Cheng Yuan looked strange,"That is to say, when a human superhuman loses control, his consciousness will be replaced by the will of God. But the will of God still needs to maintain humanity in order to avoid losing himself?"

The clown nodded,"I understand!"

Cheng Yuan secretly smacked his lips.

He really didn't expect that humanity is so important.

Not only do superhumans need humanity to maintain stability, but even gods need humanity to maintain themselves.

"So, why do the gods try every possible means to replace the consciousness of the extraordinary people and make them your puppets?"

The clown was stunned,"When did we do this?"

Cheng Yuan was surprised and said:"But there are so many out-of-control extraordinary people among humans, isn't it the gods who do it on purpose?"

"Are we free?" The clown said speechlessly:"You humans can't even resist that little bit of divinity, how can you maintain yourself in the law?

Since you can't even do this, how can you let him become a god? This is just the survival of the fittest on the road of sequence."

Cheng Yuan suddenly realized,"So that's it"

""Can you control the power in these seven pillars?" The clown rubbed his hands excitedly.

Cheng Yuan was slightly startled, and then smiled:"Why, you want it?"

The clown nodded frantically, and his pink afro formed an afterimage.

Cheng Yuan looked at the clown of truth jokingly,"You have a nice idea, do you think I will let you get it for free?"

The clown:???

Why does this sound a little familiar?

Did he just say that to Cheng Yuan before?

The clown scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and asked tentatively:"Then what do you want to give me this power?"

"How often can you use your power of truth?"

"Now I am just a weak consciousness that has been differentiated, and I can only use the power of truth once a day." The clown answered truthfully.

Cheng Yuan pondered for a moment and said,"In this case, I will give you a part of the power of emotion every time, and you have to help me once, how about it?"

The truth clown thought about it, gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Okay, deal!"

Cheng Yuan smiled slightly. You said I was too careless, but I was defeated.

He could easily collect the power of emotions, but the ability of the Clown of Truth was a real ancient god sequence, which could change the world at a critical moment.

Cheng Yuan was about to exit the brain space when the Clown of Truth hurriedly called him.

"Could you first give me some of the emotional power you mentioned?"

"Of course."

Cheng Yuan's heart moved, and he absorbed some of the power of anger from the seven emotion meters and sent it to the Clown of Truth.

After the Clown received the power, he took a deep breath like he was intoxicated, and then swallowed it all.

But he soon frowned.

"This tastes not authentic. Are you kidding me?"

【Anger value from the Clown of Truth +850! 】

Cheng Yuan chuckled, and absorbed seven more emotional powers and sent them to the clown.

The Clown of Truth swallowed this part of the power suspiciously, then his eyes lit up and he made a happy voice,"That's the taste, comfortable~"

Cheng Yuan seemed to be thinking about something.

It seems that a single emotional force cannot produce the effect of humanity.

Only when the seven emotions are mixed and intertwined together can it be called human power.

Cheng Yuan looked at the clown who was enjoying himself, and his consciousness returned to his body.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw several people lying outside the glass of the testing room, staring at him with wide eyes.

Cheng Yuan took off his test helmet and walked out of the testing room.

He looked at Cheng Ning and Lin Muyan on the side, and asked in surprise:"You finished so soon?"

Lin Muyan:......

Cheng Ning:......

"Do you know how long you have been testing?" Lin Muyan couldn't help asking

"How long?"

To be honest, he was so engrossed in killing in the virtual space that he didn't care about the passage of time at all.

"Three and a half hours, you took the test for a full three and a half hours!"

The teacher who was in charge of recording the results interrupted Lin Muyan and ran over to hold Cheng Yuan's arm tightly.

""Genius, genius!"

Cheng Yuan was confused by the teacher.

The teacher brought the test results to him, pointed at the two eye-catching SSS+, and became incoherent.

Lin Muyan and Cheng Ning also came over.

When they saw Cheng Yuan's test results, they all widened their eyes and gasped.

【Name: Cheng Yuan】

【Sequence: Tyrant】

【Serial Number: Unknown】

【Sequence level: SSS+】

【Talent level: SSS+】

The teacher gave his highest evaluation in amazement,"Double SSS+, your results are simply amazing!"

Cheng Yuan was slightly stunned. He thought SSS was the highest, but he didn't expect there was an SSS+ above it.

It seems that the last talent level was pulled up completely by stability.

But this time he showed his true strength.

Whether it is the comprehensiveness of the sequence ability, or his personal control of the ability, and the degree of use and development, it has reached the super high level of the first level.

This is closely related to the two life and death crises he experienced.

After all, life and death can best train a person and make him grow rapidly.

Cheng Yuan looked at Cheng Ning and Lin Muyan,"What are your results?"

Lin Muyan replied:"My sequence level is SS, talent level SSS."

Cheng Ning lowered his head and whispered:"Sequence level SSS, talent level SS."

Cheng Yuan was stunned. The results of these two people were exactly the opposite, but he soon figured out the reason.

Although Lin Muyan is only a king sequence, her personal combat talent is extremely outstanding, so she can get an SSS talent evaluation.

Although Cheng Ning is in the ancient god sequence, she is too young after all, and her combat talent still has room for improvement, so it is already very good that she can get SS.

With the announcement of Cheng Yuan's test results, the test site also caused quite a stir.

After all, every genius is dazzling and will become the focus of attention wherever they go.

But in the hearts of these freshmen, both men and women, due to their different personalities, they have all kinds of different emotions.

Cheng Yuan had to reluctantly harvest another wave of emotional values.

Bai Tiange, who had not left the farthest place, turned gloomy after hearing Cheng Yuan's test results, and turned away with a few people.

Cheng Yuan did not notice this scene.

He asked the examiner in front of him:"Teacher, the test is over, when can we go to the Extraordinary Academy?"

"You can go any time during these five days. The airship is waiting on the roof, and you can take it directly to the Supernormal Academy."

Cheng Yuan looked at Lin Muyan and said,"Do you have anything else to do? When do we set off?"

"Let's go now. I also want to see what the Supernormal Academy looks like sooner."

Cheng Yuan nodded, and then took the elevator to the roof with the two of them. As soon as they arrived at the roof, they saw a huge streamlined metal airship, which was many times more sci-fi than the ones often seen in the city. Just as

Cheng Yuan was about to go in, he felt that this scene was familiar.

It seemed like it had happened before.

"Oh, by the way, Danchun is still waiting for us downstairs, I almost forgot about him!"

Cheng Yuan slapped his forehead and quickly called him up.

He forgot about it, how come Lin Muyan and Cheng Ning didn't remember it?

Since it was the end of June and the weather was extremely hot, Jiang Lirui was already sweating profusely when he ran up.

"Didn't we come to line up early? Why did you guys take so long? I was so bored down there alone."

Jiang Lirui looked at them madly.

Lin Muyan smiled and pointed at Cheng Yuan and said,"Ask him."

Cheng Yuan had no choice but to repeat his test.

【Anger value from Jiang Lirui +320!】

【Jiang Lirui's surprise value +960!

Jiang Lirui was now happy because Cheng Yuan had killed him, but he was angry because he had been exposed to the sun for a long time. He was also excited because he had found such an awesome teammate with only the money for a bowl of noodles.

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