Sniper Track

Chapter 253: The battle of fate, the dawn of reinforcements

The bursting golden bear waved a pair of bear paws the size of a grinding disc, revealing pointed claws, and roared like thunder.

On its side, a lion and a tiger followed.

The blue lion is the Canglan lion that controls the power of the wind element and the water element at the same time.

As for the explosion on the right side of the golden bear, there is a **** thunder tiger.

Countless thunders wrapped around its explosive body, especially the "king" seal on its forehead, which was actually a rare purple.

On the other side, there are also three beasts that are eyeing.

The one in the center was the Crazy Rock Ape who kept beating his chest with both fists.

This kind of ape does not look like a primate at all, its intelligence is extremely low, and it is ruthless in battle.

There was no hair growing on every inch of the skin on the whole body, instead, there were stone shells like mountains.

The rock becomes armor... This increases the ruthlessness of the Crazy Rock Ape even more, making it even more aggressive...

Eating, sleeping, fighting.

These three things are their lifelong goals.

When the two Crazy Rock Apes are too lazy to "go out", they will find an opponent who seems to be evenly matched within the group, and they will have a vigorous internal fight, "father is sullen".

Never give up until one is injured.

What's more, even between spouses, there will be a big fight. On a whim, they will kill one and let themselves return to single life...

By the way, relying on his own "hard work", he gave the newborn child a happy "single-parent family"...


On the left side of Crazy Rock Ape, is a crocodile-armored beast. Although it is called "crocodile", it is not a crocodile, but a reptile. It looks like a crocodile and an armadillo. It is very good at defense.

The black snake on the right is as thick as an adult's waist and abdomen, with a pair of wide wing-like scales spread out on both sides of its head.

Night King Snake!

The Night King Snake, which is obviously a nocturnal creature, but under Bai Jue's "hypnotic control", violated the natural and natural laws, walked out of the cave during the day, and followed Bai Jue everywhere.

How could his rifle have such a powerful "magic"?

Chen Xingxi captured the horn pendant hanging from the gun, and thought to himself, "Is this horn more terrifying than my card?"

His cards can't control so many monsters!

Above the six beasts, hovering a green kite...#...

It was the one that Bai Jue rode before!

Qingyuan, Bursting Golden Bear, Canglan Lion, Divine Thunder Tiger, Crazy Rock Ape, Crocodile Armored Beast, Night King Snake.

There are a total of seven fourth-level elite beasts, all under the control of Bai Jue!

Among the five, three were fourth-rank, while Lin Gechang and Shen Longxiao were only third-rank.

With such a lineup, how can they compete with seven fourth-level monsters?

Chen Xingxi's five people frowned, and their hearts were full of melancholy.

Seeing Chen Xingxi's sad face, Bai Jue felt a cat-and-mouse pleasure in his heart. He stepped back slightly, and said with a wicked smile:

"You five little babies, go to **** obediently!

But don't worry, everyone in this school, I have no intention of letting go...

At that time, thousands of people will accompany you, and you will not be alone on Huangquan Road. "

Chen Xingxi said in his heart:

"The space in the broadcast room is too small. We must find a way to move the battlefield to the outside, the farther away from the building, the better, so that I can truly unleash the power of the Owl Fang.


Wouldn't it be more dangerous to go outside?

The space is wide open, and it is much more convenient for the beasts to launch an offensive. At that time, if the seven elite beasts attack one person instantly under the control of Bai Jue, will they still have their lives...? "

Therefore, we must pull the battlefield between each other and prevent them from having the opportunity to unite!

Chen Xingxi shouted, "Long Xiao, hold back the crocodile beast!"

"⊙_⊙ ah??!!" Shen Longxiao was startled, and then muttered: "Do you really want to fight? We only have five people, but we have to face seven elite beasts...

Besides, I'm only a rank 3 monster. You just arranged a rank 4 beast for me because you were afraid that my death wasn't tragic enough...? "

"..." Chen Xingxi's face was full of black lines, and he said with a slight anger: "The crocodile beast is very slow and its attack power is almost zero. You only need to hold it temporarily, and leave the rest to us!"

Shen Longxiao: "This..."

After knowing that he was probably a little safer, Shen Xiaopang still had some concerns...

Chen Xingxi hit the railway while it was still hot: "Cough, keep your voice down, the radio is still on at the back.

Your cowardice will be heard by the whole school..."

Shen Longxiao: "!!!"

What? !

Will it be "live broadcast" out?


Why didn't you tell me sooner!

Mom! I was just cowardly... ah, no!

What I said just now when I "strategically declined" has already been broadcast?


This also makes me how to please girls and how to get off the list? !


I can't give up the right to choose a spouse and "mating rights" for four years in college!

Thinking of this, Shen Longxiao became wicked, and "inadvertently" shouted loudly at the broadcast:

"Okay Xingxi, I will never betray your trust in me!

