After hearing this, Song An immediately asked,"Have you found out Sun Xiaoyin's current address?"

"I found out that he lives at No. 378, Shamao Hutong, Huaishui Road. Fang Yiren said

""Thanks, Lao Fang. I'll treat you to barbecue."

Song An hung up the phone happily, and asked the waiter to pack three servings of barbecue and send them to the technical department of Yanshan Branch.

Tian Rui was a little unhappy. She had saved dozens of yuan for her master with great difficulty, but after a phone call, a hundred yuan was gone. At

3 pm, Song An and Tian Rui came to Shamao Hutong.

There were a few old people eating melon seeds and chatting at the entrance of the alley. Tian Rui walked over and took out her police officer ID."Aunties, we are police officers from Yanshan Police Station. Can we ask you about Sun Dapeng's family?"

When the aunties heard that she was a police officer, the smiles on their faces froze, and they turned their heads away and refused to pay attention to her.


Tian Rui asked them several times, but was always turned away. No one responded to her.

"Teacher Song, the people in this area don't like the police. They ignored me when I asked them questions."

After being turned away, Tian Rui ran to Song An with a frustrated look on her face.

"You are too impatient. These people are Sun Dapeng's neighbors. They are seen every day. Who would be willing to betray their neighbors?"Song An said with a smile

"What should we do? We have to do something, we can't just sit there and wait."

Tian Rui took out her handkerchief and wanted to fan herself, but after thinking for a while, she fanned Song An first.

Song An looked into the alley and found that some show seemed to be rehearsing in front of him, and several old ladies were dancing the Yangko.

"Look at me!"

Song An took Tian Rui's handkerchief and ran directly to the Yangko team over there.

"Auntie, are you going to participate in any show?" Song An asked with a smile.

"Yes, young man, who are you?"The aunties said as they danced

"Oh, I’m Xiao Song from the community neighborhood committee. I can also dance the yangge. How about I join you?"

"All right, let's have a competition to see whether you are better or we old people are better!"

Song An liked hip-hop dancing before, and the system provided him with a nimble posture, which was perfect for dancing.

For more than an hour, Song An and a group of old ladies twisted happily to the tune of a cheerful two-person opera.

The handkerchief turned over and over in Song An's hand, fluttering around like a butterfly wearing flowers, very nimble.

Tian Rui was stunned. Is this still the detective she knew?

"Auntie, take a break and have a drink of water.

Tian Rui ran to the store, bought a few bottles of mineral water, and handed them to the dancing aunties.

The aunties from the art troupe stopped dancing, took the mineral water from Tian Rui, and smiled and praised Song An for dancing well.

""Girl, are you also from the neighborhood committee?" an old lady asked with a smile.

Tian Rui nodded quickly,"Yes, yes, I just graduated from university this year and was directly assigned to our neighborhood committee."

"Oh, what happened to our neighborhood committee this year? The men are handsome and the women are beautiful, just like actors.

Several aunts praised Song An and Tian Rui.

"Auntie, I want to ask you, Sun Dapeng lives in our alley, right? We want to apply for a special hardship subsidy for him."

Song An moved a stool to sit down, took out a notebook and asked.

Several aunties had just danced with Song An and had already developed feelings for him. Of course, they would not doubt his identity at this moment.

In addition, they were applying for a subsidy for Sun Dapeng, so they rushed to tell Song An and Tian Rui everything they knew.

"You don’t know, Dapeng is a child with a very hard life!"

"Yes, his mother despised the poor and loved the rich, and ran away with a man who drove a big truck! The woman his father later married was a piece of shit, she beat the child every day!"

"Who said it wasn't true? A child without a mother is like a weed. It's absolutely true! I was sending my grandson home from school one day and happened to pass by Dapeng's house. Guess what happened? That vicious woman grabbed the child's neck and pushed him directly into the bucket! If I hadn't stopped him in time, the child would have died!"


Several elderly people chatted from 4pm until the sun went down, and then left when it was time to cook.

"Teacher Song, Sun Dapeng's family situation is exactly the same as what you said. Speaking of which, he is also quite pitiful."Tian Rui said with emotion

"Pity is not an excuse for committing a crime! Behind every woman he killed stood two destroyed families! Sun Dapeng was bullied by his stepmother. He could choose to ask for help or to escape. In any case, he should not use the same cruel method to harm innocent people!"

Tian Rui nodded,"Teacher Song is right, raising the muzzle of the gun an inch is mercy. Since Sun Dapeng chose to kill, he does not deserve sympathy."

Song An smiled at Tian Rui,"Let's go, let's find a place to hide. It's time for us to give an explanation to those who died unjustly." At the same time, in a small store near the Xinghui Machinery Factory, Da Zeng and Jiang Han saw Ning Yong from the security department, secretly covering his stomach and sneaking out of the door.

Da Zeng and Jiang Han looked at each other, and the two of them followed quietly against the wall.

Ning Yong came and walked, looking around all the way, flashed at the end of Jiankang Road, and hid in a small alley.

"Have you got the stuff?"

A man in a cap appeared in the alley and said in a low voice

"Don't worry, the things will definitely be brought! Where's the money?"

The man in the peaked cap curled his lips and took out a paper bag from his shoulder bag.


It will be available at 12 noon tomorrow. Thank you brothers and sisters for your support. The following story will continue the previous style, telling the story of solving the case in a down-to-earth manner and talking about criminal investigation wholeheartedly. Insist on not wasting words on irrelevant details, and insist on creating a good and singable character.���

If you can afford it, please turn on the automatic subscription support to give the author more motivation and make the book go further. I bow to all my friends with all the detectives of the Sixth Serious Crime Squad. Finally

, I want to say to my readers who are still in middle school: Although there may be dark clouds in the sky occasionally, when darkness falls, there will always be brave people who will keep the danger behind them. You just need to be responsible for growing up happily.

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