Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1039: The final war-ebb tide

During the confrontation of the carrier-based sea, the San Francisco star had three sunrises and sunsets.

The A-star domain name is Chester William’s Admiral. After all, it is an ordinary human being. Even if the genetic tailoring optimizes the lifespan greatly, the physical function is much stronger than that of the human in the age of the earth, but he still does not have the brain computing power. May be compared with the real ship mother.

It is not difficult for Chester William to command such a huge front line of the A-star navy, but if he is to maintain a high-intensity confrontation, he will still feel tired. In contrast, there is no such thing in the abyss of Chicheng. This kind of restriction, so the longer this battle is carried out, the more unfavorable it will be for the navy of the A-star region.

The last batch of companies who countered the Abyssal Fleet entered the process of purifying the origin of the void as Bai Shi firmly believed. The Essex guarded very firmly, and some of the mistakes that Chester William began to fatigue were also They have found and completed, but they have no means to determine the victory and defeat in one fell swoop. The defect caused by the lack of single-point breakthrough ability is captured by the abyss Chicheng and constantly enlarged. If this continues, it will definitely lead to a full collapse.

Behind them in Essex, battleships such as Iowa constituted the auxiliary line of defense. Even if the abyssal fleet really advanced, the outcome is still unknown. Although Iowa and Yamato, these two natural enemies, are now already No longer standing on the same level of competition, but the abyss can only rely on those ordinary abyss battleships, Iowa has many excellent battleships.

As for small battleships, A Star Zone has a huge advantage. They have the best aircraft carrier training, so they basically do not have shortcomings in air defense, but are particularly excellent. They also have the same terrible "fish school" as G Star Zone U diving. "Submarine formations. When these little girls fought up, no matter whether you were a frigate or a battleship, the battleships of the combined fleets such as Dafeng and Shinano could be deeply affected, and the latter Sukhbaatar was not spared. It is difficult to get rid of the terrorist attack by the water-shot fish, and the battleships of the abyssal fleet cannot ignore their threat.

But what if you can defend? The A Star Navy is the most powerful fleet on the left wing. They cannot fall into the quagmire of war like Richelieu on the right wing. In Chester William’s strategic system, the A star domain After the navy arrived, the first goal was to hold the San Francisco star, but the further goal was to hold the initiative and try to fight back. They not only failed to lose the war, but also assumed the heavy responsibility of recovering the lost ground, with a view to following the arrival of reinforcements Sound the horn of counterattack.

They cannot be restrained by the Abyssal Fleet anyway.

Missouri took Iowa's command to the command quickly, she was going to take over Chester who had reached the limit? William continued to command the battle, but when Missouri pushed open the door of the command room, he was covered with sweat When Chester William was soaked, a relaxed ecology had already appeared on his face.

The attacking abyssal fleet retreated like a tide, and they did not suffer any major losses, except that breaking through the Essex line of defense was equally costly. Shiraishi firmly believed that the order to retreat was issued at this time.

"Admiral, are you okay!" Missouri hurried to Chester William, who was paralyzed on the seat, and asked with pity as he wiped the sweat on his head.

Chester William was speechless and stared at Missouri's white, flat belly with a bitter smile.

Chester William has basically turned to strategic deployment since he no longer conducts combat operations in the hull of the flagship ship. It is the first time that the details of remote command tactics remain in the command room. The relatively delayed transmission of information requires him to deal with it. The amount of information has increased exponentially, which is why he collapsed so quickly.

"I'll just leave it to me next time. I'll be your secretary ship when Lexington is away. Don't force yourself too much." Missouri knew Chester William was strong, so this sentence is only left until now. Can’t help saying it, because she doesn’t want to see Chester William take over the task of overdrawing her body. Only the ship’s mother can compete with the ship’s computational ability. Ordinary humans forcefully do this, maybe It is like the light ship mother named Unicorn who forcibly exerts the fighting power of the carrier mother and causes her brain to die.

No one in the A-Star navy wants to see Chester William dies. Although today’s era belongs to the ship’s mother, if there is no protection for the admirer’s darkest period of time, many of them People may not survive today.

So even if this sentence is suspected of seizing power, Missouri still has to say it and try to let Chester? William accepts this reality. With the last communication between Lexington and Chester William, he It shouldn't be so contradictory anymore.

"Admiral, you have a good rest."

Chester William closed his eyes for a while, and slowly opened after half an hour: "The retreat of the Abyssal Fleet is not as simple as it seems. Shiraishi firmly believes that the kid is not good to deal with now."

Missouri didn't answer. She vaguely guessed this fact, but she didn't have time to make a more detailed analysis. Chester William didn't need to think seriously. He thought a lot when he crossed the Pacific Ocean.

"Should their purification process be completed in Lexington?" Chester William asked another question.

This time Missouri nodded decisively: "It was completed a day ago, but the purification of strong electric shock has a great impact on the body. Sister Iowa has let them go to a forced rest. Saratoga knows that the front line is after the battle. , Although the painful fangs grin, but still want to run out to join the war, but was caught back by the sister of Iowa."

"How long will it take to recover?" A Starland Navy has not previously accepted the purification method designed by Xiao But they found that the shipborne aircraft sent back brought a lot of abyssal erosion force It is a temporary last resort, so the sequelae after purification are not very clear.

Missouri can only give a rough figure: "According to the scientists of the Academy of Sciences, it takes three days for their body overload and brain reflex unit to fully recover...Now the abyssal fleet has retreated, but Essex and the same The other ships of the class have also been severely eroded. If the abyss fleet launches an offensive again, it may depend on the battle line."

"This is where Shiraishi firmly believes in cunning. The purification technology is provided by him. He will definitely make a fuss on this. This sudden interruption of the offensive and retreat is probably to let our army fend for itself." Chester William revealed The thoughtful expression, "It's just that the weakness of the Abyssal Fleet has also been exposed. They don't seem to be eroding the new human warship. There are definitely limitations in this regard."

Missouri was refreshed and quickly asked: "So Bai Shi firmly believes that he has not continued to attack, but accidentally exposed this problem."

"I was just thinking about whether he did it intentionally or unintentionally." Chester William shook his head. "Takeaka Snow chose a good heir, and he grows quickly."


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