Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1693: The Holy See

"Confirm that the attacking planet is the X-17 high-level evil spirit, the target has no signs of existence on the planet, retrieve the residual high-concentration illusion mirror image of the entire planet, and intend to invite the ecological restoration believers to carry out the purification ceremony."

The branch of science theology optics has given itself the name of a bright vatican. Not only does it have a profound attainment in optics, but it also reverses the belief in science into a model of supernatural energy, but this supernatural power is controlled by the priesthood of the vatican. Personnel monopoly, ordinary people no matter how high their status, they are not eligible to contact.

After the planet turned into a black death star after being attacked by Evil God lost all contact with the outside world, the Bright Holy See immediately realized the seriousness of the situation, but they have not fought with Evil God for a long time, and the existing armed forces are more It is prepared for the civil war between different branches of faith.

In order to ensure that the planet can be recovered from Evil God this time, the Bright Holy See formulated a detailed combat plan and read the historical record to transform the secret service fleet. It is too late to wait until they have completed this series of preparations. The evil **** who had face-to-face contact with Li Xiaobei had long since disappeared.

Evil God is smarter than most people. He knows that he is certainly not an opponent of the Light Holy See. After a lot of destruction, he grows away, leaving only a mess of places to declare that he has been there.

"Investigate the reason why the evil spirits who have been expelled come back for revenge. All anomalies on this planet can't be let go." This was the order issued by the Archbishop of the Bright Holy See. The regional bishop responsible for this mission is also in the name of faith He vowed to find the answer, otherwise he would accept the heresy and die.

There is basically no possibility of leaving any survivors in the places attacked by Evil God personally. They came to prepare to fight with Evil God and found that the other party had long disappeared. They did not mean to search for survivors, while sending full-time life and purification Of believers carried out environmental restoration of the planet while investigating the traces of the evil spirits everywhere.

As this series of work proceeded in an orderly manner, an abrupt all-fleet broadcast caught everyone's attention: "Discover survivors, discover survivors!"

This broadcast was no less than a thunder that exploded in the hearts of all the clerics of the Light Holy See. They knew exactly what it meant to be spared by the evil gods...

It will be traced back from the wild times of the earth. When human beings are at the stage of being dominated and played with by evil spirits like most creatures, the first awakened group of wise people led the difficult rise of the ethnic group. Evil gods with unfathomable spiritual strength clearly feel that they have suppressed all kinds of wisdom after they have appeared new intelligent life on the earth. It is not only that those who have turned on the wise face the fears left in the genes under the competition of natural laws. Even those ethnic groups who have not yet started their spiritual wisdom have also been implicated.

When tribes with primitive beliefs fell into the dust of history under the offensive of evil spirits, a great figure was born in the embryonic civilization of scientific theology, the **** of manufacturing and tools. He was the only one who could resist The man who lives the spirit attack of the evil **** is also with his existence, no matter how many times the population has experienced ups and downs, it has not followed the footsteps of other tribes.

This kind of spiritual power that is strong enough to fight against evil gods can be passed down from generation to generation, but each generation can only have one such inherited strong spiritual force, and they are also carrying it while inheriting this inherent advantage. The historical mission of inheriting civilization and wisdom.

They are called saints or saints. Under their leadership, the tribes that believe in scientific theology continue to grow and develop, and they have established city-state, state, earth-unified governments and even vast interstellar civilizations.

However, when the evil spirits were completely expelled from the scope of human activities, several branches of science that had been born in the scientific gods lost their unified enemies, and finally placed the footsteps of conquest on their own people. When the seven sects split When that day came, it seemed that the historical missions of the Sons and the Virgins had come to an end, and most of the Sons had fallen without warning at the moment of the war.

Some people said that he was punished for failing to maintain the unity of scientific theology, others said that it was the ambition of the ambitions to assassinate this son who had no heirs, and there are all kinds of strange versions speculating on him Death, but no one can make it clear why he fell.

The only thing that is clear is that he is indeed dead. His death is also the heaviest loss of scientific theology. No one can have enough influence to unify the branches of scientific research, that is, the Holy Sees today.

His death was also a scandal of scientific theology, in order to eliminate all kinds of rumors at that time, the major churches killed a **** storm before completely burying this history, in addition to today's believers can also touch the truth Ordinary people think that the version of the history book without the existence of sons and daughters is the true history.

Li Xiaobei, who was jointly educated by Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan, could not be a rigid dogma. When she came into contact with unknown things and history, she took a questioning attitude from the heart, as if the whole world would be malicious when she did not pay attention. Like deceived her, and circulated readings that recorded the history of the development of scientific theology on the earth. She didn’t believe that everything was true at the is the rise of scientific theology and other religions without exception Has fallen, and although there are not so many in the world, why there is also an inevitable development, but the rise of scientific theology in the history books does not have a reason to convince Li Xiaobei, she began to doubt where is false and how much is buried in it Unknown secret.

Soon there were many kinds of speculations in Li Xiaobei's mind, among which there was no shortage of the possibility of the Son and the Virgin, so she only saw it when she saw a planet that had been attacked by the evil **** for a long time and turned into a black death star. It will show so much excitement and fanaticism, because there is more than one strange lifeform that has never been seen there, and more than a lot of bright papal scientific and technological information, it also represents a great opportunity.

Even if the guess of the Holy Son and the Virgin is not true, the people of scientific theology will never be indifferent when they see a human who can resist the spiritual attack of the evil spirit, so Li Xiaobe dare to devote all his life to gamble this time Probably, if she didn’t go to this dead star because of a trace of fear, like Lianhua, she didn’t want to stand under a dangerous wall, this chance will also be missed, so that Li Xiao, who knows more truth in the future North regrets.

She always remembered that she had promised that Xiao Meiyan would contact as quickly as possible, and now that is the way to prove that she lives up to expectations.

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