Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1080: The final war-the final

When success is about to come to me, the uncontrollable excitement is instinct as a human being, but there are many people who are finally on the road to the last step, and their glory belongs to them at their fingertips. The distance has always become eternal.

Veneto was very clear that the more he could not be taken lightly at the last moment. Before all the pre-plans were completed, as long as the Abyss Inspector noticed the slightest difference, then all of their previous layouts and efforts would be abandoned.

Tolerating the excitement in his heart, Veneto exerted his concentration at the critical moment to deal with the final battle. The maximum coverage of the space debris array is as high as an entire galaxy, but they cannot really set it. The output set at the maximum power directly destroys the North American Riga galaxy together with the abyssal fleet, which is a more painful loss than the loss of Veneto. The seven galaxies themselves are not complete material planes, and one-seventh of the interstellar space is shattered. After that, the whole world will be swept by devastating chaos in time and space.

Every sinking of an abyss special type ship mother is an extremely delicate combat project. The slightest mistake will cause a series of deployments to lose their own role. Being a legendary name and surviving today's ship mothers are able to The existence of small probability and opportunity to grasp, and Veneto deploy command in the middle, their offensive has never been shown so efficient.

In order to evade the attack of super weapons, the abyssal fleet escaped from Veneto's pursuit. After three super-light speed transfers and eleven sub-light speed pursuits, Veneto completed the last two killing targets as expected. At this moment, the abyssal fleet has just escaped the attack range of the space debris array, and the San Francisco star, which has changed hands several times, is already nearby.

The intuition of Void Life tells it that it is no longer threatened by super weapons, and the suffocation that was pursued by Veneto all the way and unable to fight back was instantly transformed into a fierce offensive.

Although the chasing battle did not experience much pressure, the Allied First Fleet, which has maintained high-intensity combat from the beginning of the battle, is the end of the crossbow after completing the chasing. The attack of the Abyssal Fleet seems to be able to tear them apart in an instant.

When the sky-long abyss carrier aircraft came over like a cloud, hundreds of millions of carrier aircraft and army mechas appeared in the direction of the San Francisco star. That was the latest human reinforcements, even if most of them were only received. New recruits hurried into battle after basic training, but they are still proving that human counterattacks have never ceased and the will to protect their homeland is higher than the fear of life and death.

After being put into battle as a fresh force, these blood-filled young people used their lives to defend the first fleet of Veneto against the most intense wave of counterattacks of the abyssal fleet, just like the continuous explosion of the Star River Nine windings and eighteen windings in the universe.

"The entire fleet concentrates firepower, and the goal...the abyssal admiral!" The last step from the San Francisco star arrived in time to gain valuable adjustment time for the first fleet of Veneto, and the shelling mode switched in time returned to the bright red of fate , The current carrier-based fleet and the mechs were scattered to leave a line of shooting. Under the guidance of Veneto’s first shelling, Richelieu, Andrea Doria, the Soviet Union, and Litorio Waiting for the battleship to survive at this moment will pour the final energy into this round of salvo.

Sixteen glorious and magnificent gatherings before the Abyssal Admiral, the attack from the First Fleet of the Human Coalition was too long to prepare, and there was no possibility of evasion. No one except the little North just beside the Abyssal Admiral Appeared in front of the Abyssal Admiral to resist this injury for him.

"Intercept." The abyss admiral, who only had a hollow cross-shaped red shimmer on his face, felt the fear of life threatening for the first time. His order was issued to the northern Qiji without thinking. In order to survive for a moment, it is inevitable to sacrifice the first ship mother you gave birth to.

As long as this round of salvo is sustained, the human coalition, which has run out of lights and no longer has the ability to resist, the balance of victory has tilted towards itself.

The end of the final war is at this moment.

The petite figure of Little North rushed out, and he stood in front of the abyss admirer without hesitation under the intense tension of Veneto. At this moment, the little girl with white hair seemed to be instinctively protecting her mother, even if she used her At the expense of self-awareness that awakened.

No matter how sure Veneto is, but before the final result, everything has not been finalized. Even though there are 10 million reasons for Xiao Beibei to have an idea against the abyssal admirer, if she really doesn’t, Veneto did nothing for them.

Victory is only based on enough information to support and speculate on the inevitable situation, but the miracle of microprobability can never be ruled out, even if it is 99.999.99, until after ten million numbers, the one will always exist. After all, this is a seemingly winning game.

If this round of artillery fell on the body of Qi Qi in the north, then humanity would be completely over.

Veneto’s pupils almost formed a straight line, and the trajectory of the bombardment was so fast, but the time in her eyes was so slow. Veneto seemed to be able to clearly see each of the bright red eyes of the small north. A momentary change.

Under her watch, Northern Qiji also glanced at herself. She had raised her eyebrows before intercepting the volley of the First Fleet, and then squatted with her head in her hands...

The fierce artillery bombarded the heads of Qi Qi in the north and gathered Under the bright red guidance of fate, it formed a very magnificent light. It fiercely bombarded the chest of the abyssal admiral and directly bombarded its body. It became two.

The red shimmer in the space in the Abyssal Admiral's cross was suddenly bright, as if he could not accept all of this, but before waiting for it to react again, the northern Qiji who squatted down stood up again, in the sleeve of her black cotton jacket A pair of small hands were stretched out, and the huge void source released great gravity from there. All the abyssal special ship mothers around them were instantly sucked to her, and the ship’s outfit and body were continuously compressed into a thin line. The body of Little North.

In the end she widened her eyes and raised her head, looked down at the abyssal admiral, and then opened her mouth wide. The latter’s void origin has fallen into the downwind at this moment. With their characteristics of this kind of species, the weaker side will be the stronger Absolute obedience, the unfathomable Abyssal Admiral, like other special ship-owners, instantly turned into a thin line, slowly flowing into the mouth of Little North.

After finishing the engulfment, Beiqi Ji licked her mouth with satisfaction, but the little girl who looked harmless to humans and animals showed a very charming smile. She gave Veneto a deep look, and the two had the same red eyes The girl looked at each other, and then the ordinary abyss ship rushed out as if they were out of control, and only the northern Qiji left in the direction of the distant bright galaxy. .


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