"The case that Lao Guan handled? I didn't expect that with his ability to solve cases, he couldn't find the body."Song An was a little surprised.

"I have suspected some people, but there is no evidence. Captain Guan likes to seek truth from facts. He would rather give the suspect the benefit of the doubt for a case without evidence, and would never use any means to solve the case in order to increase the rate of solving the case."

After Ji Jie finished speaking, Song An nodded. This is the same personality as Guan Hongfeng that he knew.

""Okay, Ms. Gan, we have disturbed you for so long, we should leave now."

Ji Jie and Song An got up and left Gan Hong's bedroom. When they walked outside to Gan Hong's father's bedroom, Song An felt compassion for the old man as he looked at his desperate eyes.

When they reached the front door, Song An said to Gan Hong,"After the case is solved, I hope you can tell your father the truth in person. It should help him recover. In addition, his illness comes from within, so it's best to see a psychologist."

"Officer Song!"

Song An was about to leave when Gan Hong suddenly called him,"I have something that I didn't dare to tell you because it was too unbelievable."

Song An and Ji Jie looked at each other and looked at Gan Hong at the same time.

"It was around 1am this morning when I was on night duty in the main building. When I got to the third floor, I vaguely heard some noise coming from the warehouse. I asked several times but no one answered, so I walked over..........

I looked through the keyhole of the warehouse on the third floor and actually saw Ding Ding hanging from the beam! I was so scared that I threw away the flashlight and shouted Li Jun’s name. It was Li Jun who ran up to save me!"

Ji Jie looked at Gan Hong in disbelief,"You mean to say that at one o'clock in the morning, you had seen the deceased Ding Ding, and you also saw her hanged from the beam?"

"Yes, I was so scared at the time that I asked Li Jun to find the key to the warehouse. But after we went in, we found that there was nothing inside! No one was hanged at all! But, I clearly saw someone who looked exactly like Ding Ding hanging from the beam through the keyhole! But why was there nothing when I pushed the door open?"

Ji Jie was stunned by Gan Hong's question.

This case is getting more and more weird! Is it really a ghost killing people?

A few leaves fell from the bare tree trunks, swept into the sky by the autumn wind, and then fell from the sky.

The weather got colder.

An hour later, in the conference room of Yanshan Police Station

"Captain Guo, after Song An and I visited and investigated, we found that in 1991, a nurse named Dong Ping also died in the Red Maple Nursing Home."

After Ji Jie finished speaking, Guo Zijian nodded and said,"Yes, this case was handled by Captain Guan and I back then, but unfortunately, Dong Ping's body has not been found until now."

"I suggest that we investigate the Dong Ping case nine years ago and the Ding Ding case together. We suspect that Dong Ping and Ding Ding were probably killed by the same person, who is hiding inside the nursing home."

After Ji Jie finished speaking, Zhou Xun, the captain of the fifth team, objected.

"Captain Guo, we have investigated Ding Ding's boyfriend. He has bad behavior and has a history of robbery. According to Ding Ding's parents, just one week before the incident, Ding Ding's boyfriend borrowed 5,000 yuan from Ding Ding, but was beaten out by Ding Ding's parents. We think this is a common murder case."

"The nursing home has security guards on duty, and there are electric fences on the walls. We have also conducted investigations under the walls and found no traces of anyone climbing over the wall to enter the nursing home. How did Ding Ding's boyfriend get into the nursing home, kill someone and dump the body, and then mysteriously disappear?" Tai Wei asked in return


Zhou Xun was stumped by the question.

"Captain Guo, I suggest applying for an arrest warrant for Li Jun, the security chief of Hongfeng Nursing Home!"

Song An had just returned from the Municipal Archives Bureau and walked into the conference room with a stack of documents and handed them to Guo Zijian.

"Li Jun? What could be wrong with him?"

Zhou Xun and Tai Wei looked at Song An together.

"I checked the files. This Li Jun graduated from Beijing Normal University with a bachelor's degree in foreign trade. He has been working as an English lecturer in the Foreign Languages Department of Yan University since 1982. Originally, the school wanted to promote him to associate professor, but strangely, in 1992, Li Jun suddenly resigned and came to Hongfeng Nursing Home to become a security guard, and has been working there ever since."

After Song An introduced this situation, there was a burst of surprise in the office.

"How could there be such a weirdo in this world? He gave up his position as an associate professor at a university and went to guard the gate of a nursing home. This is like asking Guan Yu to beat Xing Daorong. It's a waste of talent!" Zhou Xun said.

Wang Guijin flicked the ash from his cigarette, looked at Guo Zijian, and said,"Li Jun is indeed a very suspicious person. Every time someone finds a problem on the third floor, he is always the first to show up! It was the same with Ding Ding that time, and it was also the same with Gan Hong this time! Moreover, judging from his mysterious resignation, even if Li Jun is not the murderer, he must be an important witness!"

"Okay! I will go to Director Gu to apply for an arrest warrant and detain Li Jun immediately!"

After the meeting was over, Song An went to the forensic department on the fourth floor. When he opened the glass door, forensic doctors Li Jinglan and Park Huizhen were dissecting the body together.

"Oh, Detective Song is here? What's going on? Did he find another mistake in our forensic department's work?"

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