when she grew must arrange your brother-in-law to go to the magic girl as soon as possible Headquarters treatment, even if only a ray of vitality is better than let him continue this way. "

After Xiao Meiqing also left, Yue Zhong slowly opened his eyes and looked at the environment that also felt strange. All the abnormalities he showed were not other characters occupying Yue Zhong's body, just because he became a corner of Tianyan .

All the personalities are derived from Yue Zhong itself, but all the experiences and memories are tampered with disorderly so as to lead to the presentation of different personalities. Yue Zhong, who was able to control the power of Tianyan, has gained many benefits from it, but now Tianyan Out of control, the inner balance will make Yue Zhong pay the same price for his previous profligacy. The people around him will also be affected by the negative sky show, and Xiao Meiqing's cold is coming from this.

It is because Yue Zhong will stay as far away from this place as possible before.

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