The two of them had known each other for more than a month, but she was still a little in awe of the man in front of her.

But because of the living conditions in the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship during this period, she was not so afraid of this man.

But she didn't understand why this man was so good to her?

Annie was small and short, ate a lot, and couldn't fight.

Could it be...did he want to eat Annie!

Annie had a horrifying thought, and her hair seemed to stand up in an instant, and her little hands tightly grasped the corner of her clothes.

She had heard from her mother before that there were some bad guys among the evil human race who especially liked to capture women from other interstellar races, and after a period of careful training, they would eat them!

Annie swallowed her saliva, and her body seemed to be in an ice cave.

"Are you afraid of me?" Zhao Chen looked at Annie and asked with a smile.

Annie shuddered and lowered her head to look at her toes: "I... I... I didn't..."

"No... Then why don't you dare to look at me?" Zhao Chen asked.

Annie was so anxious that she couldn't speak at this moment. She couldn't help but cry for a while and said: "Annie... Annie is not delicious... Annie's meat is not delicious... Don't eat Annie..."


Zhao Chen was stunned, and then laughed.

Lilith next to him couldn't help but be amused by this little cutie.

After laughing, Zhao Chen said seriously: "Don't worry, I don't eat children."

Annie breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest, but then she muttered: "Annie is not a child! Annie is already an adult!"

Zhao Chen didn't care about Annie's strange train of thought: "I heard from Lilith that you have mastered the construction technology of T1 and T2 starships, right?"

During this period, Zhao Chen asked Lilith to take care of Annie, and on the other hand, he also wanted to find out what Annie's abilities were.

On her planet, Annie could build all kinds of small electronic devices before she was an adult.

Even if she was given enough materials, she could make a small civilian starship of T1 level for you.

It can be said that as long as she was given the drawings.

There is nothing she can't do with T1-level technology!

As for the T2 level, Zhao Chen specially took some technical drawings of T2 black rhinoceros and T2 queen bee to her.

After a few hours of familiar research, she can speak the relevant technical knowledge smoothly.

In the past month, Zhao Chen assigned Annie the task of reading various T1 and T2 starship technology books.

These books are about the starship technology engineering major of the North Star Starship Military Academy. Others only learn it in three to five years, but Annie can master it in one week!

This is enough to prove Annie's ability.

She is smarter than ordinary interstellar dwarves! Talented!

Zhao Chen really picked up a treasure this time.

I don't know if it's because of the fleet's luck bonus.

"Yes... I know a little bit." Annie whispered.

"I won't eat you, but I hope you can work for me and build starships for me. Similarly, as long as you perform well, I will give you a better living treatment than before. You can guarantee your safety and you can also enjoy all kinds of food!" Zhao Chen formally promised.

Annie did not refuse on the spot, but hesitated.

"I can give you time to think about it." Zhao Chen looked at the dwarf, and he knew that the dwarf had been captured by his sugar-coated bullets!

"Submission" is just a matter of time.

At this time, the shuttle has arrived at a hangar door of the T2 Bronze Eden-class starship.

The hangar was opened and the shuttle was parked.

"Hello, Commander. I am the person in charge of this T2 Bronze Eden-class starship." At this time, a half-orc female crew member with rabbit ears came out to greet Zhao Chen. She was obviously a little nervous, and both ears were pulled.

"Don't be nervous, I don't eat people. I just want to see the situation of the T2 Bronze Eden-class starship." Zhao Chen teased, borrowing Annie's words just now.

"Please follow me." The rabbit-eared girl walked in front and led Zhao Chen and others through a long corridor.

When the eyes suddenly became bright.

Zhao Chen and Lilith were both

She was stunned by the scene in front of her.

Her expression was dull, but her eyes were full of excitement.

But the dwarf Annie who was traveling with her could only see a fence more than 1.6 meters high, and she couldn't see what was inside the fence.

She tried to stand on tiptoe, but still couldn't see anything.

She was curious about what the commander and sister Lilith saw.

She tried to jump up.


She seemed to see a glimpse of green.


She seemed to see something white.

"Hey... Ouch..."

Annie fell on her butt, holding her head at the same time, with tears in her eyes.

Just now, after she jumped up, she didn't notice that her head hit the protruding part of the guardrail directly, and then fell on her butt.

She touched her head and her butt.

But she still refused to give up. She stepped back a few meters, measured the height of the fence, and calculated the height, speed, and parabola...

"Annie can do it! Annie can do it!"

Take a deep breath, and the two short legs start to run wildly.

When she was about one meter away from the guardrail, she used all her strength and jumped!

At the same time, she raised her hands and stared at the edge of the guardrail.


Got it!

Annie grabbed the edge of the guardrail with both hands. Her whole face was flushed at this moment, but she kept trying to move her body upwards.

"Come on, Annie...Annie can do it." Annie secretly encouraged herself in her heart. With her efforts, her right forearm had already reached the edge of the guardrail, and her head had already exposed the guardrail.

Annie was overjoyed, and she began to try to get her other arm on the guardrail.

Exerting strength little by little.

At the same time, the two short legs continued to exert strength on the guardrail wall.


Anne's left arm was also on the guardrail.

Anne was ecstatic, she was about to see the scenery inside the guardrail!

What kind of scenery could make the commander and sister Lilith stare blankly for so long?

Suddenly, Anne's whole body was pulled over by a force from behind.

The edge of the guardrail that was originally close at hand gradually moved away.

Anne's legs fell to the ground again, and when she raised her head, it was the edge of the guardrail that was much higher than her.

"This is very dangerous, you know!" Zhao Chen looked at Anne, as if he was educating a child.

Anne stared at Zhao Chen, her big watery eyes, as if something was about to burst out in the next second.

"Let's go over there.

There is a passage over there that you can walk into, and you can appreciate the scenery of the entire area more intuitively." The bunny-eared girl pointed to a passage a few meters away.

Anne's expression was stunned. She looked at the guardrail in front of her, and then at the passage a few meters away.

She had mixed emotions.

"Annie, hurry up." Lilith had already walked onto the passage. Seeing Annie behind her with a strange expression and not moving for a long time, she urged.

"Ah... OK..." Annie ran over quickly.

When she walked onto the passage, her original aggrieved and complicated emotions were swept away.

This is a transparent glass plank road located high in the sky, and you can clearly see the scene inside the fence.

Annie stood on the glass plank road, looking at the scene in front of her.

Her expression was dull, and her heart was full of shock and disbelief.

This... is the interior of a starship?

This is too beautiful!

PS: 5/5

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