The long street was surrounded by crowds watching the excitement, pointing at Cao's mother and daughter surrounded by the Forbidden Army.

Su Ge, with two guards, was supporting Cao Jie's mother and daughter, and comforted them in a low voice.

The surrounding guards all looked at Su Lu, their faces full of hope.

The man had no parents, wives, and children. Thinking that he died in the battle, his wife and his wife and daughter might also be bullied in this way. All the guards turned their attention to Su Lu.

Master Hou would even take care of the dead robe, this living person, Master Hou shouldn't look at being bullied.

Su Ge suddenly got up, walked to the side of Su Lu, and said in a low voice: "Cao Jie's wife was still detained at Cao's house. Cao Changning in the second room of the Cao's house fell in love with Cao Jie's wife."

Su Lu waved his hand, "Go in and rescue Paoze's wife."

As he said, Su Lu turned and looked at Su Ge, "Take them in, recognize people, and have family property, and you have to take out a lot. Not to mention Beiyang, even in the capital, no one dares to swallow me. Soldier's silver."

Su Ge's cheeks were reddening, thinking of the situation where Lord Hou was angry, the capital was turned upside down, and most of the officials of the Ministry of War were sent directly to prison.

Su Ge helped up Cao Jie and Cao Hua, and Su Ge comforted him softly: "Don't worry, Master Hou is here, and the Cao family dare not bully you."

Mrs. Cao obviously didn't believe it: "Our Cao family is a big clan. In previous years, the emperor had always given plaques to him. Your Lord Hou... can you?"

Su Ge couldn't get angry from one place: "Why are you old lady doing this? Return your Cao family, your Cao family, you have all been kicked out, and even your daughter-in-law will not be able to keep it, and you will return it to your Cao family!"

The guard received Su Lu's order, and his morale was instantly high.

"Get in."

The leader of the mound roared, lifting the knife and stepped onto the steps of Cao's house first.


The guards roared together, and stepped neatly, with swords and guns lined up, pointing at the door of Cao's house.

The servants of the Cao family were stunned in an instant. They used to be domineering and have never seen such an iron-blooded scene. Their soaring killing intent made their legs weak. A few timid ones have fallen to the ground softly and moved all the time. Unable to move, he watched as the guards stepped neatly into the gate.

Cao Hua suddenly pounced on a handyman who was soft on the ground: "Let you beat me, let you beat my grandma, I will beat you to death, badass."

Su Ge stopped Cao Hua and said, "Let's go, kid, it's important to save your mother."

Su Lu came over with a knife, with a cold voice: "It is important to save people, but the grudges must be reported. Cao Hua, did his hand hit you?"

Cao Hua pointed to the servant's left leg: "He kicked me and my grandma."

"Well" Su Lu stabbed and cut a long blood hole in the servant's leg.


A scream that stretched out the voice sounded.

Su Lu patted his face: "Shut up."

The screams stopped abruptly, and the servant held his leg, gritted his teeth, and endured the pain.

Su Lu patted his face, "This time I will teach you a lesson, and I will also teach you the Cao family a lesson. When you bully people in the future, keep your eyes open and don't offend the guards or mine. "

"Report, Lord Hou, Cao Jie's wife Wen Ning has been rescued, and Cao Changning in the second room of the Cao family has also been caught."

The mound came to report, with a look of excitement on his face.

When Cao Changning arrived just now, Cao Changning was about to take action against Wen Ning. The guard who was rushed into the door came up and overturned him and saved Paoze's wife. The mound was so happy.

Well, it has nothing to do with Wenning being super beautiful, it just saved Paoze's wife.

Mounder looked at Su Lu respectfully, wondering how the Lord Hou would settle Cao Jie's family.

Su Lu stood up and looked at the deep and secluded Cao's compound. The square with the entire gate was extended in all directions, and there were courtyards everywhere.

"It's a big yard and a family with a lot of background. Bring it here and give him time to talk to the Cao family. If it doesn't, then cut down Cao Changning."

The mound's face was full of excitement: "Yes."

