So I went to Douluo

Chapter 748 People with ulterior motives in Sin City

When they first met, at Zhong Liwu's request, she went to the last location where the spatial coordinates were transmitted to bring back the Holy Son of the Holy Spirit.

Then, in that place where the gods communicated, I suffered the biggest loss in my life.

At that time, the blond young man in front of him was only a boy of twelve or thirteen years old.

With such a low level of cultivation, both of her arms were abruptly broken, leaving her to run away in embarrassment and hide in the dark to recuperate for several years before she fully recovered from the injuries on both arms.

Now, the boy he once appeared in front of her again, even she couldn't see the depth.

The ultimate darkness, the ultimate evil. Five years ago, he was able to get himself no benefits, but what about now?

How far has he grown now?

Just like what the young man said himself.

It has become trickier.

Ye Xishui said with a stern face: "Boy, don't think that I really can't do anything to you. No matter how powerful your talent is, it's impossible to make up for the gap in cultivation between you and me."

Dai Yunze smiled incredulously, and then his expression suddenly turned cold.

"Then senior, you don't mind having a fight with me, right?"

The darkness became deeper and the temperature became bitingly cold.

Soul rings gradually rose up from the soles of his feet.

"It just so happens," Dai Yunze's eyes showed a bit of anger, "Let's settle the old and new accounts together."


The killing city is full of blood and cold murderous aura, and the air is filled with the breath of sin everywhere.

This made Tang Liu feel a little uncomfortable after staying in a nursery full of bluesilver grass for a long time.

After sealing the body and walking in the present world with the art of fugue, the feeling of discomfort and struggle that had always existed before, the pressure like walking on fragile egg shells, has disappeared.

At this moment, he could wander around this killing city leisurely, without having to worry about his body collapsing at any time, or worrying about the outside world.

The only thing you need to do is wait quietly.

Waiting for the third soul core to appear, waiting for the day of transcendence, waiting...

The Killing City is still the same as it was ten thousand years ago. The soul masters inside cannot use soul skills and can only release their martial souls in the simplest way.

It's just that under the management of Tang Chen and Bo Saixi, over the past ten thousand years, people living in the killing city have become more restrained than they were ten thousand years ago.

But it's just that the evil that is on the surface is deeply hidden in the unknown side.

Walking on the empty street, the handsome blue-haired young man had already noticed countless eyes falling on him.

Those eyes that are silently observing, wary, fearful, and malicious.

It may exist in deep alleys, in the gaps of wooden doors, or in the secret corners of open curtains.

The eyes of people with evil intentions are hidden in any place you notice or don't notice.

With a spying gaze that you don't know what the malice is.

Staring at you like this.

But the blue-haired young man turned a blind eye.

Just keep moving forward and walk slowly away.

Until you pass a door.

The cracked door opened with a creak.

From the crack of the half-open door, a woman's head with disheveled hair poked out from the darkness in the room.

She wore heavy makeup, but the exquisite makeup could not hide the fatigue and haggardness on her face.

His eyes were even bloodshot, and he looked quite scary in the dim space behind the door.

She used the rather fragile-looking door to cover her body, as if she was afraid of something.

Then he whispered to the young man who was about to walk away on the street: "Young man, young man?"

After a pause in his progress, when the blue-haired young man turned around, the curve at the corner of his mouth had disappeared.

He looked at the woman in the door and replied, "Madam, are you calling me?"

The woman held the door frame and nodded.

Then he looked nervously, with a pair of bloodshot eyes looking around, as if he was on guard against monsters that might rush out from around him at any time: "Young man, it's too dangerous for you to wander around on the street alone. The people who live here are murderers who never blink an eye. The bad guys, be careful they find you!"

"Really?" the young man asked curiously, "Are those bad guys including you, madam?"

Something flashed in the woman's eyes. She sighed softly, and suddenly said as if she was very sad: "I know you also doubt me. After all, I am also a resident of this sinful city. But if you believe me... Come in and hide for a while, the house should be safer. A guy who enjoys killing has lived nearby these days. He likes to hunt people like you who wander alone outside."

The young man thought for a moment and said: "Thank you for your kindness, madam. But I think I still have some skills to deal with this. I still have some things to do, so I'd better come to your house as a guest next time."

After he finished speaking, he shrugged and turned to leave.

The woman's face suddenly showed a look of eagerness, and even looked a little ferocious because of the dark relationship: "Oh, you children, why are you disobedient? Oh!"

The door that was originally ajar was pushed open a little further by her at this moment, as if she would rush out from inside the next moment and forcefully pull people into the door.

The blue-haired young man also saw this, so he took advantage of the situation and said: "Well, since the lady invites you so kindly..."

He walked towards the door where the woman was.

The expression on the woman's face quickly returned to calmness, and she even smiled secretly.

"Okay, okay, come in quickly, it's dangerous outside, but safe inside. Okay, okay, just be obedient," she said.

The young man was about to walk up to the woman, almost within a reach of being pulled.

The look of joy on the woman's face became even stronger.

At this time, another "squeaking" sound came from the door.

The door across the street opened, and an old woman with a wrinkled face leaned out half of her body and said to the young man from afar: "Young man, don't go in, it's a dragon's den and a tiger's den. The murderer that woman talks about is actually a murderer." It was herself. I could see it clearly when I lived here. She had tricked countless people into walking in, but she never saw those people come out after that. Only the screams sounded in her house every night. .....Young man, listen to my mother-in-law’s advice and come to my house, she won’t harm you.”

As soon as the old woman finished speaking, another door was pushed open not far from the house where she was.

A strong man with a scarred face leaned against the door frame, saying coldly and sarcastically: "That woman is indeed a murderer, but why are you, an old woman, pretending to be here? You tricked her into the house and killed her with poison and skinned her. Are there many people with cramps? Hey, kid, you'd better not trust anyone here. Of course, if you really don't have the confidence to survive here, you can come and seek my asylum... After all, you It would be a pity if Zhang Lian died in the hands of others."

The woman's expression became ugly. She stretched out a hand to grab the young man and almost screamed: "Don't listen to them, they will hurt you!"

More and more people are leaning out of doors and windows, no longer hiding themselves.

It seemed that the young man's previous act of compromising with the woman had broken some taboo.

The villains no longer hide their malice, revealing their ferocious fangs from the blood.

Like an evil beast ready to eat.

As the young man looked at this chaotic and passionate scene, the corners of his lips finally couldn't stop rising.


"I will come to thank you one by one."

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