Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1143: Untitled (subscription)

When the news of Yang Junshan's return spread, the entire Yang's up and down is like a festival.

In fact, since Yang Junshan came back, the Yang family has been busy all the time, perhaps to celebrate, and the activities that have not been held on schedule due to the suppression have been carried out in the family.

Such as the inclusion of family members, the selection of elite disciples, the promotion of core disciples, etc., although the activities are intense but extremely orderly, and the entire Yang clan has changed the previous cautiousness and renewed the high-spirited The atmosphere comes.

In fact, after returning to Xishan, Yang Junshan only showed his side in the Family Hall. After seeing several elders of the family and high-ranking monks, he went to Xishan and remained closed. There are very few opportunities for other people to see Yang Junshan. But this does not prevent the whole family from admiring the Yang family's pinnacle.

After returning from Yanzhou, Yang Junshan’s body has been injured, not only because he was beaten and killed by the silver zombie, but also because he was seriously injured when he broke the glass wall blockade of the burning island. .

However, during the period of rehabilitating Yang Junshan did not know anything about the family. Every few days, he would call a family of high-ranking monks to meet, to understand the family experience and recent situation, and also to point these monks. The repairs are to answer the puzzles they encountered during the cultivation process.

"This is about the case. In the church of the day, most of the family's high-ranking monks agreed to concentrate resources for the old thirteen to attack the situation first, and the nephew did not object. The situation at that time..."

On the top of Xishan, Yang Junshan and Yang Junping and the two brothers walked and talked. Yang Junping gave Yang Junshan a general account of the events in the church on the same day.

Yang Junshan waved his hand and interrupted him. He said: "I have already understood the situation. I understand that the reason for making this decision is that the old 13 is also a suitable candidate for the family to attack the situation. You have done this thing. Not bad."

Yang Junping said: "The old thirteen he -"

Yang Junshan smiled and said: "Continue, since he has already prepared for the impact of the situation, then do not interrupt in the middle, the family's sincerity must always be achieved, not to mention the existence of more than one territory can also strengthen the family. Status, this time I was trapped in Yanzhou, the family is even under pressure, it is a very obvious lesson."

Hearing that Yang Junshan had no objection to this matter, Yang Junping also breathed a sigh of relief and immediately smiled: "The first thing that was initiated was that it was first proposed. In the church, it was for me to wait. I am annoyed by the good life of my elders. If the family situation is really worrying at the time, I am afraid that this kid will be self-defeating."

Yang Junshan still smiled: "The younger grow up, naturally want to make their own voice to prove their existence, I am waiting for my elders, always be tolerant, give them room to rise."

Yang Junping nodded, but he said in his mouth: "Though this is the case, I am afraid that after the juniors grow up, their minds become complicated, and the purpose of doing things is no longer simple."

"What matters is not what you think in your heart, but what he is doing, isn't it?"

Yang Junshan’s voice just fell, and there was a breeze blowing in the mountains, but it brought a heat wave, but it turned out that the two brothers unwittingly walked to the magma pond where the fire was located.

Yang Junshan pointed at the magma pond and smiled: "I always said that the luck of the old thirteen is usually the best, and often does not require him to personally, all kinds of opportunities will come out of nowhere, this time is also true."

After all, Yang Junshan walked straight over the reddish magma rolling over the surface of the pond. After coming to the center of the pond, he saw him picking a jade bottle from the sleeve and being banned from the sleeve. The glaucoma flickered, the heavy weight on the surface of the jade bottle was banned, and the original warm jade bottle began to flash a bright red spot from the inside out.

As Yang Junshan opened the cork of the jade bottle, an orange flame suddenly spewed out of the mouth of the bottle, and the surrounding space seemed to be wrinkled by the burning.

"Oh, what is inside, this flame seems to be a little extraordinary!"

Yang Junping, who has traveled for many years, has made great progress both in his knowledge and in his vision.

Yang Junshan tilted the long-necked jade bottle in his hand, and the red-red beads fell from the bottle and fell into the magma under the foot. When the beads in the bottle fell to nine, he saw him jade bottle. Once turned, the inner stopper flame was spit out again before the bottle was stuffed into the bottle mouth, and the blue light in the palm of the hand dissipated, and the layers of the ban were once again appearing on the jade bottle.

However, Yang Junping’s attention at this time was not on the jade bottle, but was completely attracted by the drastic changes in the magma pond.

Just after the nine reddish liquid beads dripped, the originally calm magma pond suddenly surged like a pot, and the strong firepower escaped from the pond, but was forced by Yang Junshan. Into the magma pool, and the earth and stone on the edge of the magma pond began to melt under the high temperature burning, the area of ​​the pond continued to expand, almost less than a musk time, almost doubled.

When Yang Junshan walked up the bank from the top of the pond, the magma pond had calmed down again, but Yang Junping could still feel that the concentration of the firepower here had doubled.

