Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1337: Looking for Bruce Lee

"Meihong, you are really useless, even a child can't stand it. I had wanted to ask Zao Miao to take her back from you. Now it seems that there is no need for myself." The provocation has long been immune. Generally speaking, she will take the initiative to provoke her when she wants to fight with Meihong. Without this interest, she will not be angry no matter what Meihong said, she will not be angry, "You go find it yourself She, I’m going back to sleep, and remember to notify me."

"Don't dream, I won't tell you, let's go!" Miaohong doesn't care about Huiye when she has something in her heart. She pulls Zaomiao away from Huiye. As for why she looked at herself and Zaomiao with a joke. Who knows about leaving?

   But soon Meihong knew the answer. The **** Huiye must have readjusted the maze set in the lost bamboo forest. She and Zaomiao got lost in it for a long time before finally going out.

   finally saw the sunshine outside, and her sister red angrily shouted angrily, "Ah, you must kill you three hundred times when you go back!"

   Zao Miao as a girl never felt that her mind would be difficult to guess, but she always felt that the woman's heart was very complicated when she was with Huiye. Mei Hong's temper was still very hot, but it was very easy to stand with her.

"It's been more than a day, and the only news I know now is that Li Xiaobe must have met with Yunyun Zi. Sister Red, can you be sure that she ran out by herself instead of being taken away by the gap of Yunyun Zi? "In addition to having slept on the plane for a while, Miao Miao has not rested well for two days and nights. Looking at the familiar and strange fantasy town, she gathered her scattered green hair and asked with a strong spirit.

Mei Hong had no opinion on Zao Miao, but instead had a good impression of her being able to take care of Yue Zhong’s parents. After deciding to act with her, she would naturally not hide anything from her: "The old lady has no ability to give people from me now. Stolen, the sly girl told me that she had lost something in the bamboo forest and asked me to help her find it. When I went back, she broke through the prohibition I set in the wooden house and slipped away quietly."

Hui Ye mentioned before that Mei Hong's strength has increased a lot because of her experience in historical time and space and a high degree of conformity with the long axis of history. It is not surprising to be able to fight the gap of Yakumo Zi in her own home. : "To what extent is her strength, and why she can continuously solve the maze of the lost bamboo forest, it also makes you unable to get stuck."

Meihong seems to be very difficult to describe. The snow-colored long eyebrows are inadvertently screwed together: "It's hard to say how powerful she is. I can clean her up with one hand if face to face, but she seems to know a lot, The strange means are countless, even if it is... Yue Zhong is not as difficult as she is."

   "That's why my brother never planned to deal with you." Zao Miao smiled.

"I know that Yue Zhong has always let me, he feels owed to me, but I don't understand what he feels owed." Mei Hong pursed her lips and said, "Whatever I do is my own." Decided, what's the matter with him so carefully?"

   She has always been very free and easy, even if she has something to worry about, she won't hide it in her heart, nor will she be unhappy.

"I think that girl was probably cultivated by Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan together. She has the same temperament of the two people. She is cunning and arrogant and cold in her heart, but it will not make people feel uncomfortable. She has always been While provoking and tempting me, I couldn’t provoke her to beat her.” Meihong took out an unknown cigarette from her trouser pocket and lit it with the flames rubbed from her fingers, standing on the grassland beside the lost bamboo forest. , "I've never seen a person of her age who is so complicated. In fairness, she is very good."

"She went to Huiye and Bayun Zi. During this time, I am afraid that I have found a lot of people. I have searched for the influential existence in Fantasy Township. What does she want to do?" Zaomiao asked. But I never thought that Mei Hong could give her the exact answer. A little information is enough.

"I guess she is trying to gather all the powers of Fantasy Township. What she said to Huiye is that she can have revenge on the moon, and you are lured by the original world to find you. It’s a very good way, so I’ve been stimulating me all the time.” Mei Hong is far more careful than Zao Miao thought. “She has never said that it has anything to do with Yue Zhong, but I think a little girl needs to come forward to clean up, Yue Zhong I'm afraid I'm in big trouble again, not even he can solve it alone."

Meihong left Li Xiaobei by her side just to know more from her mouth. Since she recognized Yue Zhong as a friend, she would of course extend a helping hand when he was embarrassed, no matter what she said before If he died.

  Because if he is in trouble in Fantasy Township and Yue Zhong knows, he will certainly try his best to help.

Through the dialogue with Meihong, Zao Miao's cognition of Li Xiaobei has deepened a lot again, and watching Meihong smoked her cigarette, she did not have to , Asked curiously, "What do you do?"

"Draw a sketch of Fantasy Township. Every force that may be found by Li Xiaobei has a regular distribution. It is better to make a plan than to look for it without thinking." Meihong's posture is really not very good. It looks good, but even squatting inadvertently shows the general style of strategizing. Although the general Phoenix in the history of time and space has been more temperamental, but she is very decent.

Zao Miao glanced at the map of Meihong's paintings. The graffiti-like lines and circles of the children really could not see anything, but this is the method she and Yue Zhong often use when the materials are scarce. Naturally, only they can understand What's going on.

"Bayunzi's old nest has no fixed position, but the basic law has been speculated when I was bored. From the lost bamboo forest to this irregular circle, Li Xiaobei's activity route half a day ago continued to extend from the outer circle. It is possible that the Jinshi mine and the underground world." Mei Hong looked up and looked at Zao Miao only to remember that she didn’t know much about Xin Fantasy Township, so she said: "If you don’t know the monsters in the Jinshi mine, you can do it if we split up. You go to the ground to find Gu Mingdijue to understand the news, do you have a communicator on your body?"

   Zao Miao quickly took out the earbud communicator from his pocket: "The signal may not be received underground. I will contact you as soon as I come out."

Meihong took the communicator and put it in her ear. She stood up and looked into the distance with a solemn expression: "Let’s go, it’s not that simple to find Li Xiaobei, you and I will fail. Mentally prepared, but did his best before the result."

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