Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1391: Court hearing (4)

"The defendant also carried out several cases of intentional wounding before the first homicide. According to the timeline, the criminal methods of the defendant have become more mature. Ueno Zhang is probably not the first person murdered by the defendant. Does the defendant have to confess? Undiscovered crimes committed?" Yue Zhong stared at Sato Kazuhiko, and his inner darkness could be felt when Yue Zhong first saw him, so Yue Zhong firmly believed that he was innocent.

He may have a more meticulous thinking, but he can’t use his reason to control his emotions. The murder of Ueno is because the other party has no precautions against him, but his killing of Hayakawa Yuhua is not a rational act, and there is a trace of fluke. The panic that was arrested later proved that the flaws were too much and the preparation was not enough, and Kojima Haruo did not return for him anyway.

"The chief referee, the prosecutor is deliberately putting pressure on my client." Kojima Haruo "sue" again. In the case of the prosecutor's power and knowledge are much larger than the defense lawyer, this is the largest defense lawyer in the trial. Relying on, "The prosecutor has no factual basis."

The referee did not mean to favor any party, and he agreed with anyone who made sense, so this time the referee did not stand on Yue Zhong’s side: “The protest is valid, the prosecutor please make a statement based on the evidence provided.”

"There is no physical evidence, but I asked for a witness to confront the defendant. She is also one of the victims of violence by the defendant. After counseling by a psychologist, she is willing to appear in court to testify." Yue Zhonglang said: "Please referee the permitter to appear in court ."

"Permit." The referee naturally has no reason to object.

Haruo Kojima didn’t know where Yue Zhong found such a witness. Sato Sato’s father, Sato Nakachi, was also detained in the city of Kamhama and faced multiple prosecutions. Kazuo Sato was an autistic and introverted girl in front of him. With so many people, she can't say anything about Sato's unscrupulous things easily?

At the moment when the so-called witness appeared, Kojima Harumi showed an incredible application on his face, and Kazuhiko Sato was trembling with fear like a sieve, maybe he never expected that one day his life and death would be in control The sister who was bullied by herself.

It was Kazuo Sato who, although she didn’t return to see Takihara with Yue Zhong, was sent directly from the Ishigaki City Police Station by Shinichi Iruha this morning. Xiaomei’s psychologist She had been conducting psychological counseling for one morning. She originally intended to enable her to eliminate some of her fears of the past and the unfair treatment she encountered in the police station of Shenbin City yesterday, but no one thought that Sato was more brave than expected. She didn’t know that Yue Zhong would formally sue Kazuhiko Sato today, but offered to testify in court to testify what Kazuhiko Sato did in the past.

So Kazuo Sato appeared in the courtroom, dressed in a plain coat that could not conceal her thin body, and looked at everyone with her eyes full of anxiety, but she still found the courage to walk into that and bring herself many nights. The nightmare's brother.

There are many things she doesn't know, but as long as she can send Sato Kazuhiko to fall into the abyss, she will feel a good heart.

Yue Zhong wanted to know what gave her the courage to walk under the light to face the darkness of the past, but Kazuo Sato kept his head down and couldn't see the expression clearly, maybe as the classmate said, don't offend one Girl, if she made up her mind to take revenge, it was far more terrifying than you can imagine.

"Why are you here!" Under the pressure of fear, the formerly habitual heights above made Sato Kazuhiko involuntarily scold, but Sato Kato came in and kept his head down without looking at him, until Kojima Haru pulled Sato Kazuhiko.

If he couldn't help but step forward to beat his sister, there would be no room for recovery, but even his scorn also caused dissatisfaction with the jury and many people in the spectator, leading to a whisper.

The referee knocked on the hammer and said, "Quiet, please tell your identity."

Kazuo Sato looked up timidly and looked at the referee. He rubbed his sleeves with his hands and whispered, "I am Kazuko Sato, the stepdaughter of the Sato family, Kazuhiko Sato is my brother."

"Witnesses, everything you say must be true. If you perjury, you will be held accountable. Now, do you have anything to say?" The chief referee confirmed to other judges that Sato Kazu's identity was comfortable.

"I..." Kazuo Sato bit his lip, turned around and pointedly pointed at Kazuhiko Sato, "I want to testify that he and his stepfather have been committing XING abuse and violent abuse against me for a long time since two years ago, and I knew a lot of things he had committed before breaking the law and were willing to say it."

"You bullshit, I never took care of you, the referee she was talking nonsense!" Kazuhiko Sato shouted loudly, seeming to want to scare Kazuo Sato again, as if to win the sympathy of the judge and the jury, "Her mother left her and ran away a few years ago. My family has been supporting her. Usually she just asks her to do some Everything she said is fake, it must be... certain Someone bought her to frame me. Sato Kazuko you ungrateful thing. If it were not for my family’s good intentions to take you in, you can only go to the street and ask for food. No one knows where you die!"

Sato Kazuhiko originally wanted to name the surname that Yue Zhong bought Sato Kazuko to frame him, but the words came back to him, and he suffocated him back. The fear that Yue Zhong brought to him was far above everything, as if at any time Can take away his fragile life like pinching an ant, even the divine and solemn court can not give him a sense of security.

"Silence!" The referee had to knock on the mallet again. "The defendant and the witnesses should remain calm and stop making noise in the court."

Yue Zhong walked quietly to the side of Kazuo Sato and blocked the line of sight between him and Kazuhiko Sato with her body: "The referee, the witness is a little afraid of the defendant, can you let me guide her how to answer?"

The five judges in the referee seat discussed for a while and the referee dropped the hammer and said: "Permit."

"Wait! Referee, before the prosecutor I still have some questions to ask the witnesses." Kojima Haru can no longer be passive, without any action will only allow Yue Zhong to completely control the rhythm of the court trial, he can't come up with the key If you want to turn over the evidence, you can only choose to keep tit-for-tat against Yue Zhong.

"What do you mean, prosecutor?" The chief referee asked Yue Zhong's opinion.

Yue Zhong nodded indifferently: "I agree, but please pay attention to the wording of the defense lawyer, and do not intimidate the witnesses by intimidation and threats, otherwise I will prosecute you in accordance with the law."

Haru Kojima heard a mumble from his nose, and after finishing his language, he began to ask: "When did the witness enter the Sato family? Why do you say that you know many crime facts of Sato Kazuhiko, did you personally participate in it? Say he told you?"

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