Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1348: Unqualified evaluation

Li Xiaobei's body spread out invisible wings, flew across the icy ocean.

In the ancient castle in Greenland, Yakumo Lan reported to Yakumo Zi what happened in Fantasy Township. She felt that Li Xiaobe didn't tell the truth, even if they weren't completely truthful to Fujiwara, but No one can figure out exactly what the little girl has intent. She is the one who wants to challenge Fan Hanshi, and no one else can figure it out.

"Are you worried that we became a gun in her hand?" Bayun Zi just followed Li Xiaobei and others to leave Fantasy Township. After seeing Bayun Lan, she was not surprised at her.

"Isn't Zi Zi arranged?" Ba Yunlan's trust in Ba Yun Zi is as absolute as that of Li Xiaobei to Yue Zhong. They will unconditionally believe that the other party can solve it no matter what the situation is. exception.

In the past, Yakumo Zi was able to stay under the weight of Yue Zhong, Xiao Meiyan, Gong Yongsaki, and even the opposition who came out of Fantasy Township, leaving the monsters with the moon as a game. She There must be enough wisdom to do this.

"What arrangements can I make." Ba Yunzi said with a smile, "Li Xiaobei's girl has not really grown up, but she can't see me through. With her talents and talents Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan lead her way. We can help her as much as she can. She always pays back this kind of human debt."

"Is Lord Zi evaluating her so high?" Ba Yunlan said in amazement, "It seems to be still above Yue Zhong."

Ba Yunzi said nonchalantly: "We used to sit and watch the sky in Fantasy Township, and now there is no qualification area to evaluate them. Lan, you still have many things to learn. Now if people like Li Xiaobei and his master are interested To deal with you, there are ten ways to make you die unclear just by looking at you, and there are one hundred ways to let you fall into the abyss when you stay with you for a day. If you get along for more than a month, you are not you anymore. ."

"Yue Zhong's background is not good, he has formed an inherent concept that can't be changed, so they are still different from the master and the disciple, but who can say clearly about the future, the wonder of fate is not something I can see through, then The little vampire only knew a little fur, and if she could go further, I would have to raise her hand to surrender." Ya Yunzi peeped at Li Xiaobei and others, and was tired for a day, squinting on the bed. A sleepy look, "Let Li Xiaobe let go and do anything else?"

Yakuran thought about it and said a rumor: "The Four Seasons Yingji has been working to get through the prefecture. Last time I met Drunk Onozuka Komachi, it seemed that something went wrong. She didn’t. I was able to find the dungeon leading to the original world, but found a special plane composed entirely of ghosts. The number of souls there is hundreds of millions of times more than the previous dungeons. It is a true nether plane."

"Then, what did she see when she went in?" Eight Yunzi was slightly interested, and her closed eyes also showed a fine light.

"She didn't get in. Except for seeing a vast expanse of soul abroad, she was slapped by a woman with short brown hair." Ba Yunlan didn't quite believe the drunken ghost's words. Strength and her adaptability in the underworld, will anyone be able to slap her out of the plane?"

"Brown short hair... It seems that I have to ask our lord for a good question." Ba Yunzi was not surprised that someone could slap the Four Seasons Yingji. Her vision has long exceeded the level of the fantasy town. After seeing the power of Fan Hanshi and the magnificence of the ubiquitous plane, Yakumo Zi once again put himself in a very low position, leading the monsters to survive carefully.

There are countless species going to extinction at every moment in the panplane. She doesn’t want to imagine that the monster of Xiangxiang becomes the next extinct species, so she must maintain a humble attitude.

Besides, after leaving Greenland, Li Xiaobei was exposed to the outside world. Her actions were obviously a lot more careful. They told Meihong that they were going to find Okazaki Mengmei, but she was the first after searching through self-made supernatural powers. The person he was looking for was a little vampire lying in a gun while talking to the Bayun family.

That is also a person who has many problems with her master and mother. Li Xiaobei is also curious about the operation mechanism of the power of fate. She has not told Meihong that they have the intention to continue the research projects that her master did not complete. Research and develop the eccentric ability in Fantasy Township.

The first person she was eyeing was the Scarlett family, who made them have no fighting power to let Li Xiaobei fear, and generally low IQ.

Rumored that the vampire’s hometown, Romania’s territory, has appeared at the foot of Bruce Lee. According to the instructions of the search instrument, after reaching Bucharest, Li Xiaobei did not rush to find Remilia, but found a good-looking five. The star hotel is ready for a good night's sleep.

As a black household in a different world, it is naturally impossible to settle in through the normal way. Li Xiaobei learned to rob someone else's room by himself. This time it was a hapless banker who was lying on the gun. Li was jumped in from the window. After Xiaobei was taken aback, Li Xiaobei was stunned with a stun gun before he responded.

When he woke up and found that he was **** in the toilet by the big flowers, he could still hear the voice of Li Xiaobei's dream when he fell asleep from the living room outside.

The stars appear at But in the big cities with heavy light pollution they can hardly see their faint light. Li Xiaobei stretched out comfortably and got up from the big sofa in the living room.

Everyone likes to be in a closed place, it will be more privacy and security, but Li Xiaobei likes to sleep in all directions, because if there is an accident, she can have multiple evacuation options.

This is not her innate habit. In the previous world, after exposing her existence to peep at her secret eyes, she has never been cut off. Li Xiaobei had to develop this habit in repeated attacks.

After discovering that she woke up, the tied banker hid in the corner like an ostrich and dared not make any sound. He seemed to expect Li Xiaobei to forget his existence. When she left, there would naturally be a waiter to clean up the room. For yourself, if you get her attention, you may be in danger.

Although she saw that the district was just a ten-year-old girl, who could be quietly sneaking in through the windows of dozens of high-rise buildings and then attacking the residents with stun guns?

Li Xiaobei politely found a bottle of juice from the refrigerator and drank it, and then it seemed that he really forgot that there was an unlucky egg tied to her, and left the window again.

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