Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 2066: Meaningless plan

   "Yue Zhong, Zhang Xun, he went to the nursing home. The sisters have already discussed how to tease him, but do they want to let them go now?"

   The antique study, a ray of incense burner lingering in soft light, Xiao Ai leaned on Yue Zhong's arm and asked softly.

   "He has already gone to seek refuge, so naturally he cannot let Xiao Ai's sister go to the self-introduction net again." Yue Zhong replied while reading the book, "but it is unnecessary."

"Yeah, Xiaoqing only had some contradictions with Xiaoyuan. Even if Xiaoyuan wanted to continue the test, my sisters were not suitable to clean up Zhang Xun anymore." Xiao Ai turned his head back and looked at Yue Zhong's face. "Because of Xiaoqing's anger, Yue Zhong, you must care."

"So he is not smart enough, but it doesn't matter if he's smart or not. Now Zhang Xun doesn't have the likes and attachments to Xiaoqing in his heart. It is natural that his mind was attracted to Xiaobei, but the other way around It embarrassed Xiaoqing and made me very unhappy. With this alone, he would no longer have any chance." Yue Zhong's eyes were slightly cold, and some things stood on the sidelines of the bystanders. He can understand, but as Xiao Meiqing Her brother-in-law cannot forgive in any case, "People need to have a bottom line, otherwise, they will only be able to reassure those who trust him. I don't want Xiaoqing to like the last man destined to make her worry all day long.

Xiao Ai nodded inexplicably. Suddenly she thought of sitting up next to her and asked, "But what should we do? Now things have been pierced by Zhang Xun. Qing has complained, so it's hard for sisters to shoot again, unless he is completely wiped out."

"I can't tell him to let him die here. Xiaobei has started to do it. Then I can't stay idle all the time." Yue Zhong looked at the time on the wall clock and replaced it with Li Xiaobei before. Yes, but today she may not be very embarrassed to meet with Yue Zhong, so she must wait for Yue Zhong to fall asleep before coming back.

   "What do you want to do?" Xiao Ai asked excitedly.

"Of course I went to bed first. What's the matter tomorrow? Anyway, it's still too early." Yue Zhong stretched a long lazy waist and stood up while yawning, "Xiao Ai, do you want to go out to hide? Lest Xiaobei came back and grabbed you to do research."

   Xiao Ai nodded sympathetically, jumped out of the window after saying good night.

Xiao Meiqing and Zhang Xun, who visited the middle-aged and elderly activity center at night, were very conspicuous. The old people who lived here were very happy to see Xiao Meiqing coming back, but they only looked at Zhang Xun beside her indifferently. It's not as kind as the old man outside asking if this is Xiaoqing's boyfriend.

  Because Xiao Meiqing is so much loved in this place, everyone regards her as her granddaughter. At the moment, she has the same mentality as Yue Zhong.

"What does Xiaoqing come here so late, most people are sleeping." The old man sitting next to the heater in the tea room greeted Xiaomeiqing, "When I heard you went to Vienna to study piano, when did you come back?" "

  Xiao Meiqing reluctantly smiled and replied: "I just came back two days ago, remembering that I hadn't visited Peng Peng and came over all night."

"Oh, is this new volunteer next to you? Why haven't we ever seen him, and we bother Xiaoqing to lead him personally." The old man said with a thorn in his words, "You guys, don't you have anything you shouldn't have?" Thought, otherwise you who are wrong with you will make you unable to eat and walk around."

   "Natural and natural." Zhang Xun said uncomfortably. He felt that Xiaomei Manor really didn't match his own character, no matter where he was, people looked very uncomfortable.

  Although it's not bad, he blames Xiao Meiqing for everything, but Zhang Xun feels uncomfortable.

   "To see you again tomorrow, I will go to Uncle Peng first." Xiao Meiqing also wanted to make Zhang Xun too embarrassed, and dragged him away in a hurry.

   Xiao Meiqing didn't realize that since she discovered Zhang Xun's secret affection for Teacher Su, she felt a little disgusted to hold his arm, so she asked Xiao Meiyuan when she went out to challenge Xiao Meiqing. Now, Xiao Meiqing has never done this.

The only people who can still visit Peng Ju are the old brothers outside of Xiao Mei’s family, but those people will not appear at night. When the sound from outside the ward is heard, Qianben Mingying is alert Stand up.

   "Xiao Qing?" Seeing that the person who appeared was Xiao Mei Qing, Ming Ying slowly let go of her vigilance but still asked very strangely, "How did you come here at this time."

Xiao Meiqing, who hasn’t seen Ming Ying in a long time, finds that the other party is bigger than she imagined. This is not to say that Ming Ying, who is a magical girl, has suddenly grown up, just because she is watching Peng every day and night. Lift, so a lot of sickness added to the tender face.

   "Sister Sakura, how long have you not taken a rest, how can you take care of Uncle Peng, the person who used to keep you the vigil?" Xiao Meiqing asked in a small hand holding Sakura very anxiously.

"There are several guys who are clumsy. Before Peng Ju couldn't even say anything, they couldn't figure out what Peng Ju needed, so they always caused trouble, and I drove them away." Qianben Mingying's weak smile "I also have a rest. When he is asleep, I just lean on the bed and sleep."

   "But it's still very hard..." Xiao Meiqing's eyes had some fog. She really liked and envied the simple attachment between Ming Ying and Peng Ju.

   The former Ming Ying naughty trick ~ ~ always caused Peng Ju to pat the table and stared at the eyes, groaning after the person who kept mourning what he would do later.

In fact, this problem does not require him to worry, because when he fell ill and no longer saw the possibility of recovery, Ming Ying naturally separated the boundary from the past life of nonsense, and stayed at his feet. Nowhere to go.

   The short lifespan of human beings is too incompatible with the old magical girl, so these two people finally came together and were destined to be a tragedy.

"Fortunately, Peng Ju can speak now, I can chat with him every day to relieve boredom, and the days are not very boring." Qian Ben Ming Ying counted the pitiful fun, but he smiled happily like The flower is average.

"Sister Yingying, since Uncle Peng can speak, he will not be misunderstood about what he asks. I will bring someone to show you. If you think it is appropriate, leave him here to change shifts. I haven't been out for a long time, even the clothes on my body have a musty smell." Xiao Meiqing said when she saw the stitches.

   "This..." Qianben Mingying's face was filled with reluctance, because she did not want to be separated from Peng Ju in her heart, but this was Xiao Meiqing's request and she was also embarrassed to refuse.

   After smelling the taste of the collar of the clothes, Qianben Mingying reluctantly said, "Well, I'll go take a bath and change my clothes. I'll discuss it with you when I come back."


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