Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1121: Mysterious Warcraft

Although the structure of the small white building has not undergone large-scale renovation, great changes have taken place with the investment of money and the deployment of Bamamei.

When I came outside and looked at the new and renewed home, I relied on the transplanted cherry trees. The pink refreshed white building was very charming after installing the characteristic suspension and railing. Standing outside breathing the fragrance of the soil, Yue Zhong actually produced A sense of accomplishment.

"Boss, what else do you need to do?" Hideo Luze is not comparable to Yue Zhong's physique. After doing heavy physical work in the morning, his clothes have already been soaked in sweat, and he is almost exhausted sitting in the newly moved white jade. On the stone bench, he still asked weakly.

Yue Zhong patted his shoulder and said: "It's hard today, go back to rest after eating something. If you have anything, just send someone to do it."

"It's okay boss." Hideo Luzawa laughed, "It's my pleasure to work hard for you."

"Less flattering. After Xiaoqing goes to school here, you will be fine for the time being. Since you like to race, go to participate more. I'm waiting for you to take away the three characters of Takihara and become the true car god." Yue He smiled heavily, "I will come to see you with Xiaoqing."

Lvze Xiufu felt a little excited. He kept his posture very low in front of Yue Zhong, but Yue Zhong did not appear to be domineering, just like he believed that Yue Zhong was actually a good person. He just turned to himself. The newcomers who came here are actually very good. They even showed a generous face to the speeding party that was originally malicious. Is this person really a legendary lover of the devil miss?

If this is Yue Zhong’s new task, he will also give himself the opportunity to realize his dream. Hideo Luzawa gently shook his fist and said, "I will."

"It would be better if you don't dye this greenish look in the future." Yue Zhong smiled. "I always feel weird when I look at it."

Hideo Luzer disturbed his head and smiled embarrassedly.

The official celebration of moving to a new home is naturally to stay until Xiaoqing returns from school in the afternoon, so the three people can only take some bread and milk in the afternoon and will deal with it. After receiving the initial funds, they will begin to collect the former younger brother, Luze Ze. Without Yue Zhong's sore egg pain, he hurriedly ate something and left the car, went to the speeding party who respected him, borrowed a motorcycle, and drove back to the city of Takihara.

Yue Zhong put the root grass in his mouth. He is now in the most difficult time to quit smoking. He feels uncomfortable with nothing in his mouth.

Bami put on an apron and plastic gloves and stood in the kitchen peeling beans. Yue important helped him out by her. In the past, his catastrophic performance in the kitchen made Bamamei still fresh in memory, even if he tried to justify it, he would not listen. of.

So Yue Zhong simply moved a lounge chair and sat at the kitchen door: "I won't go in the head office anymore."

"Then what are you doing?" Ba Mamei chuckled and looked back at Yue Zhong's eyes. He saw that he had laid down lazily and closed his eyes to raise his mind. He wanted to be angry but didn't know how to get angry. Too.

"What trouble do you have and you need our Yuanshen to help?" Yue Zhong's head swayed as the recliner swayed. "Maybe I have a way?"

Ba Mami put the peeled things in a basin and washed them with water. Now Xiaomei Qing and Lvze Xiufu are not here. She has no need to hide Yue Zhong's things about the magical girl. She even needs Yue Zhong to come out sometimes. I came up with the idea: "The Warcraft that appeared in Takihara this time is indeed a bit tricky. I still haven't found out how powerful it is. During the time I didn't go to Xiaomei's house, the other party was playing hide-and-seek with me. I can save those who were attacked by Warcraft in time, but if I keep going like this, there will always be times when I can’t catch up."

"Do you think this Warcraft is wise?" Yue Zhong has not seen a substitute for the negative will of humanity after the witch, so he doesn't know enough about it, but he directly believes that conscious creatures are far better than without self-consciousness, and this Can Warcraft, who can feel the advent of Puma, run away in advance, is it instinctive or deliberately playing a cat and mouse game?

Ba Mami shook her head and said: "I haven't encountered it. I can't judge it based on the current signs. The only feeling is that this World of Warcraft is not weak. If it doesn't run away innocently, it might be sure. In order to avoid this situation when I defeated me, I asked Madoka for help."

"With Madoka's ability to predict, no matter how powerful it is, it can't run." Yue Zhong opened his eyes and the brain began to run quickly. "But since your cutting actions are all as expected, Madoka will be able to Will not run away?"

The movement of Ba Mami's hand stopped involuntarily, and there was a trace of sadness in the carefully selected eyebrows: "I didn't expect this. If I let it go to see Takihara and go to other places, the unprepared magic girl encountered it. It’s very likely to lose money...if killed, we will have to face a new witch."

"Another question, did this Warcraft appear after I came? Does it have anything to do with me." Yue Zhong remembered when he and Xiao Meiyan returned, no matter where they went, as long as they stayed a little longer It will lead to an abnormal disaster. "You suddenly left without saying hello that day. You should have discovered the breath of Warcraft without preparing in advance. Should it be related to me?"

Ba Mami was quiet for a moment, then nodded and said, "That day was indeed my first encounter with it."

"Xiaoyuan still has a week to come. Before that time, it may leave." Yue Zhong stood up and suddenly rejuvenated, "If it appears take me to see Right."

Looking at the spirited Yue Zhong, Ba Mami temporarily put aside his sad face and smiled and said: "You have been mad at nothing for a few days? Really a restless person."

"No way, I can still play games during the break when I haven't come here. Now that I know some of you, you won't be able to play games. I can't take Xiaoqing to indulge." Yue Zhong spread his hand. , "That must not be torn by the hands of my mother."

Ba Ma whitened Yue Zhongyan: "You always say that, Mrs. Xiao Mei has been vilified by you, even if she has an idea, she will not be too fierce."

After he had new things to do, Yue Zhong was no longer lazy afterwards, and he started wandering around Bammei: "What does Warcraft look like, is it a huge humanoid in white robe?"

"Every Warcraft's form is different, but according to the difference in ability, there are still traces." Bama Meibian answered Yue Zhong's question, seeing him enter the kitchen and did not drive him out again.

The time gradually came to three o'clock in the afternoon, and the time for raccoon elementary school was over. Yue Zhong had to pick Xiao Meiqing home first, if she didn't join the club...

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