Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 1175: Antiga Evacuation

Chapter 1194 Antiga Evacuation

Antiga main star evacuation operation.

"Are you all crazy? You gamble to smash your life? Do you know what you are doing? Even if you can stop the attack of the Zerg, you can't stop the Protoss' purifying beam. Protoss's It’s stronger than you can imagine."

Duke was already beaten by the Protoss and couldn't lift his head, and now he had an unusual fear of the Prosperous.

When the previous battlecruisers faced those golden warships, they didn't last for half an hour. Facing the Protoss fleet, the human fleet was a joke.

Yes, it's a complete joke.

Duke is a human supremacist, but he hasn't been confused about the power gap between the enemy and ourselves.

Especially when facing double attacks from Zergs and Protoss at this time, it is necessary to cover the retreat of those **** farmers!

This is simply something that lunatics can do, but what the Resistance Army lacks most now is the support from the people.

What is it that the Resistance can persist until now? Rely on taking a breath? Relying on the legacy of the Mengsk family?


It depends on the popular support!

"Enough, I have a plan for this! Jim, you and Duke will cover the retreat together! If you can't hold on, you can also retreat, but delay the invasion of the Swarm as much as possible before then!"

Jim actually disagrees with this matter, but thinking that those innocent people might die, he is still willing to take a risk in the end.

After all, he was different from those damned Union forces. The thing called conscience in his heart had not completely disappeared.

This may be the biggest difference between myself and those **** politicians.

Jim is an idealist, a well-organized military strategist, but definitely not suitable to be a leader who leads humanity forward!

Mark also stood up at this time and said, "Mengsk, this matter is my share."

"You have to know that you don't have any gains from this matter!" Mengsk said to Mark half-jokingly.

"Heavy damage to zerg, pest control experts, these are good reputations in the future, and I also count on these reputations to bring me more business!" Mark said.

Mengsk did not stop Mark's request, Mark had already asked to participate, and there was no need to stop it himself.

And this time, the benefits are ultimately in the hands of the rebels, or in the hands of Mengsk, so there is no need to worry.


Mark's mercenaries, as a surprise soldier, attacked after Jim and the others mastered the position of the main nest of the swarm.

The other tasks are left to Jim to handle.

The rebels established an outpost on a peninsula surrounded by the sea on three sides.

Subsequently, many siege tanks and Goliath robots were dispatched as aids to attack a base of the Swarm in the northwest.

After a base was wiped out, the swarm also responded.

Quickly launched a counterattack against Jim and the others, and the overwhelming Zerg launched a charge towards the human position.

Even if the bunker group had been prepared for architecture in advance, this still failed to prevent the Zerg from charging.

The mankind had to abandon the northwest outpost that had not been acquired for a long time, and finally withdrew to the base on the peninsula.

Even though humans have established the radar station of the outpost, they still have not found the main nest of the Zerg's base.

Mark also wanted to kill the thief, but couldn't help it.

However, this stalemate did not last long. Jim found a lonely king worm when leading a team assault.

After encountering the attack, the King Chong fled to the north of the base. Jim dispatched an aerial reconnaissance team composed of seven Wraith fighters to investigate.

Sure enough, the main nest of the Zerg was found, and unfortunately, the north of the main nest of the Zerg was a high ground.

Units that do not have Zerg on the high ground, as long as they have sufficient air defense firepower, they can prevent attacks from flying dragons and can also attack the Zerg’s main nest.

After receiving the news, Mark immediately led his team to the raid. At the same time, a big gift was prepared for the Zerg.

Ten minutes later, Mark fell from the sky like a nuclear bomb.

Accurately fell into the main nest of the Zerg, and the Zerg launched an attack on Mark, but the surrounding area was full of thunder and lightning, and ordinary Zergs could not get close at all.

Only a few primitive thunder beasts could get close to Mark, but they were also ruthlessly killed by Gunganer in Mark's hand.

The Zerg seems to have no retreat, but Mark's goal is not the Zerg at all, but Tassada, who is still on the sidelines in the sky!

Now Tassada is still himself, not the Sarnagar.

Now that he has come, he must give Tasada some predictions.

Pretending to be a stick, Mark can definitely be regarded as the number one stick in the universe.

The brilliance of the Star Shuttle shines on Mark's body...

