Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1283: New meeting point

Hamilton, New Zealand is the rarest and largest inland city in this island country with a large number of port cities. It is located in the southeast of Auckland, and the distance between the two is 110 kilometers. Even if the military-designed off-road vehicles cannot be galloped in the ice and snow climate For Yue Zhong, the scenery along the way is actually more ornamental than the so-called famous scenic spots, and there are few traces of human activities to retain the most primitive style of nature. He walked all the way and looked at it. 'S tourism concept was instilled in Pamamei, who gradually accepted this.

Xiaomeiqing finally woke up when she was about to arrive in Hamilton. A snow-white world came into her eyes like a fairyland in a dream. The magical world made her rub her eyes for a long time before seeing clearly, looking at the front row The sitting brother-in-law and Sister Mami knew they were not dreaming, and said with a first-wake tone: "Brother-in-law, Sister Mami, where have we been, how long have I slept?"

Yue Zhong again looked at Xiao Meiqing, who was still sleepy through the rearview mirror, and said with a smile, "The little lazy worm finally woke up. It is now 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Did you stay up late last night?"

"No, I fell asleep yesterday, but I don't know why it's so sleepy today?" Xiao Meiqing shyly avoided Yue Zhong's sight and leaned on the window to open the snowy mountains outside. Her attention was quick. Attracted by this primitive and beautiful scenery, the body gradually became active and asked excitedly, "Did we have left Oakland?"

"Yeah, after playing in the morning, Sister Mei Mei said that there are two friends waiting for us in Hamilton, so we discussed it." Yue Zhong saw Xiao Meiqing began to look for Han Meimei's figure around them, explaining: "They I have driven another car and set off. I wanted to wait for you to wake up. Who knows to sleep by this time."

"Is that so? Sorry, brother-in-law." Xiao Meiqing felt that it was her fault that delayed everyone's schedule, and said weakly.

The winter day has risen to the sky, and the sun shining down illuminates the fairy-tale world. Yue Zhong slowly parked the car on the roadside: "If you like it, go down and play for a while. Anyway, the time has been delayed. Just go to Hamilton at dinner."

Xiao Meiqing's undisguised joy flashed in her eyes, but then she worriedly said, "Then just play for a while."

The joyful girl opened the car door and entered the world of snow. The quiet temperament prevented her from running and playing arbitrarily, slowly pacing and looking around, and found the cave of hibernating animals in the snow. Feeling curious, touching the withered branches and shaking off the flakes of snowflakes would also surprise her. Walking in the junction of the open space and the mountains and rivers, the water flowing under the thin ice layer attracted her extraordinarily.

Xiao Meiqing was smiling innocently throughout her life. It was Yue Zhong who felt the most correct decision to not let her go through the dark attack. She would not let her play in such a random mood, but for a long time. Li Wei was afraid.

After Yue Zhong got off the bus, he began to teach Xiao Meiqing to make a snowman. This was still when he lived in the wooden house on the planet Aura. Veneto taught him in the winter, otherwise he might have seen it all his life. Less than a few times of snow, it is impossible for him to play so thick for him to play.

When playing games missing in childhood with Veneto, although the other party looks like a child, but the character is very different from the real child, so Yue Zhong is just a pastime, did not really find the joy of childhood. But now with Xiao Meiqing, let him temporarily forget all the childlike innocence.

"Wrap a mass of snow first and then push it on the snow, so that the snowball will grow bigger and bigger, and soon the upper and lower body and head of the snowman will be ready." Yue Zhong rolled the biggest snowball, also interested The vigorous Bami rolled his upper body, and Xiao Meiqing spent a long time in the snow to get a small head.

The next step is to lay out the details of the snowman. If you have a hand, just find two branches and just plug it in, but Xiao Meiqing is a little dissatisfied with her face: "Sister-in-law, you just put the bullet on your head as a nose. Are the eyes too weird?"

Yue Zhong flipped through the contents of the off-road vehicle, and after hearing Xiao Meiqing's evaluation, he poked his head and said: "No way, I can't find anything else. Your Meimei sister's car is like a mobile arsenal, There is nothing more than these."

After searching for a long time in the snow, the three did not find a decent substitute. In the end, they could only stand together next to the magical snowman with a grenade as his eyes, anti-equipment bullets as his nostrils, and an induction mine hat on his head. The camera was taken for the first photo of this tour.

When these dangerous items were in use, Yue Zhong had removed the wires or dumped the gunpowder, and did not take them away afterwards, leaving them in place. Later, when the passing passenger discovered this strange snowman, he still called the police, but In the end, it was impossible to find the result, and it became a grotesque legend in the nearby countryside.

The ending of playing with snow is still unfinished. Xiao Meiqing hopes that Brother Daye, Sister Xiaoyuan and Sister Mei Mei will be here, so that they can not only play the snowman but also fight the snowball fight. Later, until Yue Zhong told her to go skiing on the snowy mountain in two days, the little girl gradually forgot the snowman.

Hamilton is not connected to the sea inland, only a Waikato River passes through the middle of the city to divide Hamilton into two. After the highway begins to connect with the Waikato River, it has reached the suburbs. This is not famous in the world. But cities that are more important to New Zealand soon appeared in Yue Zhong's vision.

It is conceivable that it will accept some refugees from Auckland for a long period of The impact that has been caused will not be traced after all. Yue Zhong’s plan is to take Xiao Meiqing on a cruise ship at night After the banks of the blue Waikato River will continue to the south tomorrow, the final destination is Wellington, the capital at the southern end of the North Island.

After dragging on the road for so long, another intention was to give Madoka enough time for them to arrive first. After seeing the outline of the city, Ba Mami began to get in touch with them and learned that Sister Lumu, Han Meimei and Shang The couple has already met at sea and completed a close-air flight trip with the help of Shizu Insumi, and is now waiting for them in a Western restaurant.

"Their journey seems to be more interesting than ours." Ba Mami hangs up the phone and mysteriously confronts Yue Zhong, "I just don't know if Uejo Kyosuke and Zhizhu Renmei will have conflicts, if you really have something to do, you can Must be mediated, after all they are..."

After looking at Xiao Meiqing, Bama didn't go on.

Yue Zhong said with little interest: "No matter how much it is first, it doesn't matter if you fill your stomach. Xiaoqing, you don't have to look curious. We are received by a newly-wed couple, but something has happened recently, so don't mess up. speak."

"Oh." Xiao Meiqing's doubts disappeared and nodded. 1022

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