Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1782: Disregarded countermeasures

"Two days later, there is still no news over the Observer Group?" Veneto, in a black trench coat, gazed at the man with gold glasses in front of the closed meeting room in the public communication area.

This is an intelligence vendor active in the public exchange area. Veneto’s operation at the Pan-Plane Headquarters has not been running smoothly so he cannot find his trusted sources of intelligence. Even this man has hired soldiers from the ship’s mother. It was found by the ruler who initiated the commission.

  Veneto did not trust the broker, but she had no good choice. She confirmed that her advisor is the best, but it should not take so long to find a plan to break the game with the wisdom of the observers. The employment of these brokers is billed on time, and they are required to pay Even the big president of Chongyan Federation can't afford to pay long.

"Ms. Veneto, it's useless to be anxious. You can only choose to believe us right now?" The man in glasses has a seductive smell, obviously a man, but he is just like women in makeup and dress. Neto still remembers that Yue Zhong’s first contract from a so-called TV station was signed with such a girly girl. Perhaps there is indeed such a trend in the pan-plane that spreads among the niche. No one will have any prejudice against them.

It’s just that Veneto has, she thinks that men should be as calm and wise as the Admiral...Although the Admiral sometimes tells some sneer that he doesn’t understand, at least it’s like the pirate Admiral Seren Shep Fearless?

   "My patience is limited." Veneto emphasized, trying to pick up a cup of coffee but found it was empty.

   "You can choose to terminate the employment relationship, but the remuneration paid in these two days will not be refunded, because we are really doing things, and even the arbitration agency investigation can not find any problems." The girl said with confidence.

  Veneto heard the girly careless attitude, and the original anger in his heart gradually extinguished.

   is indeed very weak now, even if he wants to threaten anyone, he is nothing but a girl, girly, coming to Japan to grow up.

   "Very good, I hope you can bring me the information I want today." Veneto clapped his hands and calmed down again.

The expenses in the conference room are also not low, and the cost of hiring brokers is a financial burden for the heavy flame federation that is poor compared to many splendid civilizations. After all, every penny of the heavy flame federation passes Veneto The audit was used on the blade. She ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to kill the mistakes and eliminate corruption. This led to huge contradictions. The money deducted from the teeth of the teeth, she spent two days here. It's almost done.

After all, there is a huge difference in the level of civilization differences in productivity. The native tyrants of a house of shells in the primitive society brought all their property to the modern society. Even if those shells are sold as collectibles, how much money can they have? ?

   Too poor to want to go to other planes to rob, Veneto even thought about making them prestige to open a maid cafe to make money in the Pan Plane. After all, the income from working here is more than a city's annual financial income.

Every second in the past, Veneto was very sad. The president’s financial predictions had long been squandered because of this private matter that he wanted to help the admiral. In the following year, she had to cut down on food and drink and couldn’t afford the plane trade. Coffee.

"There is news." Suddenly, a girly word inspired Veneto's spirit. "The Observer's decision is to ignore Yue resetting. They think that it is wrong to do anything to Yue Zhong with the power of that world. , Because your admirer has already gone beyond the scope of everyone in that world, he is now doing a practice about the fate of heaven, and the more people involved, the more he can help him, so the best mismatch is Do nothing, create an atmosphere where he doesn’t exist, whatever he does."

While Veneto was still savoring the amount of information in this sentence, the girly girl stood up and said goodbye: "Thanks for Ms. Veneto’s employment, I hope you can choose to cooperate with us next time, and hope you can I have more trust in us. We are intelligence traffickers but not scammers. We must follow the rules when doing anything in the general plane. This common sense is considered free for me."

After being despised by some people, Veneto knew that she was still a country man who had never seen the big world, but she was not very angry, at least her contribution was rewarded.

The conference room in the public communication area can no longer be used. The relatively confidential environment here is used to communicate with people but not for rest. The pan-plane headquarters area will not charge walking fees at least, and the air can breathe without money. So Veneto soon left here.

According to the response plan proposed by the observers, Veneto gradually figured out the deep meaning. She is finally a ship mother who inherits a large part of Yue Zhong’s wisdom. Even if it is limited by the pattern and vision, she will not understand the current form.

Veneto had only one core cabin maintained by the Kappa when she was in the hometown of the Admiral. At that time she couldn’t do anything and couldn’t go anywhere. She even existed under the name Shenhu. During that time Neto can only pass time by watching human works such as movies and TV series.

She remembers a movie called "killing" ~ ~ which tells the story of how a group of people joined forces to kill a "non-compliant" person. The people in the village were bewitched by a doctor who returned from abroad Using the so-called mind-beneficial means to "murder" a healthy person by suggestion.

This is a kind of common exclusion to achieve innocence and murder, and the countermeasures formulated by the observers are similar. Lumuda also deliberately restricted the contact between the magical girl and Yue Zhong. In fact, there is already such a prototype, so they are in Lumu Taya's road has been further improved.

Isn’t Yue Zhong taking the path of his heavenly performance? If he loses the cooperation of the whole world, the vast majority of people are indifferent and indifferent to him, he can only go further within his own scope of activities There is room for hostility and resistance in the world, but it is a cold violence that is more terrible than direct harm. When your existence is denied by everyone, it is actually equivalent to non-existence. After all, human beings are living creatures in groups. Freedom is too much and it is the beginning of destruction.

  Although this is Qi Xiaomeng's request, it is clear that the observers did not use much thought but simply improved Lumuda's previous countermeasures, but this was enough to embarrass Yue Zhong.

   "Admiral..." Veneto wanted to help Yue Zhong, but when she completely figured out the battle between the two sides, she found that she could not do anything.

  Neither Lumuda can achieve this by themselves without using more power of the panplane.

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