Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1042: The final war-stalemate

This may be the best option. The calm of Akagi and Kaga when they agreed to accept the abyssal consciousness convinced Shiraishi that they did not know what they thought. In order to avoid unnecessary accidents, try not to let them happen with their old friends of the United Fleet. Contact and even confrontation.

In order to attract Chester William's attention as much as possible, Shiraishi firmly believes that on the one hand, he orders the front to speed up the offensive rhythm, and at the same time allows Yamato to stabilize the formation as much as possible. Even if a certain sacrifice is made, Iowa will not let their artillery attack their own. The battle line is retreating, and as for the ubiquitous fish submarine, Shiraishi firmly believes that he has even exposed many flaws to attract them to attack...

Under such circumstances, the rear abyssal fleet quietly completed the strategic transfer without interference, but can this be concealed from Chester? William’s eyes, Shiraishi firmly believes that there is no full confidence, and Karting can do it. With his own actions to accurately determine the true intentions, Chester William is much more powerful than him.

Understand that the gap between him and Chester William is not a one-time effort to make up for, and there is a difference in talent. Bai Shi firmly believes that everything only needs one effort.

The main melody of war is sacrifice and victory and defeat, and the San Francisco star's war can not be avoided after the fierce heat, but there is also the suffering of the broader population. When the left wing of the Abyssal Fleet encountered stubborn resistance and was inseparable, the Chinese Fleet led by the Abyssalist Admiral was also the most tragic history of blood and tears in the history of A Starland people.

They are more cruel to the cleanup of life than the existence of material, but they are not extinct humanity anyway, because they are not humans or even any species in the universe. Xiao Meiyan is in the void. The group of material planes that are twisted into clusters like the snake snake's nest outside is like a tumor growing in the void, so the material life and the void life are like viruses and antibodies generally fighting to the last moment.

Even if Star A has organized a large-scale transfer of the central people to the South American Liga Galaxy in advance, there will always be people who will stay to assist the local garrison in resistance and wartime material production. They are undoubtedly in this war. 'S victim, irresistible in the face of the attack of the abyssal fleet, can only greet the end of the day in despair and screams.

Due to the time earned by these sporadic resistances, when the abyssal fleet squadron hit the border of the Me Star Territory all the way, it was finally built into an advanced technological creation of the Great Wall, the Tianli Circle Barrier.

The defense line composed of coalition forces from South America, Afrika, Antaky, and even the Osinian galaxy is relying on the Tianli ring to prepare to open a third battlefield. If this can be achieved, then use the A star domain as the urn to control the abyssal fleet The strategic goal of complete containment can be achieved after discovering that the abyssal fleet may have withdrawn from the Europa and Asiatic galaxies. Veneto, Ulster, Chester William, Nonna, Reinhardt , Liao (), Ning, and other high-level decisions of the coalition forces, turning passive into active, completely dismantling the abyssal fleet and forcing them to roll back to the other side of the bright galaxy.

Uncertainty of the strategy for the elimination of war is that no one can understand how to completely kill a void life. Its form in this world is not real nor is it a high-dimensional projection and other physics-related images. The only way to find a way to eliminate him Of outsiders have left, and the Judicial Tribunal has also gone with it. The significance of the abyssal fleet’s decisive battle is also because it is possible to eliminate its ubiquitous plane and will soon formally come into contact with the seven galaxies. Before the method, the only strategy that can be formulated is to expel it.

However, the abyssal admiral did not go down at the rhythm set by the human coalition. It came to the border of the Me Star Field and saw the Tianli Circle and the garrisoned human coalition. After turning around, it left, leaving only the conventional defense forces and disappeared. Among the sea of ​​stars.

Which battlefield will it support? I am afraid that the battlefield will change dramatically. A star territory capital star is still firmly in the hands of the human coalition. According to the attack plan of the abyssal fleet, it was originally to support that side, but now The direction of San Francisco also encountered major obstacles, so the whereabouts of the abyssal fleet became unknown again.

After the human coalition forces in the Me domain confirmed that the abyssalian admiral led the main special ship mother to leave, they immediately transmitted this information to the other two battlefields. At the same time, the coalition forces did not shrink in the circle of heaven and earth, but toward Assault operations have been carried out in all directions. They are also valuable combat power in the human coalition. They cannot always be contained within the protection scope of the circle of heaven because of the main force of the abyss.

The outer defense line of the A-star capital star, through the Richelieu F-star fleet and the Lion E-star advance fleet, desperately resisted, and the subsequent G-star war navy and army finally arrived on the battlefield before the capital star fell.

Two days later, the United Fleet arrived in San Francisco, and Shiraishi firmly believed that the strategy of trying to disperse the fleet to ambush in the Pacific Ocean was not realized by Chester William. Not only did he fail to achieve the desired strategic purpose, but he was learning that he was Under the command of the joint fleet captain, who might have exploded during the ambush, the ambush abyss fleet was taken by surprise.

As a result, the human front has been further stabilized, and it seems that they have spent the most difficult time when they have crushed the offensive intentions of the abyssal fleet?

"Sister, the abyssal admiral has not attacked Me Xingyu and I don't know where to go." Andrea Doria received a message from Me Xingyu in the heavy flames of the Fleet Confederate fleet sailing in the Sea of ​​Elantrak. Urgent newsletter, immediately ran to Veneto for Veneto is grinding coffee beans. He heard Andrea Doria's words and said calmly: "Unexpectedly The matter among them, the Abyssal Admiral is not a fool."

"Where do you say they will go, it would be bad if they went to the San Francisco star." Andrea Doria apparently has full confidence in the current Flame Federation, as if the Abyssal Fleet Central Army chose to surround A Xingyu Capital Star, when they arrive, they will be able to destroy them completely.

The source of this confidence is naturally the flag in the hearts of all the ships of their heavy flame federal fleet, the silver-haired girl who has grinded the coffee beans and began to cook.

Putting down the stirring spoon, Veneto slowly raised his head, and his fiery eyes were looking at the direction of Astral. They came a little late this time. It should have been this time.

But for more important things in his mind, Veneto can only slow down a bit: "The abyssal fleet is not as good as you think, but they must accept this failure, and it is worth paying a lot of sacrifices for this."

Only after the fiercest baptism of blood and fire can the seven galaxies be reborn as she wants to see in her heart. 8)

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