Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1624: Heroism

Veneto had a secret communication with Xiao Meiyan before. At that time, she prevented Xiao Meiyan from impulsively doing certain things, and then the two parties had no further contact because of identity issues.

Just like Li Xiaobei tried to get in touch with Xiao Meiyan, Veneto also hoped to have the opportunity to contact Xiao Meiyan. It would be better if he could be in a bright and grand occasion. The negotiation of the Void Eye project is now a rare one. Opportunity, so Veneto did not want to miss it anyway.

Zhongyan Federation can develop steadily in its own hands, but it is more efficient to obtain Xiaomeiyan's guidance. The scientific research institutions she left to Veneto and Li Peiyun are excellent talents, which are comparable to the current Xiaomei. Homura is still far away.

And the opportunity to reunite with her old friend is also a psychological comfort for Veneto. She is in the status quo, even if Andrea Adolia, they will be unknowingly alienated. The feeling of being alone is letting Veneto Her soul is always lacking in solace. She can't make mistakes or show any weakness. She is more than anyone but can't talk to others, except Xiao Meiyan and Yue Zhong.

Victory in the battle against the Void will allow the Flame Alliance to receive the Pan-Plane Meritorious Award. With this honor, Veneto can go straight to the Pan-Plane headquarters because the plane she rules is in the area that intersects the Void. She is also eligible to participate in the negotiation of the Eye of the Nether, even if she only participates in the most peripheral capacity.

The preparations for the expedition did not begin overnight, including the half-planet where the Presidential Palace is located, and late into the night, Veneto took the other ships to the Memorial Cemetery of the Void War.

Here is buried the shipwrecked shipwrecked wreckage of the previous war. Although there are also separate monuments in their respective hometowns, this memorial cemetery is the official memorial place of the Confederation Federation.

The Roman Star, which has a strong religious atmosphere, has always had a tradition. The fleet that went out will mourn the martyrs on the eve of the expedition. Veneto continued this tradition. It can effectively enhance the cohesion of the military and the people, although it is also somewhat negative. Affect but acceptable.

The war against the void has never been a game, it is not as freehand as when Veneto and Saratoga talked about it, and every shipmate who is still alive at this moment may sleep in the galaxy, some of which have just joined the ship. The newcomers in the ranks of the mother may also have companions who have been together for a long time.

In the cemetery with only two tones of black and white, the clothes of the ship ladies are the only color, but they are also as serious and elegant as possible, to avoid too bright colors destroying the quiet here.

Under the black cloak, there was only a deep hint of bright red. Veneto went to the ship's mother as a representative to pay tribute to the martyrs who sacrificed and swear: "My colleagues, seniors and juniors who are sleeping, I will disturb your peace when I arrive. , Here I represent the apology and respect for the reenactment of all the ships in the Federation. Once we fought together in the vast seven galaxies, among the stars, under the nebula, outside the black hole, the top star gate and the extraterrestrial space have left our glory everywhere. Footprint and fighting posture, you have given your life for the safety of the seven galaxies, and I still guard our will to fulfill our mission."

"Now the threat from the void is coming again, the shadow of the abyss is wandering on the other side of the shining galaxy, I will wait for the expedition, this battle will have many souls of the heroes will be attributed to your ranks, but I selfishly hope that all ship mother Don’t want this glory, may the heroes of your long sleep shelter me from this battle, and I will also swear to ensure that no one of the seven galaxies is protected from the void."

"This battle, come here to comfort the heroes of the kings, and hope that all who are present after January will gather again to our common martyrs, and hope that I can share this glory and joy, all the ships, go out!"

Veneto waved heavily in the night, countless ship mothers thought of the vast starry sky rising like endless fireworks, the Roman star residents under the night did not sleep, and all the hopes were also looking forward to the figure of the ship girl expedition , Silently and prayerfully praying for their triumphant return.

The figure heading towards the distant shining galaxy was absolutely fearless. Only a figure with long blond hair was wearing white pajamas standing in front of the window and watching everyone leave.

Veneto deliberately perverted himself, saying that the Fifth Fleet did not participate in this expedition, but why did Andrea Doria go, and the fantasy also went, and the ship mothers who had participated in the abyss war all went, Only she left a group of new people who were not yet qualified to enter the frontal battlefield to guard the gap left after they left.

Saratoga has some envy and anger in her eyes. Chasing glory is the common dream of every ship maiden, even if they have a variety of personalities, but there will be no exceptions at this point, in order to protect their homeland and everyone Fighting for happiness, everyone has no regrets.

Until the sky was free of fireworks from the ship's mother, Saratoga didn't mean to rest. She knew she was destined to sleep tonight, so she always saw the end of the sky brighten up.

What Saratoga didn’t know was that her own troubles were awaiting her. Veneto did not sell her to the pan-plane family disciples, but she needed to sacrifice some time for the Flame Alliance And joy to deal with the guy who wants to pursue himself.

The third day after the deployment of the heavy flame federal fleet into the bright galaxy redness of the abyss finally lit up the breathtaking light, and after swallowing its own mother body and becoming a new mother body, Northern Qiji made a comeback with a new abyssal fleet. The two sides waged a fierce and miserable war on the bright Xinghe, so that the original bright Xinghe will be burned into a dark abyss by the fire.

Saratoga is responsible for more tasks every day, not only the daily training of the Fifth Fleet, but also the other fleet’s left-behind mothers will come to ask her for any trouble, which makes Saratoga feel powerless and start to experience Come to Veneto for their sense of responsibility.

For the time being, she has no thoughts to think about more things. The companions of the ship's mother are **** fighting on the front line. If they cannot protect the rear left by them, they will have to deal with the trouble they caused when they triumphantly return. The naughty Saratoga was also ashamed.

On the seventh day after the beginning of the war, the Pan-plane sent a delegation to the Roman Star. They came to provide support and help to the Flame Alliance. Thomson of the Third Logistics Department also served as the deputy head of the team. Identity, Saratoga must contact him even if he no longer wants to face him.

By now she understood Veneto's intention to leave her, but she no longer complained about anything. She could only angrily say to herself: "I will settle the account with you when you come back!"

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