Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1786: Into chaos, first raise the head

When the immortality of the immortality was defeated, and Yang Junshan once again got out of the way, Zhu Xianzun and others were naturally disappointed.

Even the two such as Ming Chen and Jiu Zhi did not advocate the killing of Yang Junshan at the beginning. At this time, they complained again and again, and the tone was not lacking in yin and yang.

Eyes licking Yang Junshan, who seems to have been exhausted, but instantly, like a person who is full of sufficiency, he smashed dozens of hundred feet and successively crossed the four barrier barriers. Yang Junshan gave it a play.

And this time it is a space barrier of seventeen points apart. Even if Yan Xianzun once again makes the Zhongpinxian, it is difficult to get Yang Junshan.

In other words, the previous plans of the common people to try to block and kill Yang Junshan can already declare a complete failure!

However, at the time of the frustration and sigh of the crowd, Yu Bingxian was suddenly excited at this time, shouting: "Fast, look, what is that..."

Suddenly, Yu Bingxian’s sudden shouting made the presenters feel resentful.

Among the celestial beings, Yu Bingxian is the most active in dealing with Yang Junshan. He has been the most direct promoter of Yang Junshan.

It can be said that in order to deal with Yang Junshan, Yu Bingxian can be described as omnipotent.

In fact, at this time, the celestial beings have been somewhat disheartened in dealing with Yang Junshan. It is really a little scared by Yang Junshan’s unconventional means.

In the eyes of the sects, just screaming and screaming like Yu Bingxian, it is just an astonishing language. It is nothing more than an excuse to slap others to deal with Yang Junshan.

Yu Bingxian did not seem to realize this, but he was excitedly shouting there: "You look at it, the chaotic entrance seems to be getting closer to us."

The expression of Yu Bingxian’s excitement finally made people feel suspicious, and at this time, the Emperor Xianzun’s “咦” was surprised and said: “It’s true, what is the reason?”

The emperor’s reconciliation suddenly aroused the curiosity of all people. A group of sages and gods showed their magical powers to enhance their eyesight. It was discovered that the chaotic entrance became bigger and bigger, and the distance between them seemed to be more The closer they are, even the barriers that traverse between them and the entrance to the chaos, seem to be getting smoother at this time.

The heavy bone fairy released the air wing bird, and the bone bird instantly passed through the barrier barrier in front of him, and then flew back to his shoulder after a moment.

At this time, there was a surprise on the face of Zhong Gu Zun Zun. “The space barrier is becoming fragile. The closer the space barrier barrier is to the chaotic entrance, the more vulnerable it is. Someone can even perceive the space in the barrier barrier. The loss of the source."

Speaking of this, the heavy bones Xianzun looked at the next fairy goddess, and the meaning of the tone was unclear: "At this time, if the Taoist friends use the Chinese fairy, they want to come to Yang Junshan and then pass through. There are a few heavy barriers, and it is impossible to hide the magic weapon of a friend."

Yan Xianzun glanced at his eyes with a squint and did not respond to his words. Instead, he said: "It seems that these space barriers will be evacuated from the entrance to the chaos before the birth of Hong Meng Zi, and these barriers The existence of the barrier is only to protect the breeding of the chaotic entrance, and to dilute and dilute the erosion of the chaotic origin of the world.

Liu Zizhen is a doubtful color at this time, saying: "Speaking of the erosion of chaotic atmosphere, I don't know if all the friends of the Tao have noticed that Yang Junshan has blocked the barriers more than ten times, but it seems that he does not seem to be subject to chaos. Erosion has too much impact."

Liu Zizheng’s words have just been finished, and both the squat and the heavy bones are silent. The Emperor and Zhong Rong are thoughtful. The face of Yu Bing is suspicious. The two branches of the Nine Branches and the Dust are the faces. The color of horror.

In the thoughts of several sages, Yu Bingxianzun suddenly sighed: "Everyone is looking at it, it is Yang Junshan. He seems to be forced to return under the oppression of the chaotic entrance."

When the immortals looked at it, it was obvious that Yang Junshan seemed to be standing outside the chaotic entrance at this time, but because the chaotic entrance was constantly close to the fairy, he also had the same distance from the immortals at this time. The closer it is.

"The space barrier barrier is melting with the imminence of the chaotic entrance. It will not take long for me to wait for the Yang Junshan to stand in front of the chaotic entrance."

At this time, Xian Xianzun finally gave a definite explanation.

Yu Bingxian’s words were overjoyed. I saw Yang Junshan seemingly noticed the situation behind him. He turned his eyes and his eyes met. Yu Bingxian stood up and pointed at Yang Junshan. “Escape, you Yang Junshan can Where did you escape?"

Emperor Xianzun was also full of excitement at this time, sneer: "Look at your swaying and moving, depending on if I have nothing, but in the end it is all in vain!"

Several immortal eyes saw that Yang Junshan was getting closer and closer to them, and they couldn't help but slap each other's hands. They waited to block the evacuation of the void barrier in front of everyone, and all the immortals would have to swarm.

At this time, the barrier barrier of the thirty-fourth traverse in front of the chaotic entrance has also been evacuated to the vicinity of the chaotic entrance. The only two barrier barriers have not even blocked the sensation of the gods.

Yang Junshan looked indifferently and looked at the eight Da Luo Xianzun who was actually close to him. He did not have any panic because he was about to fall into desperation.

"He looks calm, isn't he still able to leave behind for himself at this time?"


Yu Bingxian is arrogant and arrogant. His eyes are filled with excitement and bloodthirsty light. Yin said: "This time he still wants to escape, unless he jumps in from the chaotic entrance, you are ready to start, the last moment is here!"

Yu Bingxian’s voice just fell, but he has not yet received the response of the other cents, but suddenly he saw Yang Junshan’s gaze turning back to him. The original indifferent look actually showed a mocking smile, as if What he just said has been completely heard by Yang Junshan.

Yu Bingxian’s heart was not in a panic. When he looked at Yang Junshan, he saw his lips moving slightly. A clear and audible voice was introduced into his ear: “Wait for Yang to find you!"

The feather ice sage, who had to take the lead, was slightly stunned at this time, and several of the sages beside him, including the scorpion and the heavy bones, had their own magical and magical weapons separated by only the last weight. The barrier of Yang Junshan hit him.

The last heavy barrier barrier did not even wait to be evacuated from the entrance to the chaos, and it has been shattered by the gods of the immortals.

However, almost at the same time as the immortals shot, in the eyes of everyone shocked, Yang Junshan's gaze swept through the crowd, turned and stepped out, the whole person's body shape did not enter the chaotic entrance.

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