Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1048: The final war-the battle of death

Chester William cut off the communication very politely, and a person who was determined to die on his own was naturally not polite.

Veneto didn't care about his attitude. It was enough to be able to push the once high Admiral A to the point of disorientation. She wouldn't naively think that Chester? William would be true because of one sentence. The choice to die is not in line with his character, and it will also cause an irreconcilable contradiction between him and the ship mother of the A-star navy.

She just needs Chester? William knows that his attitude hasn’t changed. He can’t be lucky. Veneto alone supports the world of the Federation of Flames, and can never make people feel that she has lost her own admiral. Will start to give in.

In the past, this kind of thing was done by the Admiral. He carried all the despicableness and sins on himself, so he guessed that he looked bright and magnificent, but now that the Admiral is no longer here, such things can only be done by himself.

Kindness is a very good quality, but it is destined not to belong to you. If you need to continue to bear the evil in creating a world in your mind, then Veneto will not refuse.

Andrea Doria saw Veneto's face was not very good-looking, just the big sister's head suddenly said that Chester William would commit suicide even more shocked her.

A little bit of change in Veneto is seen by Andrea Doria, who has always been with her. Countless changes have completed the qualitative change in a subtle way. Today, Veneto let Andrea? For the first time Doria felt a little scared.

"Let's go to the capital star of Star A, we have been dragging a lot of time." Veneto did not explain to Andrea Doria, if she could think of the best, if she could not understand... ...What's the use of explanation?

Veneto sailed alone at the forefront of the fleet. No matter what happened, she was the first to face it. It used to be the same as it is now, and the small body propped up the once I star field. Sky, and now she wants to prop up the sky of the seven galaxies.

Someone came and went on her way, and in the end she was left alone.

"Big sister, wait for me!" Andrea? Doria hates her fear just now. This is her eternal big sister. How can she question her a little bit? She has lost her admiral. So lonely and lonely but still struggling hard, even if you are not capable enough, but at least you have to stay by her side.

So she rushed over. Fortunately, Veneto was not happy to take care of the overall speed. Andrea Doria could catch up and grab her arm tightly.

At this moment Veneto paused a bit, glaring at Andrea Doria and whispered: "Don't pull in front of others."

"Hee hee, got it!" Andrea Doria responded with a cheeky smile.

A star territory capital star front, Hindenburg's ship equipment has been damaged in a fierce battle, and has suffered shocks after bombardment time and time again, so that her seven tips have been stunned with blood, dyeing the ornaments on her body, naturally She also dyed her eyes.

The painful excitement and the excitement of battle made Hindenburg look more mad than ever. She was completely fearless and threatened by physical damage and death. The eyes of the Iron Cross stared at Bismarck in the front of the Abyssal Fleet. The opponent is also uncomfortable under his crazy offensive.

As long as there is a chance to sink Bismarck, what is a little injury?

So the artillery fired again with the starry sky, Hindenburg was very powerful, but no matter how powerful people were relatively small on the vast starfield battlefield, especially after the ship was installed, the ship's mother was more than the carrier-based aircraft. Small, but the tactical effect she produced is very significant. The flagship Abyss Bismarck, the right wing of the abyssal fleet, was indeed dragged by her.

Faced with a madman, and this madman also has great destructive power, even the more powerful abyss Bismarck has to focus on her, otherwise she may be killed by her accidentally. When Denborg saw himself, he would not take care of anything else at all. It was a more difficult existence than Richelieu and the lion.

Without the flagship Bismarck’s iconic artillery guidance and break-through formation, the battle line of the Abyssal Fleet was entirely brought by the abyss Tilbitz to launch an offensive. She and Akagi had the same strategic suppression effect in aerial battles as the battle line bombardment. The suppression of the opponents on the stage of the war only lost the excellent tactical weapon of his sister. The continuous war has not yet achieved breakthrough results.

The G-star mech units that are common on the line of defense of the human coalition are like soldiers standing on the Great Wall. Even an attack by an abyss destroyer can make them easily destroy an enemy. With this effect, Tilbitz’s The strategic repression and the promotion advantage to one's own side have been weakened to almost no point. Whether she exists or not, an attack by the abyss ship warrior can destroy a mech soldier.

The right-wing abyss fleet led by Sailon Scheep has been moving towards the direction of A star field. Whether it is Richelieu’s F star field fleet or the Lion’s Royal Navy, they can delay their pace, but they cannot be hindered. They moved forward from the Philadelphia-Baltimore line to the A-star capital's star border defense, but their speed was greatly delayed.

Zeppelin knew that the most important character in this battle was Hindenburg. It was her madness that attracted Bismarck, so the defense line was not attacked by a single point of fierce attack. Tierbitz was used to the full-line attack mode. In G The defense line composed of life by the Starfield Army had little effect.

As a witness to the battle between Hindenburg and the Bismarck flag, Zeppelin knew that Hindenburg was at an absolute disadvantage. No one on the human coalition side could provide her with effective The battleships other than Bismarck are all attacking the defense line. In the end, she will not be the opponent of Bismarck. This is the absolute gap in the parameters of the ship, not the will and madness can make up for.

Zeppelin was worried that Hindenburg would really be in trouble, but this war also required her crazy performance to continue. She was hesitant to call her back, but seeing Hindenburg now, I am afraid that if she said Can't hear it anymore.

She too wanted to prove herself to the world, but the opportunity always passed her, and now the battle with Bismarck may be her only chance, even if there is a huge difference in power, Hindenburg has to grasp it.

Even if you die, you have to fight.

In the end, Zeppelin could only seek help from other sources. Although Richelieu’s F-Star fleet was already disabled, Richelieu’s own equipment should be able to be re-entered into the battlefield after emergency repairs during this period. Should not refuse to come to support at this time, nor see Hindenburg die like this, **** for Yue Zhong, Chen Bing E star domain border pressure to let the world know the knight girl of F star domain, also know her Will not abandon any comrade-in-arms, this is Richelieu's unique personality charm. .


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