Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1165: Transcendent deification

"Hey, how can I go around without the permission of the owner, the contents inside are very valuable! What do you do if you break them. ranwen" Lumu Yuanxiang was still chattering, but it was hard to escape Sister's nagging, how could it be so simple to be called back.

Yue Zhong looked down at Xiao Meiqing, and there were few strangers who could make her not afraid, but Lumuda was also one of them: "Go play with Daye's brother and introduce him to the observatory's equipment."

"Good brother-in-law." Xiao Meiqing nodded and turned around, two braids braided up the steps.

Lumu Yuanxiang finally stopped chattering at this time, looking at Yue Zhong slightly bitterly but didn't speak.

"It's not like you, Madoka." Lu Zhongyuanxiang, who Yue Yue knows, is not so polite to expose others' shortness, even though this person is her closest brother, she is not the kind to rely on seniority. And standing on the moral high ground to count others' long tongue women.

After shaking her head slightly, Lumu Yuanxiang untied the hair band that tied her hair, and the pink medium long hair fluttered with the wind. At this moment, her figure had a little hazy feeling, as if it was beyond the reach of her The gods are floating, and Shi Yinshi seems to be leaving the world at any time.

She gently raised her head and looked at this beautiful and happy world, her eyes were very nostalgic and reluctant: "You should understand what I look like."

"You will disappear?" Yue Zhong's surprise flashed through his eyes, and he knew very well how Lumu Yuanxiang's deified state existed. He thought it had changed after these series of twists and turns, but when Xiao Meiyan left the darkness of the fallen divine power on herself, and after returning all the divine power to Lumu Yuanxiang, it was like an irreversible line of destiny, and finally ended up towards an end point, " Hasn't Homura solved the inevitable result of the deification?"

Lumu Yuanxiang said with uncertainty: "That day, Xiaoyan told me that she would never give me what I wanted. This sentence made me feel regret and despair, and failed to notice this divine power. There is something unusual, but if it really forces me to completely separate from the world, then it should have happened at that time. Xiaoyan may have made some efforts, but it all broke out at my university graduation ceremony in three years. Come out."

Thinking of not-so-good memories, Lumu Yuanxiang's eyes were full of panic and fear. In fact, she has never been a very strong person, just because she still loves the world, so she must fight against that fate.

"That day I was standing in the auditorium to accept the issuance of a graduation certificate, but that always meek divine power suddenly burst out, turning the entire Tokyo into a cherry-colored ocean, where everyone stopped breathing and lost all their lives. There are only signs that I am still awake, and I heard a vast voice in the sky calling me to go back." Lumu Yuanxiang said nervously, "Everyone's life and death are unknown. Where can I dare?" So I left. I wanted to find a way to solve it. It took me a long time to find out that I took off the hair band that day. This was given to me by Homura before. She seems to have expected that one day will appear Now..."

"When I re-tied my hair, the world finally returned to calm, and everyone was alive again, like a sudden nightmare. But I know that this force will not remain silent forever, it is committed to Yu made me transcend the world and the human society. I haven’t told anyone about this. I’m afraid they would worry about the Sayaka. The magical girls thought that a particularly powerful Warcraft appeared in Tokyo and mobilized a lot of people search."

Yue Zhongruo thoughtfully asked: "Then you solved it now but it didn't appear that day, just because it was just now?"

"Yes, after I found out that there was such an anomaly in my body, I dared not stay in the school as a graduate student. I was afraid that I would not be able to control it. One day I would leave passively and be forgotten by everyone, I can only guard this world with a will." Lumu Yuanxiang continued to recall, "If it is really unavoidable, I want to experience what this society is like before I leave, so I entered the present This comic company works. During that time, I couldn’t even control my temper, and I had a quarrel with my colleagues because of work. That night, I found that the power that had started to run out of control seemed to stabilize again.”

"The deity must be above the world and human civilization. It is not contaminated with any dust. Whether it is positive or negative emotions, it can not make it half moving. You will not argue with people before. It’s a template for a human being, but when you start to become secular, the change in consciousness makes it not so pure, maybe this is why you can stay in this world." Yue Zhong through his own experience And inference ~ ~ reached such a conclusion.

Lumu Yuanxiang reappeared a gentle smile, she nodded and said: "Yue Zhong you are indeed very smart, but I thought for a long time before I realized it."

"So you are so unkind to your brother? You intend to show an annoying aspect so that you can stay in this world and you can't do this to others, but he is your brother, so no matter what It’s okay to bully him."

Lumu Yuanxiang is a philanthropist who would rather let the people around him hurt or not hurt any innocent people. At that time, Yue Zhong used this to make Xiao Meiyan finally choose to cut the deep bond with Lumu Yuanxiang. .

"Yes, I hope that Da will not be bored with me too quickly." Lumu Yuanxiang smiled broadly, but also laughed miserably.

Yue Zhong has robbed Xiao Meiyan from her side, and has owed Lumu Yuanxiang in her heart, and has admired Lumu Yuanxiang, so that he can't sit back and ignore it, and use secularization to curb the divine power to promote detachment This should be the best way Xiao Meiyan thought of before, but this is because her ideas have always been extreme.

"Maybe you don't have to do this." Yue Zhong thought carefully for a long time before he said confidently, "Xiaoyan's ideas may not be the best for you. Secularized feelings may not be the only way to learn bad."

"Do you have any good ideas?" A wish flashed in Lumu Yuanxiang's eyes. If the people in this world were helpless, the only person who could solve her troubles was Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong did not dare to pat his chest and promised, he could only do his best: "How long is this vacation, if you can, stay in Takihara for a while, and you can’t rush to solve this problem before you fully understand it. Hasty actions are likely to make you lose your existence as a human being."

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