Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1729: The end of reincarnation

"So where is she?" Mu Yuan didn't mean to have an in-depth exchange with Rosa. The person he saw at the moment was the young master painter who had contact with Li Xiaobei in the intelligence. For a puppet who is talking to himself, and a person who does not even want to show his face, there is really no sincerity and necessity for cooperation.

  As long as she can know where Li Xiaobei is, then she has no room for resistance.

   "How can I know this kind of thing." If Rosa could know where Li Xiaobei was, she didn't need to contact Mu Yuan directly but told the other party and Guangming Church in another way.

The group of people like Mu Yuan was very useless and did not find Li Xiaobei, and Rosa was not able to subvert her previous layout after Li Xiaobei disappeared. The self, who had an absolute advantage, was now playing with her in applause, The gap is even more obvious than the first encounter.

what is this……

"Then why do you say that Li Xiaobei is still here, or why do I believe you, that Li Xiaobei has appeared." Mu Yuan's words revealed full distrust, and he was also born in the legal court. Although not as extreme as Fan Hanshi, the requirements for factual evidence are extremely high. There is no evidence to support the fact that Li Xiaobei has appeared and that she still exists. No one can make him absolutely believe.

   "I will prove to you, don't let her run when she appears." Rosa said fiercely, and then the illusion of the young master disappeared from Mu Yuan's eyes.

   Anyway, you can have someone else do it for yourself. Although you also have some responsibilities, as long as it is not deliberately instigated by you, the consequences are still within the tolerable range.

   is not without the means to forcibly break the game, but whoever did it first will lose the idea, no matter what the final result is, at least it has already fallen in the contest of wisdom, and if it is replaced by an equal stage, it is definitely determined to lose.

   Fortunately, there is never absolute fairness in competition. If you have an advantage and do not use it, you will not only be hypocritical but also mentally handicapped.

All the fulcrums of Li Xiaobei's layout are in the identity of a saint. Even if she disappears, Lianhua supports this fulcrum, making it possible for her to make the next plan. Rosa only needs to appear in front of Lianhua as a scientific **** If the teaching aspect destroys it, then Li Xiaobei's layout in this world will disappear.

Maybe she can still trick Mu Yuan to get away in other planes, but at least in this plane she can’t do anything anymore, Xiao Meiyan agreed to contact her here for the next teaching, this opportunity she also Will be completely missed. As long as Xiao Meiyan does not give her the next step, Li Xiaobei cannot reach her height in a short time.

   Everything is okay, and I can continue to fill in the missing parts.

  Rosa apparently selectively forgot that she can achieve what she is today is not entirely dependent on her own efforts. If she had not taken her out of that ancient civilization for thousands of years, she would not be able to break through the sky of mankind no matter how hard she tried.

  However, even if she did it with ruthlessness, would she be able to jump out of Li Xiaobei's layout?

"In the beginning, I calculated my master and was hunted down by her in the underground world for a year, but in the end she fell in front of me. I still remember the smile that she was relieved before dying, and my life was unreserved. The heritage is entrusted to me."

   "Now it's just a new experience of that horror. I've experienced so many things and I won't be afraid of you, Rosa!"

The void behind the curtain completely opened the channel, and the evil spirits of the spherical ring tremble with joy, and the sound of the void came from it, although this so-called void was compared with the void that really overcame the material plane. It seems extremely small, but here it is one of the supreme psionic supremacy.

   With the whisper of the void, the silk string that touched the essence of life began to bounce and re-given the vitality and strength of the evil spirit.

   The will that finally appeared brought endless silence and terror, and the evil **** who was still happy was instantly immersed in immersion. They understood what their destruction and birth came from, so they had endless awe of its existence.

  Li Xiaobei silently watched the curtain for several years and staged a pleasurable pleasure. In these years, she thought that her imagination was constantly integrating and condensing, and finally let her seek the truth of the destruction of prehistoric civilization.

It’s a universe of heroes, morality, deputy or direct democracy; the oligarchic system of the Scientific Council, the Holy Court, warlords and bureaucrats; constitutionalism, totalitarian and peaceful dictatorships; monarchy such as hegemony; and Various forms of political system derived from cluster consciousness and mechanical community; and advanced and degenerate ancient civilization, primitive and strong nomadic civilization...

   Dozens of polities coexist in a universe, they fight endlessly, they build a huge federation, they have gone through the end crisis, they start the battle of heaven.

The splendid diversity brought to the universe by dozens of intelligent life, as well as many intelligent life species that are rushing to the and many intelligent life species that are ignorant or budding together form one Extraordinary and cosmopolitan event.

   But in the end they all went to destruction, because a awakened psionic species found that terrifying existence after this curtain, they made a contract that did not know the end but was also destined to the end.

Since then, this species has gained power, knowledge, wealth and all priceless things in the universe. The terrifying giant cosmic creatures have disappeared under their cannon fire. Other competitive civilizations have been captured and enslaved, even the powerful and awakened ancient civilizations cannot. Guarding the last party, they finally completed the unity of the universe.

However, the sentence left in the ruins of prehistoric civilization reveals the end of this powerful civilization. Fifty years of time are fleeting. Species that have benefited from the contract of the end of reincarnation think they can bear the price, but they can pay. They can't afford to hide, and liquidation will eventually come.

All the marked planets were taken away by the virtual realm behind the curtain without any reaction time. All the energy was turned into today’s evil gods. They were finally sealed on the earth where no intelligent life has appeared. As the final mark of the virtual world behind the curtain, waiting for the birth of new life.

All evil spirits are nothing more than defective products left after the destruction and destruction of former wisdom life. They have high wisdom but no complete reason, so they can give new humans even if they lose most of their power. Bring pollution and terror.

  After humans have expelled them, a new era begins, and the evil gods are also liberating themselves step by step.

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