Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1530: Unpredictable people

There are many people who do not believe what Yue Zhong said, because they all have their own ideas and will not change because of the language of others. In the world, the seven seas and eight generations and Lumuda are also two people who know Yue Zhong very well. In addition, they will not believe that Yue Zhong will be a firm idealist for reform. The changes he leads will always only be closer to his desired purpose, so reform is not something that Yue Zhong does important. For Yue Zhong, those incidentally realized Things really make sense.

When he began to kidnap the will of more people, the seven seas and eight thousand generations were also using their own ways to prevent it.

The video from the Takibara ad hoc referee was naturally cut down, but Yue Zhong’s speech lasted for a long time. In order to maintain the continuity of the live broadcast and let the people know the truth, some words had to be released. In the seven seas and eight generations of Takihara, the matter of dealing with the influence of public opinion was completely handed over to Lumuda to deal with, and she herself began to trace the signal interception equipment of Xiaomei’s family and carried out with the hackers raised by Xiaomei’s family. A series of battles.

As Yue Zhong returned to see Takihara, Hidezawa Luzawa seemed to be ignored, he was at the referee but no one could leave him at any time, but even then the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations still did not mean to contact him, and he devoted himself wholeheartedly The seven seas and eight thousand generations in the anti-Yuezhong career can't see the value in Hideo Luzawa, because he did not have any psychological burden to forget what he did.

I began to realize that what I was doing was likely to make the seven seas and eight thousand generations feel chilled, and Hideo Luzawa regretted taking the already unsteady feelings to test, and went in and out with Yue Zhong, and did not resist at all. The handing over of her industry to Yue Zhong has made Jian Takihara a bastion of Xiaomei's family. All these actions have caused the painstaking efforts of the seven seas and eight thousand generations, so she didn't even do verification. He completely gave up the green Ze Hideo.

Now even if regret is useless, the seven seas and eight thousand generations will not easily believe who, once hurt her, she will hide in the nest like a frightened rabbit, do not even look around, and further seal her heart. Keep others close.

Lvze Xiufu could have torn a crack through his own choice to get a glimpse of the souls of the seven seas and eight thousand generations, but unfortunately he cared more about himself so he missed the only chance without any accident.

He failed to participate in Yue Zhong’s subsequent decisions and actions, but along the way he clearly felt that the seven seas and eight thousand generations were preparing to fight back against Yue Zhong. Whether it was a parade group or a journalist, there were many The actions that have been initiated but have been turbulent have made Hideo Luzawa aware of the seven seas and eight thousand generations.

The two spent a lot of time together in Mitakihara. Seven seas and eight thousand generations carried on their backs and hands. Hidezawa Ozawa has always thought that he was generous and ignored it, but the power erupted by the seven seas and eight generations far exceeded her. Due to the limit, this made Hideo Ozawa realize that she immediately looked for a more reliable ally after she abandoned her.

"I really only have the value of being used in your life, have you never considered my feelings?" Hideo Luze is far less generous than he thought, he can easily do the wrong thing himself. Forgive yourself, but it is not so forgiving to others, even if it is the seven seas and eight thousand generations.

The purpose of his first contact with the other party was not pure in itself. Now, after this naive delusion was smashed mercilessly by Yue Zhong's alienation, only regret and jealousy remained in the heart of Hideo Luze.

Why can she trust another person so easily, and it is so difficult for herself to win her a little trust? Natural superiority can really overcome the efforts of the day after tomorrow. After all, he is just a gangster who can't get on the table, and in her eyes can't compare to that person?

Lvze Xiufu has been in the business world for so long, and he must have his own information channel. He is also smart enough to guess that this time people who can represent the magical girl organization and integrate other forces, except Lumuda, do not think about it, even if the seven seas Nothing happened between Yachiyo and Lumuda, but an envy and hatred began to grow and sprout in his heart.

He decided to leave the right and wrong of seeing Takihara Ad Hoc Tribunal. Although his industry here was temporarily handed over to Xiaomei's house, he was still the chairman of the Luze Foundation, as long as he returned to his business empire there was still absolute Power, Hideo Ozawa wants to use this power to find out the seven seas and eight thousand generations in hiding, even if he gets a chilling answer, he has to ask what the other party thinks.

"Who took you at the risk of offending Yue Zhong when you were the most difficult? Who gave you the power to make all decisions without reservation, I absolutely support what you do, what you want me I tried my best to help you do it..." Hideo Lusawa, who was hit and interwoven with remorse, roared with his most natural He has subconsciously ignored his betrayal and assigned responsibility It belongs to one person in seven seas and eight thousand generations.

Even if she was found out, she would be caught in a state of unresolved disaster. Hidezawa Luzawa began to ignore it, because he was such a person, no matter how disguise and disguise began to be exposed under Yue Zhong's ruthless calculations.

Lvze Xiufu left the seeing Takihara ad hoc referee without encountering any obstacles, and Yue Zhong, who had a good grasp of his psychological grasp, needed him to do such a thing. After really seeing the seven seas and eight generations as opponents, Yue Zhong could not Will have any mercy on her again, and pull out the nails of the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations from the Mitakihara. That is what really makes sense for Yue Zhong and Xiaomei's family. Other emotions must be discarded at this time. Too.

But seeing someone in Takihara who doesn’t really want to see the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations in distress, she is the one who many magical girls willingly call a sister, and of course takes the protection of other immature magical girls as their duty, Even though the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations are much more mature than her in terms of experience and psychology, her compassion will not make much sense when it spreads, just like she used to protect Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan with her weak power.

"This kind of man is unreliable. He is going to stab you at a critical moment now." Bamamei, who was silent in the sun, was finally relieved, but she knew how terrible Yue Zhong was in controlling her heart. So after thinking about it for a moment, he decided to keep up with Hideo Lusawa. Once he really found the hiding place of Qihai and Yachiyo, he also had time to notify Qihai and Yachiyo to leave quickly.

Such good or bad also allows Yue Zhong to achieve his goal, is it not to cause him trouble?

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