Mud pulled a chair from the porter and placed it behind Su Lu.

As soon as Su Lu sat down, Cao Dechao, the person responsible for the Cao family, was pulled out by Zhang Lu and several guards.

"Old Cao, this is Beiyang Hou, the official Beiyang Hou Lord.

Come to send Cao Jie’s money for the caregiver, how did your **** discipline your servants? You didn’t say anything when you collided with Master Hou, and you swept Cao Jie’s family members out. This is what your Cao family did. "

Cao Dechao's expression changed. He knew Su Lu and knew more clearly what it meant to seal Beiyanghou. It could be said that the entire Beiyang was his fief.

This Beiyang, originally the princess's fief, was suddenly renamed Beiyanghou. News came from the family that the princess suddenly began to supervise the country. Su Lu, the princess who stood up with military service, was sealed again. Cao Dechao couldn't imagine the doorway inside.

"I have seen Lord Hou, the servants are ignorant, and smashed into Lord Hou, and Dechao kowtows to Lord Hou."

Cao Dechao knelt on the ground and knocked Su Lu three heads, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Master Hou, I really don't know what happened to Cao Jie. It's Cao Changning from the second room. Don't worry, Master Hou, I will give you an explanation."

Su Lu suddenly felt like he had nowhere to use his strength. Although the Cao family was not a distinguished family like the fourth generation and the three males, there were also people in the three provinces and six departments. How could Cao Dechao be so soft about this? To the place.

Cao Dechao turned to Mrs. Cao: "Old sister, the people in the second room have wicked you. I will open an ancestral hall when I go back and deal with it according to the family rules. If Cao Changning has violated your daughter-in-law, we will deal with it as you say."

Old lady Cao cried on the ground, "De Chao, if you used to talk so well, that would be great, my poor boy, you died on the battlefield."

Cao Dechao made a big red face, but in front of Su Lu, he didn't dare to make a fake, and pleaded again and again:

"Old sister, thousands of mistakes are my fault, but these are the internal affair of our Cao family. It provokes Master Hou to let outsiders watch jokes. Master Hou is angry, and our Cao family can't keep it. ."

"The yard is well allocated to you, you live well, I promise, he will not dare to fart."

Old Cao straightened his waist. At this time, he had a faint look like a family boss.

Old lady Cao was a little moved when she heard that, it would be great to be able to live on.

Cao Hua suddenly snatched it out: "Master Hou, I don't want to live at Cao's house. I want to fight with you, learn martial arts, be a powerful general, avenge my dad and dad, so that my mother and grandma will not be bullied."

Su Lu looked at Cao Hua who was holding his robe, and was taken aback. This little girl was pretty good.

Sugla stayed with the little girl: "What nonsense, can we women do wars? Just be a girl and marry."

Cao Hua raised his head: "No, I want to be a general, take care of my mother and grandma, so that they will not be bullied by others, Lord Hou, I heard my father say that you are fighting very well, can I worship you as a teacher?"

On the side of the mound, the mud, Zhang Lu, the breathing of the guards were heavy.

Apprentice Su Lu, they had never dared to think about it before, but now they were first brought up by a little girl, and they all looked at Su Lu with hope.

If Master Hou accepts this little girl, he will accept disciples again.

Su Lu froze for a moment, accepting a disciple, still a female disciple.

Zhang Lu suddenly said: "Master Hou, there has never been a woman as a general. If you accept a disciple, you should consider a man. I have a..."

Su Lu waved his hand: "Cao Huawei has protected his relatives and wants to join the army. That's great. I appreciate it."

"But it is not so easy to become a general, not to mention becoming a female general, it is even more difficult."

Seeing Cao Hua's cheeks dimmed, Su Lu continued to say: "I will give you a chance to start as a small soldier. If you can work hard to accompany Captain Rong in the future, I will accept you as a team leader. only."

"I know a very powerful female general, Tianlan city guard Xie Wan, little girl, work hard, I am very optimistic about you, and will be as famous as General Xie in the future, General Cao Beiyang."

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