Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1072: The final war-the fastest

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The front-line defense formed by the ordinary abyss ship is the biggest obstacle that Veneto faced when they attacked their special ship girl. When the other party became familiar with Veneto's attack method, even her killing efficiency continued to decline. The situation faced by other human warships is even more uncomfortable. [Full text reading]

Almost 90% of the attacks will be resisted by ordinary abyss ships, although they can also cause effective killings, but these killings have been deemed invalid. The war has been carried out to this day, not only the abyssal fleet to the warships of the human alliance. It is enough to understand that the human coalition forces have also long been aware of the attack patterns and values ​​of ordinary warships in the abyssal fleet, even if they have experienced the evolution from ordinary to golden flash, but the monotony and lack of flexibility of the attack mode have always been The biggest weakness of these ordinary ship mothers whose soul thoughts are not complete.

This familiarity has greatly reduced the attack efficiency of both sides. Unless it is suppressed by absolute quantity and firepower, it can really threaten the human coalition attack not from the mass production shipowner in the abyssal fleet, but in their special protection. The ship warrior and the abyss and them.

When the abyss Yamato was engaged in a battle with Veneto's battleship, Veneto soon felt the pressure of fighting against the special ship mother. Her pressure did not come from the strength or accuracy of firepower. , A legendary ship maiden can always find his best position on the battlefield, and then help his own ship maiden achieve the final victory, even if they cannot achieve the increase in the entire fleet as Hood and Chicheng can see, they play in them. 'S role is still silently affecting the direction of war.

Facts proved that Veneto's decision to order the entire fleet to change the positive force and side avoidance was correct. When the abyss was engaged in the battle line battle, the battle line of the abyss fleet quickly showed a completely different vitality. Instead of being reluctantly suppressed by Veneto's naval guns, they began to follow the abyss of Yamato's offensive rhythm and tried to regain the initiative of the battle. The main force of the safer decisive battle under the protection of Veneto became dangerous. The first case of battleship battle damage soon appeared.

The four sisters of the same class as Vittorio Veneto were caught by the abyss in the changing formation, and the opportunity was bombarded. She died without any response, and did not leave a word. When Neto saw this scene, the empire had turned into a fireworks burning.

This is the flash of the legendary shipgirls. Previously, the successive flashes of the human coalition took back the initiative of the attack, but now this glory belongs to the abyssal fleet and belongs to the Yamato who used to be human ships with them.

"...Please, don't make this mistake again." Veneto was very painful, but there was no trace of sadness on her face, and she kept calling her sister's sister to die in the starry sky, but she Even anger can’t be expressed, because she is the most important one in the human coalition. Any emotions of her own will infect the whole army. At this time, the human coalition does not need to arbitrarily pour out the passion of anger, in Chester William Before the action of Bian appears, she must suppress this passion to the end.

However, the ambiguity of the passive is never the style of Veneto. She wants to change this situation, just like the Royal Navy did on the outer battlefield: "Imaginary, kill Yamato."

"Received!" The long-haired silver girl's golden eyes sparkled with dazzling light. In this war, in order to ensure the integrity of the First Fleet, Veneto rarely ordered the dream to remain on his own front as his frigate. This has caused a lot of trouble for the natural pursuit of unrestrained fantasy.

She longed for the freedom to come and go like a wind in the enemy formation, and also full of the sorrow when she knew that the sisters in the f star domain all died in the star defense line of the a star domain, and the girl chasing the fastest dream would occasionally turn back Those who have a deep affection for the sisters who are chasing themselves, now they are all dead, leaving themselves alone to live alone, no one is chasing after them, and no matter how fast they run, no one appreciates or adore them.

But their dreams will not end because of this. When no one can catch up with themselves, they run at the fastest speed, as if they are still there, but they can't see it.

"Sister Richelieu, it might be dangerous to imagine her alone. Let's go together." F star domain navy has few surviving ship mothers, but Volkland, who is serving as a frigate beside Richelieu, is one of them. One, they were competing against each other long ago, but Walkland was more aware of his mission as a destroyer, so he gave up absolute speed and focused on more places.

The gradual utopian threw her behind, but Walkland surpassed the utopian in other ways. Both of them used to disagree with each other’s ideas, but now that their ship’s mother in f star domain has almost died, each still The people who are alive are extremely precious comrades-in-arms, and Walkland doesn't want to see Utopia marching towards death like a javelin on the outer battlefield.

If they are going to die, they should die together as well, otherwise, if there is no one to quarrel in the future, it will definitely be very boring...

The imaginary golden light broke through in the carrier aircraft that covered the galaxy, rushing into the dense shelling that could easily destroy her body and the ship’s equipment. Walkerland led people behind to keep chasing her. I saw that I was still chasing my figure, and my dreams showed a naive smile: "Come on, you run slower than the turtle!"

"Don't look Look at the front intently!" Walklan did not fight with her, just kept reminding the utopian to pay attention to safety, and continuously sent the enemy's attack route he judged to to Utopian information terminal.

With Utopia in front, almost most of the firepower of the Abyssal Fleet to stop the destroyer's advance fell to her side, and the residual image left by Utopia was even more blurred, but her speed was really unprecedentedly fast. The installed Morong circumvention system will also let the imaginary and harmless evade some deadly firepower that may happen to her because of chance.

All ship maidens have a limit when sailing at sub-light speed, but the fantasy can not be inferred from common sense. After Xiaomeiyan’s special design and transformation, she can explode the speed of light without cooling at any time, making the enemy more It is difficult to grasp her maneuvering route and preview in advance.

After seeing the Utopian figure on the battlefield for the first time after a long time, Walkland was very surprised. She always thought that the idea of ​​Utopia restricted by technology was a real unrealistic Utopian, but when she met the legendary black After hair beauty, utopia really caught the tail of the dream.

"Maybe she really has a chance to succeed? It is worthwhile to be able to kill the abyss Yamato, no matter how big the sacrifice is!"

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