"He Fang's brother He Dong?"

"Is there anything suspicious about him!?"

Liang Tian asked curiously while sending the bun to his mouth.

She saw the information of He Fang's brother in the file, because she didn't like it, she didn't inherit her parents' noodle shop, but let her sister and brother-in-law take over.

He was a shepherd by profession, built a breeding shed against the mountains in the town, and worked part-time as a butcher in the town's slaughterhouse.

Liang Tian remembered that on the day the children disappeared, He Dong saw the weather forecast and knew that there might be thunderstorms that day, so he did not herd the sheep, but fed the feed and went to work in the slaughterhouse.

Is there anything suspicious about this person?

"At first glance, it seems that there is no problem, but if you look closely, you can see that his testimony is actually very problematic."

"The weather forecast is also very likely an excuse."

Xu Luo shook his head, at first he didn't realize the problem, but after comparing the testimonies of all the people involved, he found the problem instead.


Liang Tian stopped eating, blinked his eyes suspiciously "917", and said: "It did rain at noon on the day of the crime, this is written in the case!" "

"And when I asked He Fang yesterday, I also mentioned this in her testimony!"

"There are a lot of people who can testify about this, and the weather forecast for that day is still available now, this can't be nonsense, right?"

Liang Tian clearly remembers that when he asked He Fang yesterday, the latter said that the reason why he called the Jingcha Office in the afternoon and lied that her children were missing was because he thought of the children playing on the reservoir and it was raining heavily in the sky.

Let's say whether this is a lie or not, but the rain will definitely not be fake, after all, human witnesses can be checked, and weather forecasts can be checked.

This shows that it did rain that day.

And goats eat grass with dew and rain and are easy to die, if He Dong knew the weather conditions of that day in advance, it would be reasonable not to let the goats he raised out.

Why should Xu Luo be suspicious?

"This is He Dong's cleverness!" Xu Luo sighed.

Then he bent down into the car window and took out the tablet, adjusted it to a page, handed it to Liang Tian, and said: "This is what I found yesterday night, the weather forecast for the day of the crime and the day before." "

This is a weather forecast.

"Weather forecast for Fucheng: It is expected to be cloudy from tonight to tomorrow, with local showers in the afternoon, south winds of 3 to 4, 25 to 37 degrees, and cloudy and sunny from night to tomorrow, with local showers in the afternoon."

"It is expected that our district will continue to maintain sunny and hot weather, and it is necessary to do a good job in preventing heatstroke and cooling down.

"In recent days, there have been many local showers or thundershowers in the afternoon and evening, and attention should be paid to preventing the adverse effects of strong convective weather such as thunder and lightning in the afternoon, local thunderstorms and strong winds."

"Notes: Rainfall probability: 30 percent!"

After reading this weather forecast, Liang Tian found that the questions in his heart were not only not answered, but became more ambiguous.

"Doesn't this weather forecast just show that He Dong's testimony is correct?"

Liang Tian scratched his head, feeling that his head was a little insufficient.

She really couldn't see anything wrong with it.

Isn't the evidence Xu Luo presented to prove that He Dong is telling the truth?

Hearing this, he shook his head and said, "It looks fine on the surface, but after careful analysis, the problem here is big!" "

"What the hell is the problem~"

"A matter of probability!"

"A matter of probability!?"

"Hmm!" Xu Luo nodded, "In the weather forecast, there is only a thirty percent chance of rainfall. "

"That is, thirty out of three percent of the thundershowers that day are likely to occur!"

"The weather forecast is also written, it is local rain!"

"In other words, not the entire rich city is likely to rain, and some places are still sunny!"

"I specially checked, Lingyuan Town, which is only one river away from the fishing township, did not rain that day, which was a common thing in the past!"

"There is even a difference between the head of the village and the end of the village."

"In other words, the probability of rainfall in the fishing towns on that day will be much lower than 30 percent!"

"In front of such a situation, He Dong's choice not to herd the sheep that day is obviously not in his own interests."

"As for why I say that, think about He Fang's choice."

