Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1489: Start of school

Seeing the speech of the principal of Takihara City Junior High School at the entrance ceremony stinky and long, which made the students below drowsy, there are enough seats in the auditorium that the students do not need to stand, and some are really serious Close your eyes against the back of the chair to refresh yourself.

Xiaomei Qing has always been looking forward to the new semester and new environment. From the moment she entered the school gate, everything in the school gave her a lot of freshness. Half-aged children who have begun to focus on self-image are not like the bear children in Raccoon Village. Many people show their handsome or beautiful side.

She found that she was no longer the most eye-catching focus of the crowd. The slightly rustic braid only made Xiao Meiqing look cute and simple but did not show her most beautiful side. Thinking of the appearance of her sister in memory, she can definitely Astonished the world, but Xiaomei Qing pursed her lips and considered for a long time or gave up the plan.

The elder sister is the elder sister herself. In addition to the fact that the brother-in-law can distinguish between them, even the mother will be confused when confused. Xiao Meiqing, who is enough to replace her sister, has the biggest stubbornness in her heart that she does not want others to regard her as Xiao Mei. flame.

"Xiao Qing, a boy is secretly looking at me." Xiao Yue's voice was clearly heard in Xiao Meiqing's ear in the headmaster's speech, but other students were whispering, so she didn't speak clearly.

Xiao Meiqing narrowed her eyes, smiled and nodded. The Xiaoyue in her eyes was also very beautiful. Good education prevented her from speaking in a low voice when her elders were speaking.

It’s not surprising that other boys are paying attention. Every girl here has their own characteristics. When others look at them secretly, they will also look at other handsome boys.

The focus of everyone in the auditorium was two people, a boy with lilac short hair and clean and refreshing hair, and a little girl with blonde shawl. They also kept quiet when the principal was speaking, and also showed superhuman temperament.

Xiaoyue wanted to continue to say something, but found that the surrounding teachers and the principal's eyes would fall on her side from time to time. She felt a little scared and closed her mouth.

"Is there anything weird here? Why do you always look over here?"

The freshmen are paying attention to the most beautiful boys and girls among them, but for teachers and principals, the sum of the students here is not as important as Xiao Meiqing, so it is easy for them to understand the position of Xiao Meiqing from time to time. Xiaoyue was just lying innocently.

As students are not bad teenagers caught in the duty room, most people will still be afraid of the teacher, so they often look at them and have no chance to speak in the next month. Until the principal announced the end of the entrance ceremony, all students can To get familiar with the school environment and finally to recognize the door of your class, the atmosphere of the auditorium suddenly burst from the sleepy state.

The noisy appearance is the youth of their young people. Xiao Meiqing no longer rejects this kind of excitement, but can integrate it well.

"Which class are you in Xiaoyue?"

"I'm from class D, what about Xiaoqing?"

"I seem to be in class A, it seems that I can't have a class with Xiaoyue." Xiao Meiqing had some regrets but didn't care too much. The two left hand in hand to leave the auditorium. They just strolled around a small area of ​​the school just now. The extra time just allows them to look around.

But just before they walked far, a female teacher in her thirties ran on high heels and ran over to stand in front of them.

Yue Zhong explained that Xiao Meiqing couldn’t find so many people paying attention to her in the school, so the female teacher first spoke to Xiaoyue: “How did you come here, Xiaoyue, your mother told me to take good care of her Yours, the school is a bit messy now, you and I will report to Class D first."

Xiaoyue naturally recognized this female teacher’s mother’s good girlfriends, so there was no good way to nod and agree, and also gave Xiao Meiqing a look, waiting to play together after class in the afternoon.

This time Xiao Meiqing was unaccompanied, and it was a little scary to let her walk around in an unfamiliar environment, so she asked the female teacher for a year where Class A was, and the female teacher told her to be away from Class D. Not too far away, and then took them to the first grade building.

Seeing that Takihara City Junior High School does not deliberately classify students based on their family background or academic performance, so there is not much difference between class A and class D, but because of the appearance of Xiao Meiqing, this grade is destined to be ordinary.

The best teachers and the richest teaching resources have been quietly arranged for class A. The students who can be assigned to this class have been screened by Yue Zhong. There will be no naughty guys. Everyone has a skill and humility. Be polite, they will play an active role in Xiao Meiqing's life in the country.

After entering the classroom, Xiao Meiqing found that there were already two classmates who did not wander around but sat on their seats. The two were the lilac-haired boys and blonde girls who were most concerned in the auditorium. The pre-reading started with the textbook, and the girl looked quietly at a textbook.

After Xiao Meiqing came in, they all looked over. Nodded with a warm smile on their face was greeted. Xiao Meiqing also smiled and nodded in response, went to the podium to confirm the class teacher's information, and was arranged to the first row by the window. On the seat.

In Raccoon Elementary School, she was sitting in this position. She didn't expect to come to the new school. Xiao Meiqing felt that this might be due to mild myopia in her freshman profile, so the teacher took care of her.

The three didn’t continue talking Until the other students filled the classroom one after another, the middle-aged bald male class teacher sternly knocked on the blackboard with the pointer and said, "If you are all together, everyone Students, please introduce yourself."

Xiao Meiqing’s seat became the first one to introduce herself. She walked onto the platform without fright and wrote her name. Then she generously said to the classmates: "Hello everyone, my name is Xiao Meiqing. Three years old. I am very happy to be able to spend three years in the middle school life with everyone in a class. I hope to be friends with every classmate. If there is anything I can help, I can come to me."

There was a warm applause in the classroom, and everyone responded enthusiastically to Xiao Meiqing's self-introduction, even though she was still unfamiliar with her, but because of her decent manners, she had a little goodwill.

After following Xiao Meiqing, students walked onto the podium and started to introduce themselves. Xiao Meiqing remembered everyone's name, and also enthusiastically contributed his own applause to each classmate.

She feels that the start of school is the best state she thinks. Although she is not the focus of everyone, it is still very good to be able to enter such a harmonious class.

The head teacher looks a bit fierce, I don't know why I always look at myself intentionally or unintentionally.

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