So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1136 Confrontation

Shrek has eight school gates in total, and the East Gate is the main gate.

The teacher's dormitory where Xu Yue and her friends live is closest to the South Gate, and they are now walking slowly towards the South Gate.

It didn't take too long for them to see the shadow of Shrek's South Gate.

The program team's follow-up drone was still hovering around them conscientiously.

However, just as the two were talking happily, Gu Qingqiu suddenly pointed forward with a sharp eye and said, "Hey, Yueyue, look at that person, is he the one in the infirmary yesterday, Professor Long Yuyan?"

Xu Yue looked in the direction she pointed, and indeed saw a familiar figure.

However, there was not much surprise on her face, and she just replied normally: "Yes, it's Professor Long."

Gu Qingqiu felt that she had something to say, so he asked tentatively: "Should we go over and say hello?"

Xu Yue smiled at her: "Okay. But after all, we are not familiar with Professor Long, so don't get too close."

After that, she took the lead and walked quickly to the front, leaving Gu Qingqiu's pupils shaking.

No, the culprit of the Holy Spirit Church is really this Professor Long? !

Gu Qingqiu took a long breath, led the twins behind him, and whispered to them: "Stand behind your mother later."

Si Qiuxu and Si Qiuying were quite smart. They didn't say much at this time, but just nodded obediently and followed the arrangement.

However, the nervous and curious look on their faces still revealed their excitement.

After instructing the twins, Gu Qingqiu took them and followed slowly, not too far away from Xu Yue, nor too close.

In front, Xu Yue was less than ten meters away from Professor Long Yuyan who had just entered from the school gate.

But Professor Long Yuyan suddenly stopped at this moment, turned his head to the security room next to the school gate, with a smile on his face, as if he was talking to someone inside.

Xu Yue continued to move forward without any pause.

The face of Professor Long Yuyan in his sight was quickly enlarged.

Along with his moving lips, his voice was heard.

"Yes, I just came back from the hospital."

"Oh, you've worked so hard! Have you had lunch?"

"Haha, the hospital is so busy that I don't have time to have lunch. So I finally got some free time and hurried back. The food in our Shrek cafeteria is so delicious. I can't get used to the food in the hospital, hahaha."

"Of course, everything in Shrek is good! For someone like me who doesn't have much education, I usually just look after the gate of our school. I can eat three meals a day in the cafeteria for free. The food tastes as good as those in restaurants outside. We are getting a great deal."

Long Yu Yan laughed heartily and said, "No way. We have such a big school, but we still have to thank you for patrolling every day to ensure the safety of the students."

"Oh, don't flatter us. Which of our Shrek students is not stronger than us? They don't need our protection. Okay, I won't waste your time. Go quickly. The canteen will not be as well supplied as at mealtime. Haha."

"Okay, I'll go in then."

"Okay, okay, take care!"

Long Yuyan nodded to the security room, then turned around and was about to leave.

It was at this moment that Xu Yue came to him.

She smiled at Long Yuyan: "Hello, Professor Long, do you remember me? We just met in the infirmary yesterday."

Suddenly stopped, Long Yuyan stared at Xu Yue's face, looked at her for a while, and then said with a look of sudden realization: "Oh, you are the girl who sent Xue Min to the infirmary yesterday."

Xu Yue curved her lips: "Professor Long has a good memory!"

Long Yuyan couldn't help laughing and teased: "Little girl, what you said is so long now that the life expectancy of the imperial people is so long, I should not look so old that I have a bad memory, right? Besides, we just met yesterday."

Xu Yue: "Oh, you misunderstood. What I mean is, I didn't expect that you could remember Xue Min with so many students in Shrek."

Long Yuyan: "Well , I taught a class in their class. Xue Min is a very good child. Although she is usually not very good, her talent is no worse than her direct senior Jin Yan, and she is also diligent and studious. Such a good seedling, of course I can remember it. "

Xu Yue nodded, and didn't say much: "So that's the case."

Long Yuyan asked curiously at this time: "Little girl, I saw you sent Xue Min to the infirmary yesterday, you must be her good friend. What do you want to see me today? Is Xue Min sick again? "

Xu Yue smiled: "No, Xue Min just told us that you are a very good and good teacher. Now I meet you by chance, so I naturally have to come up and say hello.

"In addition, Xue Min is also very good. She suddenly had a stomachache yesterday, but she is fine today. According to her, she vomited once in the morning, and then she felt much better. She said it might be food poisoning. ”

Speaking of this, she said with a look of sudden realization: "Oh yes, Xue Min also told us that it seemed that more than one person had diarrhea this morning. The school found out about this and thought that there might be something wrong with the cafeteria, so they are checking it out. The shops in the cafeteria are temporarily closed. If you want to eat, you'd better go outside, otherwise it may be a wasted trip."

Long Yuyan frowned slightly, "Is that so?"

But then, he returned to his normal and kind expression. If Xu Yue hadn't had excellent eyesight, he wouldn't have noticed any change.

He smiled and said, "Thank you for reminding me. It seems I have to go home and cook a meal myself today."

Xu Yue also smiled and said, "It's definitely safer to cook by yourself. After all, no matter how clean the food looks, there's no guarantee that there are no parasites inside, right, Professor Long?"

After that, for a while, the two looked at each other, keeping a smile on their faces, and no one spoke again.

The atmosphere was quiet and a little solemn.

Gu Qingqiu behind him clenched his fists a little, and once again brought the twins slightly behind him, trying to look natural and look at Long Yuyan.

I don't know how long it took, even when Gu Qingqiu thought that the two were going to fight in the next second, someone finally spoke first to break the silence.

Long Yuyan smiled: "You are such an interesting girl. I wonder what your name is and which college are you from?"

Xu Yue also smiled: "My name is Xu Yue. But I'm sorry, Professor Long, my grades are not good and I'm not a student of Shrek."

"Xu Yue?" Long Yuyan raised her eyebrows and said with interest, "What a coincidence, I vaguely remember that we also have an honorary professor named "Xu Yue" in Shrek?"

Gu Qingqiu: "???"

Audience in the drone live broadcast room: [???]


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