Although this crocodile armored beast is the strongest among the seven beasts, I, Shen Longxiao, didn't knead the dough with my head!

?_?? Ok……?

cough cough...

Let's see if I chop this crocodile into pieces within three or five rounds, I'll go to support you immediately!

Even if it is a lord and a general, I, Shen Longxiao, regard it like a turkey, a mere fourth-level, what a shame!


Don't be a monster, sign up for a name, and shoot a nameless beast under a certain gun! "

Chen Xingxi: ||?_?

The other three looked at Chen Xingxi and just wanted to say something...

Your special mother is really a genius!

In just a few words, Shen Longxiao was fooled into a "pirate ship"?


After Shen Longxiao and the crocodile beast "successfully paired", Chen Xingxi continued the division of labor.

"Chengxiang, is it difficult for you to fight the Crazy Rock Ape?"

Ai Chengxiang nodded in agreement.

With his strength, even if he can't suppress the fourth-level elite Crazy Rock Ape, he will never be defeated soon.

Crazy Rock Ape is crazy, Ai Chengxiang may be more "crazy" than it to some extent!

The Emperor Dragon Gun, who is very good at close combat, is not afraid of the belligerent Crazy Rock Ape!

When the two meet, I don't know what kind of sparks will burst out...

"Xiao Ye, Qingyuan will give it to you."

"Brother, it's fine."

In the end, Chen Xingxi turned to Lin Gechang and said, "Chang'er, God Thunder Tiger, can you hold it back...?"

Both Canglan Lion and Divine Thunder Tiger are good at using elemental power to fight.


In comparison, the wind and water controlled by the Canglan lion can just restrain the forest pigeon...

A smooth fire elemental stone.

And between Shenleihu and Lin Gechang, the attributes are one thunder and one fire, and there is no mutual check and balance relationship. This way, it can be ensured that Lin Gechang will not fall into passive due to attribute restraint in battle.

Lin Gechang asked in a low voice, "What about you... there are still three monsters left..."

Chen Xingxi clenched his rifle tightly and said slowly, "Leave the remaining three to me!"

"No...!" Lin Gechang shook his head: "It's too dangerous..."

How can a fourth-rank fittest fight against three fourth-rank elite beasts with one person?


It's simply a fantasy!

Chen Xingxi reluctantly said: "This is also something that can't be helped. I will try my best to hold it back. When the time comes, I will find an opportunity to work together to kill one, break the balance, and then slowly figure it out..."

This is Chen Xingxi's strategy, and it should also be Bai Jue's strategy.

Bai Jue is like a cat playing with mice. He feels that he has a good idea of ​​what to do, and he has the chance to win...

If you want to turn a disadvantage into an advantage and turn a defeat into a victory, you must grasp his psychology and seize a fleeting opportunity on the field.

Bai Jue stood far away, like a bystander who had nothing to do with anything, folded his arms and watched everything coldly.

The corner of his mouth was a sly smile that was the same as that of a clown.

Seizing the opportunity, Chen Xingxi raised the muzzle of his rifle and fired three shots in a row, igniting bright red flames.

Inside the door, outside the door...

Just separated by a wall, it seems to be divided into two different worlds.

In the house, it seems to be the last "pure land" in the school, and it is also connected to the broadcast representing the "hope" of the students.

Outside the house, there is hell, the truth, the "night" that can't wait for the dawn...

The Bursting Golden Bear, Canglan Lion, and Night King Snake who were shot by Chen Xingxi looked in the direction of the bullet, and their scarlet beast pupils cast hostility towards Chen Xingxi.

The shadow armor was instilled with more power and reinforced again, and the halberd of Xiaoya also appeared in Chen Xingxi's hands, which was full of deterrence.

In the next second, the Heavenly Gang and Earthshaking Technique began to operate.

The shadow of the Tiangang Black Dragon stayed beside Chen Xingxi, floating and dancing.

The incomplete map of Earth Demons condensed into a small black impermanence, which could not play any more role. It had to be attached to the blade of the halberd along with the power of the shadow tool spirit, making it even sharper.


Owl Fang's Halberd, fierce...

The three monsters faced the ground.

Bear, lion, snake...

The screams of the three demon beasts were more terrifying than each other.

This is not an ordinary battle, but a battle of "life betting" with disparities in strength!

Live, or die here...

Apart from these two paths, Chen Xingxi had no choice.

Even Chen Xingxi couldn't guarantee his "end"...

This is a gamble, a gamble between him and Bai Jue.

If he loses, the sacrifice may be his life...

The Bursting Golden Bear is as good at close combat as the Crazy Rock Ape. Its rough-skinned body is very strong in defense, which makes Chen Xingxi miserable. Sometimes, it is simply incompetent, and the only way to avoid its "edge"...

