Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1308: The beginning of a new road

The destructive nature of the Dark Apostle has been fully proved in the Auckland incident. Indulging any one to ignore it is very likely to lead to a new vicious incident. Sayaga will not move. Once it moves, it is determined to use the thunder. To clear all the forces on the bright side, in order to persuade the parties supporting Gang and the Magic Girl to organize the dispute, the name of Xiao Meiyan had to be mentioned again and again as a typical example of the opposite.

The dark rule of no one was nothing but lingering nightmare in everyone’s heart, from state leaders to civilians. It’s a big deal, even if this matter has nothing to do with Xiao Meiyan, she has to Becoming a representative figure allows humanity all over the world to unite with the enemy.

Who will be able to make a name for her at this time, even Lumu Yuanxiang can't do it, and the only one who can do this is excluded from the action by Sayaka in advance, ensuring that everyone's will is highly unified.

Kashin's battle deployment was completed in an afternoon. Shizuru Renmei had not participated in any magical girl's actions before, so it was difficult for her to give her advice.

"If Renmei doesn't have any opinions, I hope you can take the place of my headquarters in your place and use your ability to lock in the movement of the dark apostles." Sayaka made arrangements for Zhizhu Renmei after asking Kasin's ideas.

Zhizhu Renmei glanced at Kashin and said, "I came here with Brother Daye. You may wish to ask him if he agrees with this arrangement?"

"Tatsuya?" Sayaka hasn't paid much attention to Lumu Tatsuya, but listening to Zhizhu Renmei's tone seems to be more willing to believe Lumu Taka than Kahin.

It’s not surprising to think about it carefully. If it was not during New Zealand that Lumuda also established a good relationship with their husband and wife, this time looking for the whereabouts of their sister, I hope to get Shizu Renmei’s help. Renmei may still not appear in magic. In the girl's headquarters, the main reason she will come here is as a sister's love for the younger generations. It is also because Lumu Tatsuya's heart is as pure as Lumu Yuanxiang, and this alone allows Zhizhu Renmei to get along. Feel very comfortable.

Kashin is undoubtedly an alternative collection of sins in Zhizhu Renmei's eyes. There is no need to understand his past. Zhizhu Renmei is very disgusted to see his first glance. If it is only the arrangement of Sayaka, she does not need to object, but since Sayaka asked Kasin's opinion, and Zhizhu Renmei was very opinionated.

"It's not too late, all parties should act as soon as possible. The sudden appearance of Sister Renmei and I will inevitably not be planned, but just letting Sister Renmei investigate and monitor is overkill, can you give us the power to act freely?"

Lumuda also saw through Kashin's opinion at the moment he said that Sayaka could unconditionally choose to believe in Zhizhu Renmei, but Kasin obviously did not have such an atmosphere, and the identity of the witch commander made him have to consider Zhizhu. The possibility of Renmei and the Dark Apostle confluence and confusion, rather than let her stay at the headquarters to monitor the movement of the Dark Apostle, it is better to put her in the place where the eyeliner is the most intensive to monitor and observe, anyway, the elite power of the magical girl is out Even if it is destroyed, there will not be much loss.

The idea of ​​Zhizhu Renmei is even simpler. She just doesn’t like Kasin, and at the same time, she expressed her absolute support for her. Lumuda also hopes to achieve something that everyone in New Zealand travels knows. Zhizhu Renmei’s move is Raising his status, in return, Lumuda had no reason for Ren Zhizhu Renmei to be at the mercy of Kasin.

A month of getting together made him have a clear understanding of the two husbands and husbands of Shijo Kyousuke and Zhizhu Renmei. I believe that one person will have unconditional trust, and Zhizhu Renmei is a person he believes can be trusted, and Lumuda never thinks She will come together with the Dark Apostles. Although they use similar power, they are completely different in nature.

How could the minds of many witches who were overwhelmed with despair and weariness were overwhelmed by the mad beliefs of the dark apostles. In Lumuda's view, Kasin's suspicions were as unjustified as Yue Zhong's worries about Bama, but That's it. In addition to the people you are determined to support, you can't trust anyone 100%.

"Okay, this time you will be free to move." Sayaka vaguely noticed the smell of gunpowder between the two sides, but it was never a good thing to make internal strife at this time. She immediately extinguished the contradictory signs and announced in a loud voice: "Each The combat team immediately set off and must uproot the dark apostles!"

The top of the building with the silver dome split into eight income mezzanines. Hundreds of multi-functional fighters have floated above the sky. The figure of the magical girl jumped out of the fighters with their colorful streamers. Old singularities everywhere flew away.

Lumu Yuanxiang is an important person in this operation. Her task is no less than that of Sayaka. As the only round **** with global precision sniper ability, she not only undertakes the task of destroying the dark apostles in Scandinavia At the same time, it will also maintain close contact with the action teams to ensure that assistance can be provided at a critical moment.

In this way, she naturally could not stay beside her brother, but set off with the various action Lumuda did not insist on acting with Lumuyuanxiang, he also understood that his sister and Zhizhu It is a waste of Renmei’s two powerful fighting forces to come together.

"Tatsuya, where are we going now?" Zhizhu Renmei didn't act on his own initiative, but gave the decision to Lumu Tatsuya.

Lumu Tatsuya's gaze kept watching Kashin's figure disappearing, so he picked up the information left by his sister and read it up: "Kasin's combat plan has no big loopholes, and the intelligence we know is no better than He needs more, so it is not appropriate to act rashly for now."

Zhizhu Renmei nodded and said, "Do you need to wait for the results of the previous battle to come out?"

"My sister’s ability can only find the trace of the dark apostle, but the two opposite energy traits make it impossible for her to accurately distinguish the differences. Sister Renmei is different, whether it is a witch, Warcraft or the dark apostle, they The power of the world has the same source, and that is the sin of this world." The information in Lumuda’s hands also stayed on the old singularity map of the world. "The elimination of the gathering point of one or two dark apostles will start the situation. Without immediate results, a group that can simultaneously initiate large-scale operations will definitely have a head start. Even if it is not a real commander, it also plays a central role. Can you find it out, Sister Renmei?"

Looking for an existence that is somewhat similar to her own identity, Zhizhu Renmei has never done this kind of thing, but she has some confidence in her heart. In order to confirm her thoughts, she asks: "How do you plan to do it if you find them, use them to do something What?"

"There is no need to trouble Sister Renmei to deal with it directly. No matter what method is used, the existence of the dark apostles is of no benefit to the world, so that if they live an extra day, innocent people may die. "Lu Muda said with great certainty.

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