Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1250: Time treasury

Xiao Meiqing is not afraid of him. Xiao Meiqing will not be afraid since she knows that he is actually the other side of her brother-in-law.

"Me, what should I call you?" Xiao Meiqing asked uncertainly, and her brother-in-law clearly told him that he had disappeared forever. So who is now in front of him, is it because he is wrong?

The man under the dark mist no longer expects others to regard him as a true Yue Zhong. As long as the body still exists for a day, he will always be a well-known counterfeit. In his heart, why would he like Xiao Meiqing to call him brother-in-law? However, Xiao Meiqing would not be willing, and neither of the two people written by Bama Mei at the wedding ceremony.

"Anyway, the last time I met, I didn't have a chance to talk to you. I'm afraid it would scare you. I apologize first."

Xiao Meiqing can't clearly see the appearance of the man in the black mist, so his apology looks and moves are also unclear. The other party's voice is the same as that of the brother-in-law. The slight difference is that the brother-in-law is always as calm as the deep sea. There are indeed layers of waves in the human voice roaring forever.

It seems like it has infinite energy to do so many things. It is not as lazy as the brother-in-law. It seems that the whole world does not matter to him.

"Big brother, are you really what his brother-in-law said was his dark body?" Xiao Meiqing asked a question he cared about more.

After thinking for a long time, Yue Zhong in the dark mist nodded and said, "It's not wrong to say that. I have carried a violent will for many times. Sometimes I can't even control myself. Your sister stays in this world. The huge power of despair in Zhong will not disappear because of her departure. On the contrary, with the symbiotic relationship, Homura will give Madoka the reverse power of the magical power when it changes, which will produce more darkness."

"Does that big brother have any purpose for you to talk to me?" Xiao Meiqing learned many things in those memory fragments, and it was even more difficult to distinguish her brother-in-law from Yue Zhong in front of her. After all, the temperament of the people in front of those memories More in line with the image of chasing the back of my sister.

She asked naively, believing that the other party would not lie to herself.

The dark body seems to be as Xiao Meiqing thought, he shook his head indifferently: "I, like him, as long as there is a chance, will not let you suffer any harm, and naturally will not use you to do anything."

"So why are you looking for me alone?" Xiao Meiqing believed in its explanation, and then asked.

"On the one hand, the power here recognizes your identity and treats you as their owner directly, and can only appear briefly depending on them. I must see you, and I also want to be pure with you. Chat." The figure of the dark body simply sat on the ground, and the extremely humanized movement could not be seen as a short-lived phantom, and his character of finding laziness in the gap was in the same vein with Yue Zhong.

"How's the family doing recently? I asked Hideo Luzawa to find those who murdered your father. Did he do what I ordered?"

Xiao Meiqing's face was blank, she only knew that Xiufu's brother and brother-in-law had a big conflict, and even involved Uncle Peng Ju, but she didn't know the deeper reason.

"The world of adults is so complicated."

"It seems that he didn't intend to tell you, then I won't tell you. Are you still used to taking classes in school? The children in the countryside are mischievous and your character is soft. Have they bullied you..."

It's really just for chatting with Xiao Meiqing, and his concern for Xiao Meiqing will not be less important than that of genuine Yue. Asking about his life in school and life in the countryside, it is like returning home. In the face of a gentle mother, Xiao Meiqing's few precautions soon dropped completely.

Xiao Meiqing replied one by one, saying that she had a good time in school, she would laugh when she was happy and childish with her classmates, he would also reprimand Yue when he heard the dangers encountered during the trip to country c The heavy one is useless. I think it was at Xiao Meiqing's side at that time, then Kasin could never jump.

"Why, everyone is very nice to Xiaoqing, and they are so gentle in their hearts, but why should they fight each other so that you and I can't tolerate each other's existence?" The young Xiaomeiqing went to see this world , Her vision has never been so long-term and great, she will always remember her good people, no matter whether they are guilty or bright, the girl’s view of good and evil has not been a good reference since childhood, which is different from ordinary people. Far away.

"Brother, can you... don't hurt your brother-in-law?"

The man in the dark mist was silent. Xiao Meiqing's request didn't want to agree, but she didn't know how to refuse so as not to hurt Xiao Meiqing's heart.

I can talk to Xiao Meiqing boldly and here, and have enough time to be silent when faced with the difficult problems she raised, because it is very clear what Yue Zhong is doing now, as long as he does not hurt Xiao Meiqing, Yue Will you come over in the first half of the What is Yue Zhong doing? When Xiao Meiqing touched the black gem spirit core, he saw what happened when the dark body found here.

The ring that rotates regularly around this independent space-time. Except for the dense timeline scale, the internal power is derived from the gears that are constantly rolling. When the first power is applied and no other force prevents it When it stops, the trajectory of time will never stop.

Before the dark body, Xiao Meiyan continued to appear and disappear from here, not from the outside, but appeared here out of thin air, as if coming out of the timeline scale, wearing a braid with eyes Her appearance changed to an indifferent black long straight, and every time she appeared with a deep sense of sadness and unwillingness, she would also throw out all the things in the time plate that had nothing to do with the battle during her short stay here.

For example, the banknotes and gold and silver that were taken away when stealing the gang arms, such as the rare high-value rare materials that were taken together when stealing the latest scientific research materials and cutting-edge weapons into the army. Xiao Meiyan didn’t know that they could do something with them. What just thinks that it will be useful to keep it one day. Over time, this time gap becomes a huge treasure trove. They stay in the time gap and slowly start to follow the wheel of the double ring, turning each world line. The similar substances in it are constantly attracted, and at the same time, they have constantly derived new substances over time, which grows endlessly like cell division without aging and death, and finally forms a mountainous treasure trove.

When seeing this scene, it is not difficult for Yue Zhong to understand where the starting capital for his dark body layout came from. The wealth accumulated in this treasure trove has already exceeded the limit of the earth’s civilized world. It gives Green Ze Xiufu's is nothing more than a mere nine.

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