Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1708: Yue Zhong's new career

"Okay." Fan Hanshi agreed succinctly. His attachment to Xiao Meiyan originated from his strong professionalism. The resulting ultimate goal of recklessness and selfishness was also to complete the delivery of the universal plane to him. For his mission, he was always considering the pan-plane, even if he did something extraordinary for it, but the executives of the pan-plane could understand that Fan Hanshi's motive was good, so he didn't impose too severe punishment on him.

   He is only taking corresponding responsibility for his decision, and the consequences that affect the diplomatic reputation must have a sufficient weight to bear.

If Mu Yuan can replace himself to complete the unfinished mission, Fan Hanshi will naturally not have any reservation for him. In his heart, he never thought what would happen if he was surpassed by a person who has been suppressed by himself. 'S instinct also tells him that Mu Yuan may not be able to do what he cannot do.

But it is good for such a person to continue to put pressure on Xiao Meiyan. She should understand that even if there is one Fan Hanshi missing in the pan-plane, there will be newcomers to fill the vacancy, even if these people fall one by one, it can be pan There is never a lack of genius and talent in the plane. The unfinished mission of this generation will soon be filled by a new generation. How much can Xiaomeiyan solve it no matter how good she is?

Fan Hanshi closed his eyes calmly after saying all the words, and was kept in a confinement room without being regarded as a punishment by him. He really needed such an absolutely quiet environment to calm down his mind. For ordinary people, the dark and closed, which is fearful and crazy, is the best environment. It seems that after experiencing the fear of being threatened with life and death, Fan Hanshi has already taken a step forward in his state of mind.

   Muyuan couldn’t be as indifferent to him as he was. He was about to take on a major mission entrusted by the Pan-Plane. His heart was full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm: “Is that all?”

   "If I think of anything again, I will ask someone to tell you." Fan Hanshi said with his eyes closed.

"Then see you again." Mu Yuan waved his hand, although he knew that the other party could not see it. "You look a little strange to me like this, but you need to come out from here to prove any feelings and promotion. I will distance myself from you before, and the stage that can be touched by the identity of inspector is still too small.

"good luck."

Mu Yuan left from Fan Hanshi's confinement room. He wanted to let the other party see that he had the opportunity that belonged to him and got some satisfaction, but Fan Hanshi was really different from the previous one. Can leaving really change that much?

Fan Hanshi’s ending gave Mu Yuan a deep wake-up call. He believed that he could not let himself lose his mind when confronting the insidious and lawless thugs. Pan-plane rules are his own restraints but also his own advantages. Act within the rules Even a momentary defeat is invincible. If the opponent does not have the capital to destroy the foundations of the ubiquitous plane, then he has a stable rear to continue the offensive, as long as he can succeed in countless attempts. One time is enough.

   Therefore, in Mu Yuan’s opinion, Fan Hanshi’s method of attacking poison with poison was forced to rush, and she would not make such a mistake.

With this idea, Mu Yuan took all the powers except the diplomatic ambassador that Fan Hanshi had previously and went to the world of scientific theology, but Li Xiaobei is the same stranger to Mu Yuan and Fan Hanshi. Can Xiao Meiyan's method be used against her?

After being reminded by Fan Hanshi that Mu Yuan did not take it lightly, he decided not to act quickly so that the other party might escape. To this end, he not only needed to understand the details of Xiao Meiyan, but also did to Master Yue Zhong of Li Xiaobei Careful investigation.

   So what is Yue Zhong doing at this time?

Because the impact of the economic crisis has not completely passed, it is easy for Yue Zhong to go into the judicial industry to cause unnecessary suspicion and trouble. After he has found justice for his father-in-law, there is nothing worthwhile for him to do. The last visit of the examiner of the Legal Supervision Tribunal gave Yue Zhong a vigilance in his heart. He felt that he should not cause trouble or worry him again.

   Therefore, Yue Zhong resigned as a prosecutor. He did not leave the city of Takihara but became a teacher in the city school where Xiaoqing studied.

This decision was not made on a whim, Yue Zhong didn't like to teach those clumsy students, but Xiao Meiqing has told him several times that there are boys in the school who put love letters in her shoe cabinet, Yue Zhong thinks this You have to take care of it yourself, so that those stinky toads who want to eat swan meat will know the power of the eighth job agency.

All the subjects in the junior high school have the ability to teach, so many years of study and study have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and broad basic knowledge for Yue Zhong, even if he has insufficient academic talents and has no ability to become a first-class university. A full-time tutor, but teaching some half-big bear kids is more than enough.

Mu Yuan watched Yue Zhong commute to and from the manor and school every day, and Xiao Meiqing walked by his side when he went to In a geography class, Yue Zhong talked about the significance of the construction of the Suez Canal With the impact on the world, while writing the words on the holographic blackboard with one hand, he pinched the chalk head with one hand and flicked it accurately to the head of the student who was staring out of the window.

The strength of his fingers can make people feel dizzy even if he plays chalk, but for these students Yue Zhong will naturally be sympathetic, and the male student who was attacked by the chalk head immediately stood up, he knew this middle-aged old man It's about to go viral.

   "Who is that, what are you looking at?" Yue Zhong asked Shen Sheng with his back to the male student. "Dare to take a small mission in my class and go out to stand upside down for half an hour."

The methods of punishing people are the same as Li Xiaobei and Yue Zhong. Although corporal punishment of students violates the teacher’s professional ethics, no one dares to say anything about Yue Zhong’s practice. Even the parents of the students know this. The teacher is the man who dominates Takihara. It is an honor for his children to be educated by him.

   "Damn middle-aged greasy uncle, how come you are not so bald when you are so old?" The male student slandered Yue Zhong. Some words clearly had serious consequences, but it was everyone's freedom to think about it.

Yue Zhong did not suppress the students’ thoughts. He looked at the students who had walked out of the door and started to stand upside down. He knew his thoughts well. After all, he was too young. When I saw that my fat pig class teacher also had a lot of dissatisfaction and dared not express it, I could only scold it in my heart like this child.

  Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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