Hearing this, Liang Tian and the three of them took advantage of the situation to think, and soon the three of them had their eyes lit up, and Liang Tian suddenly realized: "I understand, no wonder you say that He Dong's choice is suspicious!" "

In He Fang's testimony, she and many of her neighbors went out to farm that day, which refers to harvesting rice, and also trying to avoid rainy times when harvesting rice, so as to ensure the quality of rice to the greatest extent.

However, most of the people went out to farm that day, which shows that they do not take thunderstorms seriously.

And the matter of herding sheep also involves a day's feed.

If He Dong doesn't herd the sheep, then the more than 100 goats he breeds will need to be fed for a day, and the cost will not be less than 300 yuan.

These 300 yuan is also a lot of money for ordinary rural townspeople!

On that day, even the people who harvested the rice were willing to gamble on the weather to go to the fields to farm, how could He Dong choose to waste three hundred yuan because of the small chance of rainfall?

Not to mention, goats that grow up eating weeds in the mountains can sell for a good price!

After such an analysis, He Dong seemed to have made a very normal and wise decision that day, but in fact, he made a very stupid decision, especially in comparison with the decision made by He Fang and others, which was even more stupid.

As for He Dong being able to make money by working in the slaughterhouse, even if he earns for a day, it is far less than 300 yuan for feed.

And there is no conflict between herding sheep and going to the feed factory to work, he can go to the slaughterhouse to work after herding the sheep, and the goats will return to the sheep shed after they run to the mountains to eat, these are common sense...

"So it seems that He Dong was lying that day, in order to create an alibi?" Lin Qin reacted and said.

"It's also possible that he knew something in advance and deliberately didn't herd the sheep." Qin Zhi added a possibility.

Liang Tian scratched his head and wondered: "I didn't expect that there would be such a problem, didn't the state department that participated in solving the case find out at the beginning?" "

Liang Tian knew that she was definitely not a genius, and in many ways she was very different from a smart person like Xu Luo, but after Xu Luo pointed out the problem, she could also tell that this was simple and easy.

Sometimes it's not that you can't think about it, it's just that you don't think deeply enough, or you are blinded by superficial answers and don't think about it anymore!

Just like Xu Luo, he only thought of it after carefully looking at the investigation records.

"I don't think they didn't realize it, they just didn't think it through!"

Xu Luo held his chin and said: "I found that there was no weather forecast and He Dong's statement in the case file that year, which shows that no one really thought of this!" "

"But I also found that during the entire investigation, the mirror inspection caused one party to conduct more than four repeated investigations of He Dong's residence, the slaughterhouse where he worked, and the location of his sheep shed!"

"This shows that some people feel that He Dong has a problem, but they haven't thought it through!"

This is actually a very normal thing.

The weather forecast, if it wasn't for Xu Luo mentioning it, the three girls wouldn't have been aware of it at all, and they were smarter than ordinary people.

At that time, the people who handled the case would also subconsciously avoid the possibility of He Dong, after all, he was the uncle of one of the missing children, and there was no contradiction with several other children and the parents of the children, and there was no motive to kill or kidnap the ticket!

That is, now Xu Luo has found out the suspicion of He Yedong, He Xiaoming's father, and the suspicion of He Yan has also been found out 2.0, so it is not a big deal to conceive He Dong.

"And when are we leaving!?"

Liang Tian swallowed the bun in one bite and asked excitedly.

She wants to check that He Dong with Xu Luo, so that she can learn a lot!

Hmm~ She won't admit that she's here to be alone anyway!

That's right, that's it!

"It's now!"


At the same time, the other side.

Many residents surnamed He in Hejia Town spontaneously gathered and walked towards the fishing village mountain with hoes on their shoulders.

The fishing town is on an island, and due to its location in the south, the soil quality is special, and the air is humid, and after every rainstorm, many of the roads up the mountain may be covered by mud and rocks.

Some of the graves of bad luck can be washed down.

So the residents of the town have a Xi that after every rainstorm, they will go up the mountain together to take a look, check the road conditions, and the graves of their ancestors.

But this time, there is a "big gift" waiting for them!

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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