Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2107: Prison Break

"I'm the ship's mother of the Flame Alliance, even if I don't like the name anymore, even if I am an ignorant fanatic who rebelled against the big president in the eyes of people. A hiccup, "But this is always the result of our ship's mother revolution. I will not leave here. When it needs me again, I will still do everything I can to protect."

  Veneto turned to Li Xiaobei, looked up at her and said, "Do you understand now?"

   "Inexplicable." Li Xiaobe dismissed her lips disdainfully. She couldn't agree with the idea of ​​self-restraint for a certain existence, even if it was created by their own hands.

"The Soviet Union will stare at you for me, so don’t think about escaping. You can honestly reflect on what you’re doing here. If I think you’ve figured it out and are willing to make changes, maybe you can’t use it. I will let you out in ten years." Veneto did not ask for Li Xiaobei's attitude now. Since the other party did not want to stop to make a summary of the past years, then she used this method to force She stopped.

   has been informed by Veneto that he intends to escape, Li Xiaobei is too lazy to continue to cover up his intentions: "You will wait, I will escape!"

"The girl in the rebellious period is really a headache, but fortunately you came to me. If you put you next to the admiral, I don't know how much trouble it will cause the admiral." Veneto shook his head and sighed, "Li Xiao North, maybe you will be a genius girl who is not born out of plane, maybe you are also willing to consider for the admiral, but if you always indulge your willfulness, the role you can play will definitely be less than the help you can bring."

   "Hum." Li Xiaobei actually thought about such problems at certain times, but she just didn't like others to come out and teach herself, and the ideas that others imposed on her Li Xiaobei will always be repulsive.

  The truth is that she understands everything, but if she doesn’t think about it herself and decides to do it, no one can force it.

   "Soviet Union, this girl will be handed over to you. No part here can let her hide it, otherwise I am not sure she can make something out." Veneto turned to the Soviet Union.

  The Soviet Union turned his back to Veneto and did not agree or refuse, but just said indifferently: "The wine is running out."

  Veneto nodded, and then walked away from the jail cellar. When she walked to the door, she heard Li Xiaobei yell: "Veneto, how about we bet?"

   "What to gamble?" Veneto asked, turning his head back slightly.

"If I escape from this prison, you will give me my things back." Li Xiaobei is still so conceited, and the gambling game does not leave any room for himself, "If I have not escaped within ten years , I will listen to what you say after that."

  Veneto thought for a moment and said: "Okay, if you lose, don't be fooled."


In the parlor of the Great Presidential Palace, the little fat man Xu Xin fidgeted when he came in, turning his gaze to the door from time to time. He was expecting but fearing the appearance of Veneto.

Veneto let people like him see the hope to live and live better. Xu Xin, who had been away from Panplane Headquarters, was confident to continue the good cooperation plan he had said, but when he witnessed the prosperity of the Roman star Xu Xin was a little flustered when he saw a lot of characters from different planes in this world.

The development of the Heavy Flame Federation is based on the ship’s mercenary system. Its civilization has progressed far faster than everyone’s imagination. The exchange system that used to rely on the spare tire major league’s exchange system can still trade with Veneto. It has become less and less, even if Veneto still has a place to use himself, but if I go through one or two more tasks, maybe Veneto really no longer needs them. People.

  The contribution point obtained from the spare tire major league Xu Xin wants to exchange the corresponding technology or finished product to Veneto. He cannot fully use himself to strengthen himself, but the spare tire major league mechanism will not take this into account.

  Continuing such a transaction is undoubtedly a thirst for drinking water, Xu Xin has been inseparable.

Xu Xin seemed to have passed the centuries with anxious waiting. The figure that appeared on time on Veneto gave him a long overdue feeling. Her petite figure approached Xu Xin but caused a sense of oppression If it hadn't been for several struggles, he might not even have the strength to stand in front of Veneto.

  Veneto had no condoms as soon as he appeared, and he said straight away: "I don't agree with the plan you gave, so I think we can change the way of cooperation."

  Xu Xin's heart was cold when he heard the first half of the sentence. Fortunately, Veneto did not deliberately torture him and immediately gave him a new twist.

   "Is there any request from your Excellency the Great President?" Xu Xin asked tremblingly.

"The contribution points of the spare tire major league are not very useful to me at present, so you can all use these contribution points to strengthen your survivability. Chongyan Federation will still provide you with some help in exchange for what you want Bring me enough rewards." said the tone of the official office of As a member of the spare tire major league, you have the ability to carry out activities at the pan-plane headquarters, but I cannot always get there. To inquire about the news, to spend money to buy intelligence is too expensive and a bottomless hole, this is what I want you to do. "

  Xu Xin wiped the sweat on his forehead. What Veneto said was within their ability, but could a group of bottom-level personnel really meet her requirements?

   "Have the President President let us build an intelligence system?"

"Of course not." Veneto shook his head slightly. "The Flame Alliance is not enough to support the expenditure of establishing an intelligence system on the panplane. This is beyond your ability. My only request is when you are between missions. Don’t be greedy for enjoyment, disperse to some important departments to do some part-time jobs, and then tell me all the information you know.”

   There are a lot of ordinary people in the general plane engaged in employed work, just like the Kojima Haru.

These ordinary people are not always missed by confidential matters. Under chance, they may be exposed to some secret things. The Soviet rebellion has also brought some influence to Veneto. She needs to pay more attention to the opposition within the ship’s mother. My own meaningless voice.

   "If important information is provided, I will give rewards according to the situation, but it can only be in terms of equipment. After all, my finances here are not ample."

Xu Xin was quite confused, and Veneto also gave an explanation when he saw it: "I can't give you all the details about how to do it. You need to explore it yourself, but there is one very important thing that needs you now. Do it."

   "I heard that Fan Hanshi had come out of the court of law, and his traces at the Pan-Plane Headquarters reported to me as detailed as possible."

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