Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1148: You are not my brother-in-law

The bursting darkness was washed away by the cherry blossoms. In the urban area of ​​Takihara, the humans swallowed by the darkness all lay unconscious on the ground, but watching their smooth breathing is not like any life-threatening state. After being contaminated by the darkness and then purifying the light of Xiaoyuan's washing, everyone showed a serene look.

The ambulance pulled a stern alarm car through the streets. The heavily armed police, fire and self-defense forces also allocated a large number of people to rescue while maintaining order. Tonight, too many people were attacked. The city’s ambulance The car and the doctors and nurses were busy together, and the crowds who were attacked on the periphery were relatively easy to deal with. Those who were attacked in the field of Warcraft needed a more detailed search, and their injuries It is generally serious, and many have lost signs of life, and even turned into fragments of corpses.

It is no longer necessary for the magic girls to do anything. Although this battle is thrilling, in the end, with the long-range support of Lumu Yuanxiang, it did not cause much casualties.

But after all, someone died, and the faces of Bama Mei and Ming Ying are not good-looking.

"Sister Xue, I will go back first. If there are any new anomalies, please contact me." Yue Zhong drove them to Bamamei's apartment downstairs.

After getting off the bus, Ba Mami was somewhat at ease. The man actually fled at the last minute, even if it was just the residue of silk consciousness, but people like Yue Zhong will eventually feel uneasy as long as they don't die out completely.

"Do you not need me to accompany you?"

Yue Zhong shook his head and said: "No need, it has no power now, I can handle it personally, and as long as there is no accident, it should no longer exist when I go back."

Ba Mami felt that she had been deceived by Yue Zhong again, stomping her feet and said: "You just looked like the sky collapsed."

"It disturbed Xiaoqing's life after all, I don't want to..." Yue Zhong waved his hand out of the car window, stepped on the accelerator and started to move towards the home of Raccoon Village.

For him, whether his dark body died completely is not the most important thing. It affects Xiao Meiqing’s peaceful life but is even more important. Even though he completed the final calculation through things he did not know, he still missed the concession. It has an opportunity.

Leaving the downtown area of ​​Takibara and driving on the Panshan Highway at high speed, Yue Zhong couldn't help but thump down the steering wheel. The sound of the whistle pierced the tranquility between the mountains and the mountains, which meant that his heart was not as calm as it seemed.

No matter what means the dark body uses, Yue Zhong is able to cope with it calmly. After all, he has more information and helpers, and intelligence is the battle force. The final victory should be justified, but in the end it is wrong.

When Yue Zhong drove back, Xiao Meiqing, who had awakened from the nightmare, was still uneasy with fear and anxiety. There were still tears left by the nightmare in her purple eyes, flowing along her white cheeks.

She dreamed that Yue Zhong was seeing Takihara being shot by a long cherry-colored arrow. No words were left, and her smile could not be seen, so she fell to the ground and died.

Xiao Meiqing, who has lost her father, met Yue Zhong at the heavy and stormy funeral. At that moment, he became her heaven. Dreaming that the sky was falling again, how did the very young mind receive it?

"Is it a dream, it's a dream, Xiao Qing don't cry, go to bed cleanly, otherwise she won't get up to school tomorrow." Xiao Meiqing kept comforting herself in this way, but her brother-in-law had not yet returned from downtown Takihara. How can she really be assured?

The little hand kept wiping the tears with a tissue, but it still kept staying. The dream was so real just now, even if Xiao Meiqing wakes up, she still thinks it is a real thing. Will the brother-in-law really die? ……

The knock at the door of Mr. Saito’s dormitory once again came from the building, but Xiao Meiqing did not doubt that he was there. She was just her brother-in-law who came back safely, even if she didn’t hear the sound of the car, she thought so, even Do not go to the balcony on the third floor to see who knocked on the door, and even forgot that Yue Zhong also had the keys to the house and there was no need to knock on the door. Xiao Meiqing, wearing slippers and pajamas, stumbled downstairs without thinking.

The door opened without any surprise, and it was indeed Yue Zhong who appeared in front of Xiao Meiqing.

"Brother-in-law!" Xiao Meiqing threw herself into the other person's arms without any worries. It should have been a very happy thing, but why did the tears flow more casually?

No matter, as long as the brother-in-law comes back safely, it’s great if he is fine, if the brother-in-law is really dead...

Xiao Meiqing didn't dare to imagine it. Fortunately, her brother-in-law hugged herself tightly, but why didn't he say anything?

The palm of the brother-in-law who used to walk around was large and warm, but why is the person he is holding so cold today, and it is getting colder and colder, like a block of ice.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you." Xiao Meiqing looked up, looking at Yue Zhong's face with worry.

The latter gently touched her head, revealing a meaningful smile.

The brother-in-law has never smiled on himself so much that he does not feel emotion and temperature.

Xiao Meiqing was frightened by this smile and immediately broke free of his arms and took two steps back. The brother-in-law will not scare her, and never will, only the walking dead will have such a weird expression, watching him have longing and sadness With regret, there is absolutely no expression called love.

A seven-year-old girl seemed so weak against the power of an adult, but she effortlessly broke free from her arms and watched his strange smile become inexplicable and looked at her in disbelief. Hands, like a helpless child.

"Who are you, why did you come to my house?" Xiao Meiqing suddenly felt not afraid, maybe the other party came to see him really had any attempt, but when he is just a person in need of help, and still with Yue Zhongchang It looks so.

" is... Yue." It found that it was very difficult to even speak. If it could not find a sheltered harbor, the cherry-colored divine light left in the body would immediately swallow him.

"You are not my brother-in-law!" Xiao Meiqing denied it with certainty. Although her words were not finished, Xiao Meiqing didn't want to hear this self-introduction from another person.

It finally came to a sudden enlightenment, and Che’s attempts and tactics finally became calm at this moment. Just now, it was able to permeate the only obliterate thoughts to the unprepared Xiao Meiqing. , But it can't keep the heart.

It turned out that I was not her brother-in-law. Since the moment of separation, I have been two with him, but I insisted that they are individuals.

"Do you need any help..." Xiao Meiqing continued what she said in front of her. At this time, she felt that there was someone like her brother-in-law who appeared in front of herself but did not intend to hurt herself.

But her words hadn't been finished yet, and her pampered gaze for convenience had turned into a plume of green smoke, and at this moment her expression finally looked like Yue Zhong.

It's enough to be able to meet you in the last days.

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