Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1319: Natural cunning

The space-time loop formed by a world is, after all, a limit of strength. It can play all beings in the applause with the mystery that others do not understand, but once it discovers its own secret, it is also weak.

Just like the fierce nature that once stood before human beings, no matter how violent storms, how strong earthquakes, or even any kind of natural disasters, will eventually be tamed by humans with their own wisdom and strength, and then Humanity has moved to the infinite universe to challenge the danger of higher difficulty.

The plane of matter is not absolutely strong, and when the weakness of a thing is found, it is only a matter of time to destroy it.

The turbulent flow of time and space caused a devastating disaster between the mountains and rivers where the castle was located. The figures of Zhizhu Renmei and Sayaka were engulfed together. Fortunately, they are the top fighting forces in the world, and they will not disappear temporarily. Great danger.

The deer-shaped round incense, which completed this combined attack, displayed its deified white sacramental costume and stood on the top of the snow-capped snow mountain with a bow of cherry blossoms.

The amber eyes turned to countless darkness receding like a tide, but the anxiety in her eyes only weakened a little and did not completely dissipate.

She clearly felt that the broken space-time loop took away the lives of a large number of dark apostles. However, this kind of demon born in the negative emotions of human beings is inherently cunning. When they fight, they are ecstasy fanatics, but they know that they are destined to be Those who fail will not stay behind.

The space-time loop is only a burst, so that the closed loop has a fracture that cannot be recycled and reciprocated. Many dark apostles cannot see the situation and quietly disappear through the remaining cards.

So the darkness only receded like a tide, instead of disappearing in front of Lumu Yuanxiang's eyes.

"It is worthy of your followers, Homura, they are not easy to deal with." Lumu Yuanxiang sighed with emotion, but there was no maliciousness, just a little worried about the future.

"Mr. Madoka, I will never give you what you want..." As long as he was willing to speak, the one who kept the agreement between them in a certain time and space, went on in the endless maze, and endured all the sins Even the girl who doesn’t hesitate to become a demon will surely agree to all her demands.

I was agitated by the killer who had laid her down. It was the regret of Lumu Yuanxiang's life. When this sentence echoed in her ears, the gods of the world would always shed tears of regret.

She should have a better way to avoid that break. That's right. Now that Homura is back, is this a revenge on her heart?

With such a owed mentality, Lumu Yuanxiang, who loves everyone without deviation, can only think that she is wrong. She also really laments Xiao Meiyan's tenaciousness, just like these as long as there is a chance The dark apostles who will never give up if they live.

After spending a while on the top of the snowy mountain, Lumu Yuanxiang finally realized that it is not time for him to rest. Zhizhu Renmei and Sayaka are temporarily missing, but they can clearly feel that they exist somewhere in the world. Mu Yuanxiang will not have much worry. She is more worried about the magical girls who have been involved in it. They have exceeded their combat power limit. How many people will die?

If the ordinary human beings die, the deer-shaped round incense that had been pre-predicted by God can still consume the divine power to imitate the way of the early generations to give the souls who have not yet left a chance to regenerate, but the magical girl is different from ordinary people. It disappeared, just like a meteor that fell but did not touch the earth, and burned directly into the sky to ashes without any trace.

Through the full liberation of the divine power, the world’s information will be instantly transmitted to Lumu Yuanxiang’s mind. She carefully counted every magical girl in this operation and even the soldiers of the auxiliary combat troops. The former was powerless, while the latter only Not completely torn by time and space, she still has a chance to save.

Looking between Lumu Yuanxiang and found an interesting scene, two people with strange contradictions actually stood together.

Yue Zhong's back was dripping with blood, and he couldn't find a piece of clothing intact. Fortunately, he was still at his **** age. After losing this blood, his strong body prevented him from fainting.

Holding Ming Ying running in an endless straight line, the two of them finally waited for the dawn of dawn to appear.

After resting for a while and recovering some strength, Ming Ying opened her eyes and looked at the newborn sun in the distance. The light was not so dazzling, and she was in a good mood.

"It's okay now, you should talk about why you came to save me." Ming Ying tilted her orange head curiously, "I always feel that you don't like or even hate me, is Xiao Meiyan telling you Had my bad words?"

Yue Zhong put her down, and Ming Ying, who had no strength to stand, fell on the ground, and when she was about to get angry, Yue Zhong spoke and said: "I used to have an opinion with you because I thought you snatched things belonging to Xiaoyan , But it’s me stingy to think about it carefully. I don’t have any opinion about This time I will come to save you is also Uncle Peng’s request. Not yet, but how much can be returned."

"What the **** are these things, the previous World of Warcraft is not so difficult."

"Your weapon is gone, you can obviously return your hand, there is no need to hurt yourself..."

Ming Ying, who was lying on the ground, was chattering, but Yue Zhong didn't have a good mood to answer them one by one. Since she didn't know the best, she didn't have to know it. Sometimes she was a blessing if she was stupid, at least she didn't have so many worries. .

"I ran out secretly. Now Xiaoqing should wake up. I have to rush back immediately. You call Uncle Peng and let him pick you up. By the way, after Xiaoqing goes to school, I will bring a doctor to my house. I can't hold it long. "" Yue Zhong waved his hand and walked away. The ticking blood fell on the ground to form a straight line.

"Hey, we will be reconciled after this time. I used to be unfriendly to you before." Ming Ying shouted looking at Yue Zhong's back.

Yue Zhong turned his head and smiled: "Just like it, just come here to play as much as you can. I always feel that you will have a common topic with Xiaoqing."

I didn't hear that Yue Zhong was saying that his childish Ming Ying was very happy. He kept watching Yue Zhong driving away, and then he found a phone call to call Peng Ju.

She knew how strong the attack was just now, and Yue Zhong must have been seriously injured, so even if he was to be treated as soon as possible, she must immediately let Peng Ju bring someone over.

Leaving Ming Ying's side and going back to the white building, Yue Zhong put on the coat he had prepared in advance to cover the wound on his back, sneaked in from the window silently, and sat on the desk pretending to be asleep.

Xiao Meiqing didn't notice anything. After waking up naturally, she saw Yue Zhong's resting figure at the desk and felt that she shouldn't bother him. So she dressed carefully and carried her schoolbag to school.

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