"Are you not from my tribe?" Tassada looked at Mark in the psionic matrix in surprise, and delivered his message in surprise.

"I am not a Protoss, but I am a member of a Prosperous, I come from the future. At that time, the Protoss has abandoned Kara, because all this is a scam!"

Mark now has enough time to fool the templar.

In just half an hour, Mark explained from the end of the first war to the final battle of the three clans.

He was surprisingly angry when he learned that the tribesmen were being used, but when he learned that the mission of the eldest son of God was nothing more than a culture created for the continuation of a so-called God race, Tasada broke out completely. !

"No! The strength of the, the Protoss has its own mission, and the Protoss is by no means a puppet of the Mission God."

"Yes, you are still the eldest sons of the gods, but this **** wants you to get rid of the control from Sarnagar from beginning to end! In ancient times, you have used your own power to drive away the so-called gods Now, after you have experienced the splendor of the empire, you can still do it. Tasada, my former comrade-in-arms, may the ancient souls still protect you in the universe. Next, I will continue to fight these zergs. Are you willing to fight with me?"

The arrogant star spirits and humans are all because they saw humans slaughtering Zergs?

In this case, show mercy to humans, and even fight against Zerg with humans?

Do not make jokes! This kind of thing only happened in the script, only in the circulating rumors.

Protoss' general method is to burn glass in high-altitude orbits, and will never participate in the following battles!

Because the Protoss knew that it would be tangled when it participated.

If it hadn't been for Mark to burst out a strong psionic signal, and it was still a psionic signal almost indistinguishable from the Protoss, there would not be a rescue ship!

The Star Shuttle joined the battlefield and began to sweep the ground these zergs, which had almost no air defense capabilities.

It was too late for the Zerg to call other air units to come.

All the firepower of the Star Shuttle has now reached its maximum, the interceptor has been prepared, and the main gun has been charged, and it can carry out precise sweeping attacks against an army of Zergs at any time.

It's the kind of attack that disappears when you scan the other side.

Star Shuttle: Yes, yes! I'll touch it! I'll touch it!

The Zerg was also brainless and didn't realize the power of Star Shuttle at all.

It's just like the previous fight against humans. First, a large number of Explosive Mosquitoes were dispatched to consume the opponent's ammunition and energy as much as possible through the Explosive Mosquitoes, and then the Guardian Devourers were sent to completely wipe out these warships.

A large number of reconnaissance planes flew out from the belly of the aircraft carrier, and then formed a horizontal formation!

In the face of absolute strength, all enemies are nothing more than native chickens.

Within a few breaths, the explosive mosquito that could numb the scalp of a human defender completely collapsed in front of the Protoss attack.

This is a huge gap in technology, which can not be easily compensated by quantity!

"My friend! Is your country's evacuation finished now?" Tassada asked Mark about his situation before the final attack.

According to reason, Tasada can start the purification operation directly, but because of the appearance of Mark, all this has been changed.

"Most of them have been evacuated, you can start. We have taken everyone away as much as possible, and we have nothing to do with the rest."

Mark was riding on his own transport plane, looking at the area covered by zerg worms and said.

After receiving the news, Tassada ordered the fleet to immediately launch a purification attack.

This behavior called glass-burning by the players is actually not pretty. The high-altitude orbit looks like an aircraft carrier using the main gun to launch a beam of light. After the beam hits the ground, it turns into a red ring and then spreads around.

"It's over!" Mark said as he looked at the burning star of Antiga.


The final evacuation battle of the main star of Antiga ended with the joint efforts of humans and the Protoss.

The human resistance army recorded this battle, and at the same time gained a new understanding of the unknown race of Protoss.

Not all protoss are unreasonable, there are still some protoss that can communicate.

It's just that these guys are a bit old-fashioned and can only communicate through spirit.

A few days later.

Federal capital planet.


The biggest tragedy in human history is about to appear.

Even the incident that happened in Keha before was nothing compared to this incident.

You must know that this is the capital planet of the Federation, and there is still a big gap with the core planet such as Keha!

Mengsk made the final war mobilization in the command room!

"Our final attack on the Federation is imminent. However, before we attack Tarsonis, we must break through the strongest defense line of the Federation. This is our last problem. As long as we pass here, we will be far away from victory. Not far away!"

The eldest son of God who likes Marvel, please collect it: ( The literature of Marvel's eldest son has the fastest update speed.

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