Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1861: Yue Zhong's yearning for freedom

Xiao Meiqing is helpless about this. She wants to tell Yue Zhong that she has really grown up. Even if she goes to college to take care of herself, she sees Yue Zhong's appearance but she has If the shares are unspeakable, let him continue to work in a hurry.

When Lumu Yuanxiang and Ba Mami were at home, the brother-in-law did not spend a large part of their time on them as they did before. Except for the daily restaurants where everyone would gather together to talk and speak at other times Lines that do not intersect.

   Part of the reason for this phenomenon is also because Xiao Meiqing is no longer the little girl who likes to chase behind Yue Zhong's ass, and his social circle is Xiao Qing's social circle. A girl who is over 18 years old and has a flowery jade already has her own circle of friends. Ba Mami and others are nominally her sister's generation, but in her heart, they are not much different from their elders. She likes to get together with her elders. At first, it is difficult for her to really integrate into their circles. Second, there are not many common topics.

It is true that Xiao Meiqing will not say this kind of thought in her heart, but Ba Mami and Lumu Yuanxiang are very self-knowledge. They can’t take Yue Zhong away from Xiao Meiqing because they are guests. When Qing is about to leave home and start college life alone, let her brother-in-law leave her with her last time before leaving home.

Many times, Bami and Lumu Yuanxiang rested in Xiaomei Manor. They came here for a time without any disturbance or trivial matters. Xiaomei's home is naturally the best choice for everything. You don't need to make tea and dessert to chat, but Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiqing go out of the house.

Until now, it is hard to say whether Yue Zhong took Xiao Qing out to play or Xiao Qing hoped that Yue Zhong would accompany him to relax. Xiao Qing called out the good girlfriends she had met in junior high school, knowing that she had just lost her mother's friend We also took care of Xiao Meiqing's feelings and regarded her as a focal point. Yue Zhong, a middle-aged man who gathered in a group of girls, finally knew what a generation gap was.

When she first arrived in Spain, Xiao Meiqing had already demonstrated her ability to communicate with strangers. Now she has been baptized in Western high school. Xiao Meiqing has completely forgotten her former introversion and inferiority. Yue Zhong can already rest assured. She left herself alone...

Of course, Yue Zhong is definitely not a person who gives up accepting new things because he is old. He is also very interested in the topics that the girls in the legitimate flower season are passionate about. Xiao Meiqing’s friends were only constrained by Yue Zhong’s existence at the beginning, but When they realized that Yue Zhong was a very enlightened elder, they gradually let go, and could even make a joke with Yue Zhong without a hurt.

  In this plain life, Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiqing have gradually come out of the shadow of the death of Mrs. Xiao Mei. At least now, on the surface, they can no longer see how sad they are.

   "Brother-in-law, in the future I will not be at home, you can go out for a walk, don't be bored at home like Uncle Peng and make yourself sick." Xiao Meiqing looked at Yue Zhong who helped her to pack her luggage.

   They also went to Ju Ding Pavilion to see Peng Ju, but what he saw was that he was lying on the sickbed sickly and anxious Qianben Mingying.

   Although Peng Ju is only more than 60 years old, his temperament of the rivers and lakes makes him never pay attention to body conditioning, nor does he know how to cultivate himself like Yue Zhong.

The life that often reveled with old friends gradually brought down his body, and when Peng Ju was young, he always fought with others and challenged martial arts masters without saying a word. The dark injuries left on his body were in the elderly. After the decline, it burst out together.

Peng Ju had been lying on the hospital bed when Mrs. Xiaomei died, so that day he was not able to appear at Mrs. Xiaomei’s funeral. Yue Zhong, who was busy with Zhang Luo, did not seem to notice this until they When I remembered visiting Judingge, I realized that Pengju's condition was already terrible.

Fortunately, his old brothers often visit him, so Peng Ju is still in a good mood despite his poor appearance, fearing that his illness will evoke the sadness in Xiao Meiqing's heart, so let Qianben Mingying take Xiao Meiqing Going to play games, I talked with Yue Zhong about many things.

   However, Xiao Meiqing still took note of this and told Yue Zhong not to worry before leaving.

"When Xiaoqing is not at home, I will naturally go around, and I won't be alone at home." Yue Zhong smiled to Xiao Meiqing with a wide smile, "I can finally regain my freedom, how can I stay at home moldy?" What about?"

Xiao Meiqing pouted unhappily, "Is my brother-in-law finally dismissing Xiaoqing as a tow oil bottle? Hmm, I will go to a boyfriend who is willing to accompany me immediately after I go to college! I will take you home when you are on vacation. ."

Xiao Meiqing, who has long been accustomed to joking with Yue Zhong, is no longer so fragile. She takes every sentence of Yue Zhong seriously and remembers it in her heart. Yue Zhongwen also exaggeratedly said: "You are not afraid that I will tear down the kid. In the pond."

"Then I will ignore the brother-in-law again!" Xiao Meiqing yelled and yelled out after naughty Yue Zhong rolled her eyes and didn't go to grab the girl, after all, she What Yue Zhong heard was still very happy. He always heard that a girl from another family found her boyfriend and then turned her elbows away. No matter whether the man was worth the trust of his life, he did not hesitate to make trouble with his family. .

   "I just dismissed her boyfriend and just ignored me, so it seems that I can really try it." Yue Zhong stroked his beard.

  Xiao Meiqing turned away soon after she ran away alone, and she was still reluctant to leave Yue Zhong. Mrs. Xiaomei used her own death to look forward to Xiaomeiqing’s true growth. Xiaoqing now understands her mother’s good intentions. Although she is still a lively girl, she knows how to cherish her loved ones in her heart. Too.

   "Brother-in-law." Xiao Meiqing shook with Yue Zhong's hand.

   "What's the matter, if I go alone, if I'm afraid, I will let a few stewards accompany you." Yue Zhong said helplessly and looked back at her spoiledly.

"Where do you want to play?" Xiao Meiqing was quite curious about Yue Zhong's schedule afterwards. She knew that Yue Zhong had a lot of restrictions when she took herself before. Now he can say that he is really free, maybe Will go to all strange places?

"First go to the custom shop in Tokyo, then the club in country C, the nightclub in the west..." In order to retaliate Xiao Meiqing, he threatened to find a boyfriend, Yue Zhong said his eyes brightly Where I want to go, "I couldn't get in with a minor before, but now I don't have those restrictions!"

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