Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1532: Lost in growth

"You guys have stopped here. It's not enough to want to like a magical girl with such a mentality." Ba Mami is very angry that Hideo Luzawa is so degraded, mainly because of Yue Zhong's precedent. Her vision and standards have reached a very harsh point, and now found that Luze Hideo is nothing more than gold jade, which makes Bamamei feel indignant.

He even nearly broke through the window and ran in to question him, but fortunately, Mama finally condensed the urge to continue to watch his actions with cold eyes.

The young secretary soon passed Hideo Ozawa's calling order to all the named supervisors and came to report to Hideo Ozawa, and Hideo Ozawa immediately got up and went to the parking lot with the little secretary, driving the cheap price of the little secretary. The car was ready to depart from Takibara and set off for Shenbin.

Less than halfway through the car, Suddenly stopped in the sight of Ba Mami. At this moment, the night has gradually come. Under the color of the sunset and evening, Hideo Luzawa extended his hand to the little secretary driving...

"It's shameless. At this time, I can't help myself to do this kind of thing with the emotion I want to vent. Why should I follow you?" Bama Mei jumped up and down not far away, although her psychological age is very old, but men and women The aspect is still very pure. After seeing this picture, I couldn't help but look away.

When Ba Mami forced himself to follow Hideo Ozawa to Shenbin, the Takihara Ad Hoc Tribunal was also deserted, and all the troubled parade groups were arrested in the name of obstructing justice and sent to the police station, and Yue Zhong It’s not a one-of-a-kind police station who wants to let people out just like that, but the current political climate is too special, and things that no one will pursue at ordinary times are likely to be over-interpreted so that many people in the police department He lost his job and even went to prison.

What's more, Xiaomei's forces have always been deeply entrenched in seeing Takihara. There are many police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department who are loyal to Xiaomei's family and receive a second salary. The Takihara Metropolitan Police Department has always been like this. The sudden order from the upper level of the country J prompted them to carry out the daytime operation. But after the Xiaomei family reacted and exerted pressure from all sides to start interfering, it was calculated by the government of country J. Orders have not been carried out without compromise.

Yue Zhong prosecuted this group of suspects for a lot of trivial matters. This is for the implementation of absolute judicial justice. Therefore, they have to pay a small price for this. The result is nothing more than a fine or detention. Ways to catch people, the real fatal evidence mostly lies in tax evasion, homicide and bribery.

The evidence for the charges of these crimes has not been disclosed to the outside world for the time being, but the time from the disclosure must be not far away.

Now that the joint mission is on the way to Jian Takihara, they will naturally not let Yue Zhong keep any secrets once they get involved in this case.

Spring rain is as expensive as oil, but today it fell down at night. Yue Zhong, sitting on the guest seat of the referee’s office, quietly held the coffee bar and stared at the rain falling outside the window. It was in the Xiaomei Manor not far away. , Xiao Meiqing also put on her pajamas and sat at the window, holding the small face in both hands, and looked at the faint lights of Takihara.

"I like to follow you, run along the clouds, and run as fast as you like, Xiaomawei makes someone beat her heart." The girl hummed the song Yue Zhong taught her, and suddenly realized that what she lost after returning from Raccoon Village was not only those kind and simple The classmates and the gentle Saito teacher, as well as the brother-in-law who has been running behind him indulgently.

Once he returned to the city, everything became complicated, he could not escape the responsibility of his family, and his brother-in-law was once again caught by other things and could no longer stay with him.

When I was young, I always wanted to grow up to share something for my brother-in-law, but when I really started growing up, Xiao Meiqing felt the uneasiness and panic.

The old housekeeper did not know when he walked outside the door. After tapping the door twice, he said, "Miss II, my aunt asked me to give you a break."

"Well, uncle, you also have a rest soon." Xiao Meiqing stood up from the window and turned off the bedside table lamp. She also lay down on the bed and covered the quilt. She closed her eyes and prayed silently that her brother-in-law could return safely.

Yue Zhong always saw that Xiaomei’s lights were one point less, and Xiaoqing would definitely listen to her when she called her home. In the deserted city, accompanied by the sound of rain, she hoped she could have a A beautiful dream.

"Mr. Prosecutor, the instructions sent by the Supreme Magistrate informed us to cancel the emergency trial tonight. They said that everything will wait for the investigation teams from various countries to continue the judicial process." After the magistrate who accompanied Yue Zhong got the news Just say it.

"Don't pay attention to them, see the Takihara ad hoc referee to accept business guidance, but you can refuse this kind of unreasonable What Yue Zhong can use now is his father-in-law The power left to me before can be so hard to dismiss the directive of the highest arbitration. It is the only one to see the Takihara Ad Hoc Tribunal.

"Do you really want to go to trial all night? They haven't pleaded guilty to many crimes." The chief referee is already mentally prepared for confronting the superior tit-for-tat, and now with Yue Chong, it is both a glory and a loss. If Yue Chong really set this precedent Then he will also leave a strong stroke in the history of the legal system. If Yue Zhong fails, he will usher in liquidation.

But since he has already made a decision, he will not look back. Yue Zhong is always accurate in seeing people. To be able to do this shocking thing with him, he must have a firm enough will and a perseverance to pursue judicial truth. It is undoubtedly that the magistrate who saw Takihara’s ad hoc tribunal is just such a person. He is just worried that if the chain of evidence is not perfect, the trial will be overturned in the future by the so-called national investigation teams to find out all kinds of problems to overthrow it. This is not only Wasted manpower and energy will also make Yue Zhong's accusations face the possibility of being rejected.

"We can only do this now. We must determine some of the crimes before these people arrive. Otherwise, we will really start the forensic investigation. What is the point of what we are doing now?" Yue Zhong shook his head, "After being guilty, It is a concept to track down other crimes. It’s a concept to investigate whether we are guilty from the beginning. Even if you and I can stick to it all the time, we are still weak. After some things are covered up, it will be very difficult to find out clearly. of."

"Judicial justice cannot be achieved in one or two typical cases, and the factors that affect judicial justice can be eliminated without delay. Only by establishing the crime and letting them try to overthrow it, we can find accurate targets and sanction more people who try to interfere with justice. ."

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