Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1633: A certain victory

Between day and night in different regions, the news of the victory of the shining galaxy spread and swept across the Roman star, in the I star field, and in every place of the seven galaxies where humans live.

The great and invincible president Vittorio Veneto once again led the seven galaxy to defeat the terrible abyssal fleet and expelled it into the void again.

This time, she was no longer held back by other admirals, nor did she need to rely on the power of others to achieve this significant victory. The abyss fleet did not even go beyond the shining galaxy, and the footprints of the void never stepped on half an inch of human territory. The shadow of fear that had just arrived had been dispelled again without leaving any trauma in people's hearts. Lang Lang returned to peace, and the waves of the sea rose to Hai Yan He Qing, and this side of the universe restored the calm of a month ago.

Since the reorganization of the Flame Alliance, some people once spread that there is no excellent admiral to control the military power, and the whole civilization will be wiped out in the next void invasion, even if the blood of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Amfran, no matter how cleansing, but this idea Still deeply embedded in the thinking of many people.

With this drastic victory, Veneto's prestige was pushed to a pinnacle that could no longer be subverted. She also successfully proved that the ship ladies could exert their fighting power without the command of the admiral, and proved a The united seven galaxies can face any powerful enemy and win the final victory.

Hidden in the Flame Alliance, those hidden dangers that may lead to division again disappeared for a time. No matter how confusing words and nostalgia for the glory of the past can not be compared to the glorious prosperity of the blue sky. Today, a peaceful life is great. The wish of most people, the scars left by the last Void Invasion still linger in everyone's heart, the only will and victory will promote humanity to have a high degree of cohesion, when they more and more recognized the current government, the opposite The nation will also accelerate the pace of integration.

Veneto hopes that all nations will one day be recorded in history, and that humans living in the Federation of Heavy Flames will only recognize their unique identity. Should they be called the Heavy Flames?

Upon learning of the tremendous victory of the shining galaxy, Saratoga, who was lying on the bed to rejuvenate her beauty, jumped up excitedly, and ran barefoot to the desk to work with a hundred times of spirit, and arranged a grand for the triumph of victory The celebration is indispensable, Saratoga has an extra task outside of her daily work, but instead of complaining, she is very happy. After Veneto came back, she was liberated and she no longer needs to be imprisoned by herself every day. Life in the Grand Presidential Palace can also escape from work that can never be done.

It’s just that the chief maid didn’t make Saratoga happy for a long time. When Saratoga was up, she appeared in front of Saratoga with her maid with complicated and gorgeous clothes: “Miss Saratoga, The Pan-planet delegation hopes to meet with you and express our congratulations on the victory achieved by Chongyan Federation and the respect for the Miss Ship Mothers."

"You really believe in the compliments that they said." Saratoga has become acquainted with the maidservant these days. Once she gets acquainted with who she is, there is no restraint. "We can win so quickly. They are sure. I can’t imagine it. I’m surprised, of course, but I can’t say anything about admiration. I just want to stay longer and wait to meet my favorite ship mother.”

The one-month acting presidential life has made Saratoga's knowledge and vision much higher. She could not say such a word in the past, but this life has not yet changed Saratoga. Nature.

"Miss Saratoga, negotiations with friendly forces are an indispensable gift." The maidservant carried Veneto's task, supervising her words and deeds at least while Saratoga was acting president. , So she reminded, "You should meet with them again anyway, otherwise it will be a bit arrogant for Chongyan Federation."

"I know, you know, you can arrange for me to come over immediately." Saratoga has no good way for this maidservant, not to mention that she is a close friend of Veneto, and the other person's character also naturally restrains herself. In fact, there have been few successes in witchcraft on the maidservant. After all, the maidservant’s control is everywhere in the presidential palace. Even if she succeeded in the other party’s success, there is no response, so Saratoga feels nothing.

The maid chief went to arrange the meeting without saying a word. Saratoga held her face on the desk with a bit of frustration, and then let the other maids put on their cumbersome clothes and accessories.

I will leave here soon. Although I can get the freedom I hope for, I will not be able to enjoy such good living conditions in the future.

In addition to countless jobs and responsibilities, the Great Presidential Palace is good everywhere. There are the best clothes and the most delicious food. Others don’t dare to be disrespectful when they look at themselves. No wonder their brother-in-law works after working in the staff. He has always been gloomy and unhappy, he had such power but lost it again.

"In the future, I will come to Veneto to play more, but she will definitely deliberately throw some work to herself, but it can still be tolerated for the sake of cheating." Saratoga, who is leaving soon, has begun to Planning for future life.

The subsequent meeting was not on a formal The maidservant arranged for the politicians on the Roman star other than the ship's mother and the pan-planetary delegation to hold a grand reception to dress up the Sa Latoga has undoubtedly become the only focus again.

In the past, there were other ship maidens competing with her for light, but today she is a ship maiden and enjoys all the glory that a ship maiden expeditionary war deserves, even if she is dressed plainly, she will not be ignored.

Thomson, who seems to feel that his relationship with Saratoga has become close, poses the most perfect manner with her wine and walks to Saratoga in front of Saratoga to invite her to dance the first dance, there will be no doubt. Becoming the most concerned man on the field, as a playboy, he looks forward to being watched and envied.

However, he has little value now, and when he returns, he will have a high probability to find that he is actually being played by Veneto and Saratoga. Not only does this trip have no gains, but a lot of families are wasted. 'S power tells them a lot of secret information.

So Saratoga didn’t need to perform the previous play any more. Although he was embarrassed to pour him a whole body of red wine, he shoved his exaggeration with sharper words: “Mr. Representative has been to many places recently, Rome The girls of Xing are very hot and enthusiastic, but I don’t really like the kind of perfume you have on your behalf. Let’s invite others.

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