So I went to Douluo

Chapter 571 Pushing the coffin?

In the sea of ​​spirit, Dai Yunze's consciousness condensed and his face sank like water, sitting quietly above the sparkling sea.

Above the head, the golden sun completely transformed into the Eye of Destiny due to its awakening. Dai Yunze didn't know when he obtained the Eye of Destiny, but it must have been the time when he was chased by an evil soul master in the Star Dou Forest and was seriously injured.

Perhaps he didn't see any injuries on his body later because the three-eyed golden beast performed a destiny-guiding ritual for him.

But the Eye of Destiny he received seemed to be different, and he did not feel the power of destiny in it. When you sense it carefully, you can control the Eye of Destiny, and you can also use the Eye of Destiny to release spiritual eye soul skills with explosive increase in intensity, but you can't detect any power of "destiny". Instead, what seems to be occupying it is another mysterious power, but that power cannot currently overwhelm the Eye of Destiny, so the Eye of Destiny still looks rose gold in color.

However, these things are not Dai Yunze's primary concern. What he is more concerned about at this time is the contract concluded in his body. The power of the contract is still there, but the other end of the connection through the contract seems to have suddenly fallen into a dark unknown zone, cutting off all his perceptions.

This may be a major shortcoming of the equal contract. Any party that concludes the contract can cut off the other party's perception of itself at any time, making its status completely secret.

Just like now, Dai Yunze knows nothing about Qingya's situation and can only make deductions and guesses based on the last information transmitted before the contractual connection was severed.

In order to protect herself, Qingya endured a bloody death ray from the Death Tower.

Dai Yunze didn't know what it would feel like to be completely hit by the light of death, but the final message from the contract clearly told him that Qingya almost died under that blow.

The attack of the light of death is full of destruction and destructiveness, and is also mixed with the evil thoughts of killing thousands of wronged souls. Even though Qingya's body is the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, he was almost wiped out of his spiritual consciousness because of the resentment that directly hit the soul.

Qingya was brought back by Tang Liu and resurrected after reshaping his body. Theoretically speaking, Qingya actually died long ago. Even if he is resurrected, his spiritual consciousness has not been completed. But under Tang Liu's protection for so many years, he had not encountered any danger, so this potential danger was not revealed.

Now, if Dai Yunze resists the light of death, he will almost become an evil beast that has completely lost his mind and only knows killing and destruction, that is, the real dark evil evil tiger.

But even though her spiritual consciousness was unstable and there was a possibility of losing control at any time, Qingya still blocked the light of death for herself again. And it’s also the complete version of the White Death Light.

Qingya finally told him that he needed time to recover. Dai Yunze didn't know if what Qingya said was true, he just wanted to know if he could help Qingya, instead of like now, where he didn't even know Qingya's specific situation.

Every time he thought about this, Dai Yunze's mood became heavier and heavier, as if he was holding a breath in his chest, and a feeling of irritability and powerlessness invaded his whole body at the same time.

But in the end, this incident still made him deeply aware of one thing.

He cannot count on the conscience of the wicked.

No matter how tragic and involuntary the reasons why evil people choose to fall to evil are.

Just like when facing Ye Xishui, if he was not thinking about her relationship with Long Xiaoyao, if he was not thinking about the character Ye Xishui, who has a tragic setting in the original work, if he was not thinking about her relationship with Ye Xishui, compromise......

Then would Ye Xishui have no chance to attack him, and would Elder Qingya not be severely injured for protecting him?

When facing evil people, you should be more evil than them in order to survive.

Only in this way can the people around you not be infected by evil.

As cultivators, we should base our hearts on integrity. Although we do not take saving the world as our own responsibility, we cannot bear to be alone, so why not take the lead?

However, the road to salvation is difficult and dangerous, with many ups and downs, and evil spirits and people with evil intentions emerge in endlessly. In order to wish peace and tranquility to those whom we cherish, we should kill them with thunderous means!

But having a clear conscience is the next best thing.

The sea of ​​spirit kept surging with the changes in the master's state of mind, and the Eye of Destiny above seemed to have self-awareness, casting its gaze at Dai Yunze in the sea.

At the same time, Dai Yunze on the sea also raised his head and looked at the Eye of Destiny in the sky.

This time, he actually saw himself.

There are also several special lights of different colors wrapped around his body.

The most conspicuous transparent color is also the strangest, because "transparency" should not be detectable by the human eye.

Then there are gray, black, silver and purple to a lesser extent.

They should respectively represent the five talents he possesses: time, evil, darkness, space, and thunder and lightning.

The strangest time and evil in it seemed to be merging with him on some deeper level.

And when that fusion began, as the master of this spiritual sea, Dai Yunze suddenly noticed that a different kind of power had invaded.

The Eye of Destiny in the sky was the first to cast its gaze, allowing Dai Yunze to see clearly the power that broke into his spiritual sea.

It was a mysterious blue-black light, revealing a figure at the end of his spiritual sea.

It was Tang Liu.

The moment Tang Liu appeared, Dai Yunze seemed to vaguely see another ocean appearing behind him.

That is the real spiritual sea, stretching as far as the eye can see.

It is full of special colors of green, blood-red, and moon-white, but they are all headed by the mysterious blue-black, wandering orderly in the spiritual sea.

Although it was only fleeting, Dai Yunze still felt extremely majestic spiritual power, a level that he could not resist at all.

Perhaps the other party's mental power has already reached the realm of God King named in later generations.

One second, Tang Liu was still at the edge of Dai Yunze's spiritual sea, and the next moment, he was in front of him. Without saying any nonsense, he just asked: "Do you want to help Qingya?"

Dai Yunze was stunned for a moment, then nodded decisively: "What should I do?"

Tang Liu's words are concise and concise: "Go and push the coffin."

"Pushing the coffin?"


When Dai Yunze woke up from a coma, it was already a month later.

Whether it was the second awakening of the original martial soul or the extremely dark talent realm, the realm of soundlessness and silence, after using it in the current state, it caused a considerable burden on his mental strength and body.

It is not easy to defeat an Extreme Douluo. Not only was Qingya severely injured, but Dai Yunze himself also paid a corresponding price.

When confronting Ye Xishui in the realm of soundlessness and silence, the devouring power attached to the realm was one of the reasons why those bloody lights of death disappeared out of thin air. The huge power of the wronged souls was swallowed into his body. Dai Yunze actually suffered a similar situation to Qingya, but after all, he was extremely evil and could easily suppress the power of those wronged souls, and then slowly digest and absorb them. This is where he has an advantage over Qingya.

He only needed time to slowly get rid of the influence of the power of the wronged soul, but Qingya couldn't. Because the current Qingya is not complete, although Tang Liu took back most of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's energy core back then, he still sent a small part to another planet to fulfill the protagonist of that world.

Zhou Weiqing.

What Dai Yunze needs to do is to take back the missing part of Qingya when he has the opportunity in the future. In this way, even if he encounters an attack similar to the light of death that can affect spiritual consciousness again, Qingya will not suffer again.

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