"Brother, is this medium-sized fire pulse upgraded?" Yang Junping asked.

Yang Junshan turned his head and smiled. "It has not been completely stabilized yet, but the advancement of a large fire should be a matter of time. When you remember, you will see what kind of fire treasures will come out."

Yang Junping nodded and asked: "Yes, brother, what kind of treasure is the reddish liquid that you just dripped inside?"

Yang Junshan smiled and said: "It is the beads of the blood of Huang Ting's great sorcerer. In the past few years, it has only refined 18 of them. I have used nine of them at once, and I am saddened to die."

When Yang Junqi came to see Yang Junshan, Yang Junshan specially waited for her in the pavilion on the mountainside and prepared a suitable seat for her.

"Come here, sit here!"

When Yang Junqi came to the pavilion with her belly, Yang Junshan hurriedly called her to sit down.

"Is it almost ready to be born?" asked Yang Junshan.

"Hurry, there are less than two months." Yang Junqi replied that the cold temper is very rare and shows a gentle maternality.

"Two months? The thing in the county is afraid that it will not be played for two months. When Junxin goes, I will come back for Baozhang." Yang Junshan said.

Yang Junqi quickly said: "No, the family matters."

"You two are hard to make a positive result. I don't want to be a wicked person. How about getting along with Chang'an? Is it harmonious?"

Yang Junqi smiled and didn't speak.

Yang Junshan even opened the topic, saying: "Gathering the peaks of the world, after the children are born, they will start to break through the heavens, and the family needs to have a master."

Yang Junqi brows slightly, looks at Yang Junshan, said: "Four brothers, you are not optimistic about the old thirteen advanced roads?"

Yang Junshan was stunned. He obviously didn't think that Yang Junqi actually saw his purpose at once. Some people couldn't help but feel unnatural. They smiled bitterly: "I can't talk about it, but I'm just anxious. I have been walking all the time. It is also relatively smooth. Although he is not weak in his own cultivation, he has never formed his own system. In addition, the old thirteen hearts are taller, and ordinary Taoist monks may not be willing to do it."

"What about the nine brothers and the four sisters? They are already monks in the heavens. Wouldn't it be easier if the family supported them all?"

Rather than saying that Yang Junqi asked sharply, it is better to say that she asked more simple.

Yang Junshan slightly indulged for a moment, which slowly explained: "In the family of our generation, if you are qualified for talent, you should be the strongest of the old thirteen and ten sisters, but compared with the old thirteen, ten sisters You are usually more quiet and more lonely, preferring to stay in the spiritual garden to practice."

"So, compared with the old thirteen who are rushing around in adulthood, you may have lost a lot of opportunities and chances, but one thing you have to admit is that you have to cultivate one by one without any external force. Come, talk about the foundation, you have to be more solid than him, and this long-term and lonely cultivation also makes your heart more determined than the old 13th. Therefore, if you are both of you at this time If the situation is repaired, I am more optimistic that you can advance the way."

Yang Junshan’s tone of speech is as flat as possible, just as it is to explain a fact, not to be eloquent, which is more convincing for people like Yang Junqi.

"As for your nine brothers, his talent is not as old as the thirteen and you, although now it has advanced Scorpio, but actually it is because you are pregnant and delayed, and secondly because of his own chance, in the future It will be even harder to go further."

"Not to mention that his mind is now practicing the top of the world, this supernatural power is ranked very high on the list of the magical magical powers. If you want to practice it for less than ten years or even longer, you will not be able to do it. Taking the opportunity to hone his cultivation, maybe he wants to go up three more points in the future."

"As for your four envy, she is enough to be a substitute for the family path, whether it is repairing or mentality, just like the reason why he proposed to fully support the old thirteen advanced roads at the family meeting, Yang. Since it is a family, a family, then the eyes can not be narrow, the master is not a good thing in the long run!"

Seeing the surprised eyes of Yang Junqi, Yang Junshan smiled and said: "But you have to be careful, with your smart intelligence, even if the family resources are leaning toward you, you may not be able to walk in front of her in the future. You have to know that, from my personal wishes, I still want to see you marching in the first place, otherwise Yang’s ups and downs can really become her words."

Yang Junqi blinked and said: "Is it hard to be a fourth brother, will you not worry about family matters in the future?"

Yang Junshan really wants to look at Yang Junqi today. At the same time, he feels proud of his decision. Yang Junqi’s performance is completely beyond his expectations.

"I have found my own way. For a long time, I am afraid that I will be innocent. This road is very difficult and dangerous. I must concentrate all my strength on it, not to mention the family's Things have basically got on the right track. My existence is more of a symbolic meaning. If Yang wants to be a family and inherits the ages, it will still rely on its own orderly inheritance to cultivate outstanding generations. The children of the next generation will do."


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