Probably after a few hands with the Bursting Golden Bear, Chen Xingxi knew how difficult it was, and silently gave up the idea of ​​confronting it head-on, and turned to face Canglan Lion.

Canglan Lion's attacks are quite satisfactory, mostly based on skills such as wind blade and water polo. As long as you predict in advance and dodge carefully, you can dodge most of the attacks...

Moreover, compared to the Exploding Golden Bear, the defense of the Canglan Lion was not so terrifying, and Chen Xingxi could still injure him with a single slash.

After a battle, the two sides went back and forth, and they were evenly matched.

If it is a 1v1 duel, Chen Xingxi still has some confidence, but unfortunately, now he needs to face three monsters at the same time...

Can only be outwitted, not reckless!

If he is eager for quick success and wants to abolish an elite beast in one go, he will definitely be noticed by Bai Jue, and he will dig a trap for himself.

For today's plan, we must first deceive Bai Jue.

Let him "inflate", make him feel that things are "forged", and there is no possibility of a comeback...!

Only in this way can he be caught off guard and be caught off guard.


The Canglan Lion was slashed twice by Chen Xingxi, blood was dripping from his body, and his combat power was greatly reduced.

Before Chen Xingxi could take advantage of the victory to pursue and continue to expand his advantage, the Night King Snake killed him and covered Canglan Lion.

The Night King Snake that walks at night is an out-and-out dark-attribute magical beast, and its black body is full of dark aura.

At this moment, under the sunlight, the "black gas" in the king snake has evaporated a lot, making a "Zizi" sound...


From this, it can be seen that although the Night King Snake is controlled by Bai Jue and can act during the day, it will also be weakened to a certain extent, and half of its abilities will be abolished, making it difficult to exert itself.

Not to mention other things, its dark attribute skills alone will not be 100% effective during the day.

With one enemy and three, Chen Xingxi barely maintained the "draw" situation, holding on to the three monsters, creating an environment for his teammates to fight one-on-one.

Flying monsters are the most difficult, especially if you don't have the ability to fly, no one wants to face a powerful bird.

Previously, Xiao Ye's "Silver Eagle" had just been detonated once, and it could not be used again in a short period of time.

So Chen Xingye was using rifle bullets and Hawkeye to deal with it. He only needed to delay for a while before he could summon a new "Silver Eagle", and control it to have an "air contest" with Qingyuan.

Other parties have also fallen into a "stalemate"...

With a single shot of Dilong's gun, the rock on the surface of the Crazy Rock Ape can be blown up, causing it to be injured.

Similarly, if Crazy Rock Ape's punch hits, Ai Chengxiang will also suffer a lot of injuries...

For a while, the two had an intractable fight, and neither could do anything about the other.


In the battle between Lin Gechang and Shenleihu, machine guns were used first, and then hand cannons were used.

As an auxiliary gun, Lin Gechang is not proficient in the use of machine guns. Whether it is the grasp of the battle situation or the use of system skills, he is still a bit jerky.

In addition, the machine gun has just awakened, and it is only a black iron mark. How can its combat effectiveness be comparable to that of a hand cannon with a golden mark?

Lin Gechang probably fired a few rounds of bullets, and after using up more than half of the machine gun's capacity, he switched back to the hand with the fire of the red lotus, to take on the white tiger Xuanlei.

Fire and thunder do not produce each other, nor do they have a relationship with each other.

Therefore, the battle between Lin Gechang and Shenleihu is only based on energy intensity.

The strength of the fourth-level elite beast is slightly stronger than that of the third-rank Lin Gechang. For a time, Lin Gechang fell into a weak passive...

Chen Xingxi noticed the situation on Chang'er's side and asked Kaisha to "help".

After receiving the "erosion" of shadow energy, the purity of Shenleihu's divine thunder was greatly reduced, and its power also decreased.

In the last battlefield, Shen Longxiao seemed to be very serious about "swinging water".

Or in other words, he gets along very happily with the Crocodile...

Neither of the two can hurt the other, and the attacks on each other are painless, just like children playing at home...

Like home, the "turn-based game" is turned on.

You hit me, I hit you...

cycle back and forth.

Five people fought against seven elite beasts, and with the help of Kaisha's "violation", the battle situation was maintained in a balanced state.

Although Chen Xingxi had the upper hand slightly, he had no chance to attack...

At this moment, this "Battle of Life Gamble" is not so thrilling. If there is no accident, there will be no danger to life... However, if you want to break this balance, you must have the emergence of "third-party forces"... …

Destroy Bai Jue's layout with lightning speed!

Will there be reinforcements...?

Chen Xingxi: "..."

I, seem to have heard...

The sound of footsteps...

And more than one!

Is it reinforcements? !

Chen Xingxi seemed to see the dawn of victory.

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